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.The army makes valiant attempts to defend the coun- potential consequences of Andromeda; director Salomontry but remains powerless to resist the virus s malignant cuts to a shot of his advisers, led by Charles  Chuck Beetereffect.Early on in the film a team sent to investigate a fallen (Barry Flatman), who are desperately embarking on a cam-satellite in the town of Piedmont, Utah, arrives to find every- paign of damage limitation, designed to save the govern-one dead, save for one man Kyle Tobler (Tom McBeath) ment s face while keeping as much of the truth about thefrantically yelling at them.They have no time to respond, virus from the public as possible.The sequence recalls polit-because in seconds they are too are dead, the victims of the ical dramas such as THE LAST DEBATE, where image takesdeadly virus.Salomon s film incorporates distinct visual precedence over an ability to govern.The president s basicechoes of BLACK HAWK DOWN, with soldiers climbing lack of knowledge is summed up in one exchange where he 20 THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN (2008) %advises Beeter to pray to God in an attempt to restrain the ious people and marvelous machines, but in the process hasapparently inexorable spread of the Andromeda Strain.generated side effects beyond the capabilities of those peo-William Paul s comment referring to Alien could equally ple and that machinery to control. Michael Crichton s 1999well apply to Salomon s Andromeda Strain:  [It] is based on article  Ritual Abuse, Hot Air, and Missed Opportunitiessomething corrupt because corruption actually exists at the looks at how scientists are often adversely portrayed in films.top.[as a result of a] greatly weakened presidency.[the Salomon s film tries to rectify such stereotypes.M.Z.Rib-film] provoked an anxiety about leadership that permeated alow s response asserts that Wise s Andromeda Strain  makesthe culture.American society had become a social body thrilling a scientific search that lasts the length of the film.without a head. The same could also be said of Salomon s version.In this anarchic world, SMALL TOWNS like Piedmont,ReferencesUtah (which embody certain virtues of American societyChristopher Armstead,  The Andromeda Strain, Film Criticssuch as family, community, and friendliness), have beenUnited (May 2008): http://filmcriticsunited.com/andromedadestroyed.Our only salvation, Salomon suggests, is to rely onstrain.html (accessed 13 February 2009); Gina Bellafante,  Earth sscientists such as Stone, Chou, and Keane.The film incorpo-End Is Near Again: Crichton s Brain Squad Is Back, New Yorkrates long sequences where the team discovers ways in whichTimes, 26 May 2008, www.nytimes.com/2008/05/26/arts/television/the Andromeda Strain can be counteracted.Many of their26andro.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=andromeda%20strain&st=csehypotheses prove wrong; and it seems that their task is futile(accessed 13 February 2009); Michael Crichton,  Ritual Abuse, Hotin view of the fact that the samples of Andromeda in the lab-Air and Missed Opportunities, Science n.s.283, no.5407 (5 Marchoratory seem to be communicating with one another to fight1999): 1461 63; Dan Donlan,  Experiencing The Andromedaback against attempts to kill them.Eventually Chou comesStrain, The English Journal 73, no.6 (1974): 72 73; Scott East-up with the solution as he decodes a secret message encodedman,  Interview: The Great Ridley Scott Speaks with Eclipsein the actual molecules of the substance.He finds out thatby Scott Eastman, Eclipse Magazine, 3 June 2008, http://eclipseAndromeda was sent through the wormhole in the universemagazine.com/hollywood-insider/interview-the-great-ridley-scott-from our own future, in an attempt either to wipe out allspeaks-with-eclipse-by-scott-essman/5812/ (accessed 12 Augusthuman beings or (in the best scenario) to warn everyone2008); Arthur B.Evans and R.D.Mullen,  North American Collegeabout what will happen unless greater care is taken to pre-Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy, Sci-serve the environment.The message also provides the scien-ence Fiction Studies 23, no.3 (November 1996): 437 528; Timtists with the necessary clues to help them find the bacteriumGoodman,  TV Review: Andromeda Strains Its Credibility, Santo neutralize the invading virus [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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