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.So a little beforethe bountiful.But who shall save Melcarth? For Melcarth goeth noon they reached the house appointed.The street was alreadydown into the grave! With that he cast his staff upon the lined with guards for the ceremony, but Dodeh giving a sign toground; he tore his blue robes from his shoulders; he unbuck- the officer, she was allowed to enter with Cleon.Here sheled his golden armor, and let it clang upon the marble.Ap- removed his slave s dress, which she had made him wear topearing only in a loose robe of black without any ornament, he explain his presence with her, and proceeded to adorn him forcast dust upon his head from a box presented by the priest the ceremony.She produced a jar of some sticky substancewho acted as master of the ceremonies, and uttered a long like resin, stained purple with the famous dye, and coveredlament, full of terrible predictions as to what would happen to him from head to foot with it.Over this she threw a lion sthe city when Melcarth was dead, ending every phrase with skin, and in his hand she put a club. We must wait till thethe woeful question  Who shall save Melcarth? Who shall save procession comes, she said,  then you can glide out of thethe city of Tyre? house and mingle with it; no one will notice you.Walk up toPresently all present began to join in this refrain; it spread the great square with them, but do not speak to any one.Yourwithout the temple, all down the city streets through the ranks accent  though it s delightful, heart of my heart!  wouldof the assembled people.All tore their robes, all threw dust give you away at once, and it would be terribly dangerous forupon their heads, all beat their foreheads.But now the young- you to be recognized as a stranger.We don t like our myster-est of all the priests came forward.He alone had not joined in ies spied on; only, I love you!the lamentations; he had stood silent before the fire of the Minutes passed by; Cleon began to find this costume ex-altar as if lost in meditation, from time to time reaching his tremely hot and the sacred paint peculiarly irritating; but ithand out over the fire, or leaning his head towards it.He was was worth it.Presently a noise of chanting down the streetdressed, differently to the other priests, in a short tunic of told them that the procession was near; Cleon, trying hard notpurple with a skirt to the knee, and a golden cord bound seven to scratch, slipped out of the door.The street was now full oftimes about his waist.On his head he wore a conical cap of people, many of them in fantastic attire.The sun blazed downcarved ivory, ornamented with horns like a bull s.He bore a upon the scene, and Cleon felt hotter and more uncomfortablebow and seven small blunt arrows.Standing before the king than ever.But he was full of strange excitement; the fiercehe shot the arrows one by one into the air, while all stood atmosphere of the festival seemed to have communicated it-silent.Then he spoke.self to him. An oracle of the god, O King! In a few moments the head of the procession appeared.It The word of Melcarth to the City of Tyre! was formed by priests, all wearing the masks of various wild Melcarth must die, but he must live again! beasts and bearing flaming torches.As he turned to look, theThe king answered with the old phrase:  Who shall save street suddenly cleared; the people had all moved to the sideMelcarth? Who shall save the City of Tyre? behind the steel-clad line of guards.He realized that he wasThe young man answered:  An oracle of the god, O king! A alone; but instead of retiring among the others, he felt thatman that is a stranger shall save the City of Tyre! that was the one thing he could not do.He felt a kind of mad-The king lifted his voice, as if appealing to the people:  Is ness surging in his brain, and at the same moment he realizedthere any stranger in the City of Tyre? that the procession was no longer chanting, but roaring andImmediately confusion arose, every man pretending to ex- howling in imitation of the wild beasts whose masks they wore,amine his neighbor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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