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.The lights weren't on, and the angel at the top of thetree was too heavy for the little tip, so it leaned to one side, as if it wereabout to be cast from heaven.Leonard paid for the gas and bought some oil, and when he got his change back,the pale-faced man said, "Y'all want some coffee?""You bet," Leonard said."I got a pot goin' in back.Sit down."We took us a spot by the stove and sat.Leonard eyed the cuspidors and thetobacco wads, said, "Looks of this place, this ole boy talks to everybody, andfor some time.He might know something nobody else does.""And maybe just the weather report and where to get pig's feet," I said.A moment later the man came back with two cups of coffee.He gave us a cupapiece, disappeared into the back of the store again, came back with a cup forhimself and some ragged white towels.He tossed the towels at us.We usedthem to dry off.The station man sat his cup on the stove and took off hisheavy coat and draped it over a chair near the stove, sat in another chair,Page 35 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlput his feet up close to the heat."Now, you're lookin' for this gal?" he asked."That's right," I said."By the way, my name's Tim Garner.""Glad to meet you," I said, and Leonard and I leaned forward and took turnsshaking Tim's hand and giving our names.When we finished, Tim kicked backagain and sipped his coffee."What do you mean she's missing?""Last time anyone's seen her we know about was here," Leonard said."No shit?""No shit," Leonard said.Outside the lightning gave the sky a workout and theflashes went all through the store.The lights faded, and the pickled pig'sfeet, for a fleeting instant, looked like strange body parts floating in jarsin Dr.Frankenstein's lab."Goddamn," Tim said when the lights came back."That was rich.let mesee.She was here a few days, but she was having trouble finding a place tostay.you hang out here long enough, you're gonna discover this ain'ta real opened-minded place.""Naw," I said."Say it ain't true.A homey burg like this."Tim smiled at me."Yeah, well, I guess you been talkin' to the Chief, so youknow he's a bastard.""How do you know that?" Leonard asked."That he's a bastard, or you been talkin' to him?" Tim said."Either," Leonard said."I come into town lookin' for someone, first place I'd go is the law.Am Iright?"Leonard nodded."And I'll bet old Cantuck sure was glad to see you two running aroundtogether.What he thinks, he sees a black and white guy together, is one ofthem ought to be riding in the back of a pickup with a rake.""You're right," I said."He wasn't glad to see us.I got the feeling just usbeing alive made him nervous.We met the fire department too.Now there's abunch of regular guys.If you're white, potbellied, and stupid.Seems likethey'd bore each other to death.What in the hell can guys like that talkabout when they get together?""Pussy," Tim said."Well, all right," I said."I can see that."Tim took hold of the hatchet, lifted the log, and with a flick of his wrist,popped it loose of the hatchet and through the open stove door.I was going to protest, since the lizard didn't have time to bail out, butTim's move was so unexpected and so swift there wasn't a chance.The lizardgave a little pop when it went into the blaze, went black and turned to ash onhis log; the last animated bit of him was his tail, which curled up and felloff.I decided not to mention it.No use putting an accidental lizard deathon someone's head."Cantuck's a funny guy," Tim said."Don't underestimate him.He ain't asstupid as he looks.And for a man with a left nut that looks like a softballin his pocket, he can move pretty fast too.No.He ain't stupid.And heain't incompetent.Not really.He kinda uses that hick image to get hisedge.""I found that out," I said, watching the last of the lizard dissolve in thestove.The critter looked like a melted chunk of gummy bears."He's ignorant, but he's actually fair, and pretty law-abiding," Tim said."In an Old Testament sort of way.""Wonder how much he abided the law when that black guy hung himself in jail?"I asked."That weird sonofabitch had it comin'," Tim said."He was a murderingbastard.I prefer he hung himself to the Chief doing it and I don't thinkCantuck would do it.Couldn't have.He wasn't even in town.That Soothesumbitch was choked and stretched and put in the hole before Cantuck gotPage 36 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlback.""Chief wasn't here," Leonard said, "but he could have made arrangements.Being out of town would be a good cover.""I reckon," said Tim, "but I got to tell you true, if that sorry Bobby Joefuck got a little help from the Chief, anybody, doesn't bother me a bit.Thatole boy was into all kinds of shit.And I mean all kinds.Pretty smoothtalker.Could stick his dick up your ass and tell you it was a turd, andyou'd believe him."He's lucky he lived long as he did, considering how black folks are thoughtof here in Grovetown.I suppose he lasted 'cause he was a scary, dangerousbastard.And he could sing a pretty good tune.And there was some legacy tohim, being kin to L.C.and all."Not that that's worth a big goddamn around here, but I reckon there's morethan a few whites would hate to admit they enjoyed it when Bobby Joe come totown Saturdays, played over there in front of the courthouse with that oleslide guitar.Fact is, Saturday is normally the day all the blacks come in.Do their shopping, what they got to do.Hang out a little.Very little.Then go home.They got their own ways on the other side of town, and BobbyJoe was smart enough to keep most of his badness over there.Lot of folkshere figured if it was just and you'll pardon the expression nigger business,then it wasn't no business of theirs.Figured too, niggers killing eachother, giving each other a hard time, that wasn't nothing to be concernedwith.One less nigger was like one less cockroach."" 'Course," Leonard said, "cockroaches can't play basketball.""Yeah, the jump shots throw 'em.I'll tell you about Bobby I Joe, kinda guyhe was.He raped his own nephew's wife, then when she told on him and thenephew tried to do something about it, he cut the nephew up to where he neardied, went after j the woman.Rumor is he made her fuck his German shepherd.""Oh, get out of here," I said."I'm tellin' you the story," Tim said."I can't prove it.Haven't got photosor nothing, but I believe it.There wasn't nothing Bobby Joe wouldn't doshort of a law degree.""Man has to have some ethics," Leonard said."Our concern here is Florida," I said."Only reason we're interested in BobbyJoe Soothe at all is Florida came down here to investigate things for somekind of article she wants to write about I his death.""I know about that," said Tim."I got that much out of her.| We talked alittle when we saw each other.She was convinced Bobby Joe was innocent justbecause he was black and in a white jail.""Innocent really hasn't got anything to do with it," I said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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