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. tary school and the competitive Brooklyn Techni-For me, researching the Manson group cal High School, from which he matriculated towas my  Saturation Job. Cornell on a scholarship as an engineering majorin 1955.He left Cornell in 1959 without receiv-Sanders credits detectives Charles Guenther and ing his degree, having established a strong friend-Paul Whiteley, who were investigating the Hinman ship with fellow undergraduate Thomas Pynchon,murder for eventually breaking the Tate LaBianca who would dedicate Gravity s Rainbow to Fariña.case.In 1960 Fariña married popular folksinger CarolynUltimately, Sanders s book exposes more ques- Hester, and through engagement in Hester s career,tions than it answers.The author continues to Fariña took up the dulcimer and began to writework and think about The Family, and it is quite songs.His poetry meanwhile reached a nationalpossible that he will have more to say about them audience in 1961 with publications in the Atlanticin the future.Monthly and the Transatlantic Review.A story,  TheVision of Brother Francis, would be published inBibliography 1962 in Prairie Schooner.Fariña spent much of 1962Myers, Thomas. Rerunning the Creepy-Crawl: Ed on the road in Europe with and without Hester.Sanders and Charles Manson. The Review of Con- According to Hester, he began seriously to drafttemporary Fiction 19, no.1 (Spring 1999): 81 90.Been Down So Long So Long It Looks Like Up to Mein London that year.Fariña separated from Hes-Kurt Hemmer ter in 1962 and married Mimi Baez, whom he hadmet in Paris, the following year.Fariña recorded an album of traditional folkFariña, Richard (1937 1966) songs with Eric von Schmidt and BOB DYLAN inRichard Fariña s death at the age of 29, two days London in January 1963.On the basis of a demoafter the publication of his novel BEEN DOWN SO recorded by sister-in-law Joan Baez in NovemberLONG IT LOOKS LIKE UP TO ME (1966), curtailed 1963, Fariña was signed to a publishing contractan ambitious and eclectic body of journalism, with Vanguard Records.Richard and Mimi Fariñashort fiction, poetry, and song.David Hadju s Posi- debuted as a duo at the Big Sur Folk Festival intively Fourth Street (2001) argues the significance June 1964, mixing guitar and dulcimer instru-of Fariña s role in the urban folk music revival mentals with allegorical ballads ( The Falcon )of the early to mid-1960s.Less clearly defined and topical songs of social protest ( Birmingham Fast Speaking Woman 95Hajdu, David.Positively 4th Street: The Lives and Times ofSunday ).Their first album Celebrations for a GreyJoan Baez, Bob Dylan, Mimi Baez Fariña, and RichardDay was recorded in Manhattan in autumn 1964Fariña.New York: North Point, 2001.and would be followed with the late 1965 releasePynchon, Thomas.Introduction.Been Down So Long Itof a second LP, Reflections in a Crystal Wind, whichLooks Like Up to Me, by Richard Fariña.New York:would be noted by the New York Times as one of 10Penguin, 1996, v xiv.best folk albums of the year.In between recordings and performancesTracy Santawith Mimi, Fariña had by early 1965 finished BeenDown So Long It Looks Like Up to Me in the cabinthe couple shared in Carmel, California.Fariña sbildungsroman featured his alter ego, Gnossos Pap- Fast Speaking Woman Anne Waldman (1975)Fast Speaking Woman is not ANNE WALDMAN s firstpadopoulis, and was set in a college town very likepoetry book, but it brought her to the wider noticeCornell s Ithaca, New York, in the late 1950s.Hisof readers especially connected to Beat movementfrank treatment of sexual episodes in the novelwriting.It was published by LAWRENCE FERLING-caused some concern, and according to Hadju,HETTI s City Lights Books in 1975 as Number 33 insome of the more ribald episodes were struck fromthe prestigious Pocket Poets Series after Ferlinghettithe narrative.On April 30, 1966, Fariña attended a book- heard Waldman read the title poem in San Fran-cisco at a Buddhist benefit with ALLEN GINSBERG.signing party in Carmel Valley for his novel, whichPoem and performance were so evocative that Fer-had been released that week.Later that evening,linghetti wanted a photograph of Waldman for thein the midst of a surprise 21st birthday party thatcover of the book to display her as  the manifesta-he had arranged for Mimi, he departed on the backtion of woman, as she put it.Even by then, Wald-of an acquaintance s motorcycle for a brief ride.man preferred the title poem in performance overReturning to the party shortly thereafter, driverits life on the page.When she was backstage duringWillie Hinds failed to negotiate a turn, and he andBOB DYLAN s legendary Rolling Thunder ReviewFariña were thrown from the bike.Hinds escapedtour of 1975 76 and was challenged by Mohammedwith minor scrapes.Fariña died instantly of a blowAli to demonstrate her bona fides as a woman poet,to the head.Mimi Fariña was to release an LP of prior re- Waldman offered that poem, spontaneously de-claiming,  I m the woman walking down the back-corded songs (Memories), which included Fariña sstage with Ali. A list chant poem,  Fast Speakingsend up of Dylan,  Morgan the Pirate [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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