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. he jabbed a thumb at thecarrier..ready to roll inside soon s the junk s hauled out of the way.The barricade slid back intact, moving very slowly but steadily until the lockwas cleared and the way opened to the inside of the ship.The darkness insidewas broken as a vaad came toward them holding a smoking torch in a hand, itsmid-arm pincers pressed tight against its thorax.It stood back and lifted thetorch above its head, ignoring the spattering bits of hot sap that fell aboutit.Page 68 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlAleytys started to move inside, then stopped and stood aside for Quale.Heswung up into the lock and strode past her.He moved to the junction of thewide corridors, paced the distance, then beckoned to Aleytys.When she reachedhim, he pointed to Ksiyl standing like a shadow figure in the flickering,uncertain light. What s that bug saying?Aleytys frowned.The hand talk was widespread, used extensively betweenspecies with non-compatible speech forms.She suspected that Quale knew itwell enough to catch most of what was being said.She stepped a little infront of him, risking a short, emphatic warning, cutting Ksiyl off before itcould call her Hunter.Ksiyl s signing hands faltered, then moved into a formal greeting. It welcomes us.If we follow, it ll take us to the Queen. Tell the bug to get on with it. It understands you, sir, she murmured.She pointed to Ksiyl who was snappingits mandibles and producing a rapid string of sounds.The vaad with the torchedged past Aleytys and moved with awkward rapidity along the echoing corridorthat ran down the center of the ship.Ksiyl signed a formal request for themto follow, then swung around and moved off down the cluttered corridor withthe sliding lurch of great weariness.The ship was far more broken up inside than Aleytys had expected after seeingthe nearly intact skin.The inner walls were ripped, twisted and crumpled,with debris spilling from what had been separate rooms; she found herselfstepping over desiccated pieces of long dead vaada, kicking a round objectthat wobbled off, a vaad head.The acrid, pungent smell of unhealthy vaada wasthick enough to cut, intensified by the fumes from the torch carried ahead ofthem.They passed several still living vaada standing in openings, dull-eyedand indifferent, their carapaces mucky and scratched, their top arms danglinglimply in front of their tilted thoraxes, their mid-arms tucked up tight.Their breathing echoed in the heavy air, shrilling through the spiracles alongtheir sides.Aleytys trudged behind Quale, trying to fight off the despair coming from theweary vaada weary to the point of death but they were not allowed to die adespair that was thicker than the stench that was choking her.She rememberedher briefings.No zesh pairs left.The pairing between the neuter Haestavaada was a non-sexual but intense bondformed at the onset of maturity.The capacity to form such bonds was the markof maturity in the neuters as puberty was for the sexed Haestavaada.Thepairings were made for life.If one of the pair died, the remaining vaadusually lived less than a year, fading from life like a dried-up leaf.Thesevaada only lived because the Queen needed them the Queen and the Queen s guardwho were valaada, their natural leaders.If Ksiyl was any example, the valaadawere in far better shape than the miserable vaada.In the heart of the ship the vaad with the torch stopped in front of a massivedoor-iris.Ksiyl halted, tilted forward until its pincers touched the floor,then straightened and turned to face Quale and Aleytys.turn your backs, itsigned.When Aleytys translated this, Quale scowled, then shrugged and turned hisback.Behind them they heard a long thrumming then felt a flooding of hot airand saw the light around them intensify.Ksiyl touched Aleytys on the arm.Sheturned and saw him stepping carefully into the dimly lit room beyond thepartly unfolded iris.Eyes glittering with greed, Quale ducked through thesmall opening and straightened, his eyes fixed on the casket that took up muchof the space.Aleytys came through behind him.The Queen s transport room was spherical, the inner skin able to revolvefreely, a sphere inside a sphere.The Queen s casket was suspended in thecenter of the room, cradled in a nest of webbing.Two of the six guards weresitting atop the casket, working levers that kept the air and liquids flowingthrough the tubes inside [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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