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.At a minimum, try the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Unconstrained Linear Mixing.Use SAM todetermine spectral similarity to image endmember spectra.Perform your own SAM classification or review theresults below.If time permits, try a SAM classification using spectral libraries.Be sure to evaluate the rule6ENVI Tutorial: Near-Shore Marine Hyperspectral Analysis Tutorial: Near-Shore Marine Hyperspectral Analysisimages.Use the Unconstrained Linear Unmixing to determine material abundances or review the results below.Be sure to examine the RMS error image and evaluate linearity, particularly whether the physical constraints ofnon-negative and sum to unity (1) or less have been satisfied.Iterate if time permits.Compare abundance imageresults to the endmember spectra and spectral libraries using spatial and spectral browsing.If time permits, tryrunning the Mixture Tuned Matched Filtering (MTMF) and/or Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF) methods.File Descriptionm94_em.ascVNIR ASCII file of endmember spectra - all EMm94_ema.ascVNIR ASCII file of endmember locations - selected EMm94_sam1.img (.hdr)VNIR SAM classes using m94_ema.ascm94_rul1.img (.hdr)VNIR SAM rule imagem94_unm1.img (.hdr)VNIR unmixing image using m94_ema.ascThe following figure shows spectral unmixing results: Red Pigment (upper-left), Green Pigment (lower-left), Vegetation 1(upper-right), Vegetation 2 (lower-right).ReferencesRichardson, L.L., 1996, Remote Sensing of Algal Bloom Dynamics: BioScience, V.46, No.7, p.492 - 501.Richardson, L.L, D.Buison, C.J.Lui, and V.Ambrosia, 1994, The detection of algal photosynthetic accessory pigmentsusing Airborne Visible-Infrared imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Spectral Data: Marine Technology Society Journal, V.28,p.10-21.7ENVI Tutorial: Near-Shore Marine Hyperspectral Analysis [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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