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.His nose shortened, pulling in thewhiskers, and slowly, slowly the fur reverse-grewuntil what Ben saw looked more like a nakedmole than a hare.The ears shrank back.Charlie sanimal form doubled, then tripled in size, continuing until he reached normal proportions.Finally, the rest of his skin and bones reordered,until Charlie was before Ben, hunched andtrembling on the bare floor.Ben crouched down.His hands shook ashe opened the shirt for Charlie.Charlie lifted his head.A pained smiletouched his lips. Was it everything you werehoping it would be?Ben nodded. Amazing.It also left no doubt that everything Ben hadheard and seen was exactly what Charlie hadpromised.There were shifters in the world, andBen knew three of them. Chapter TenDuncan called after Gibbs to wait up. Why? Gibbs wanted to know. You re going to see Ben, right? Yeah, and get Charlie. I want to be there, too, Duncan said,running after him as Gibbs slammed the frontdoor.Duncan tried to shrug casually, butapparently Gibbs wouldn t let the subject drop. Say it. Gibbs waited in stony silence.Duncan s smile dropped. Fuck off. Really? That s what you come up with? Iwant to hear you say that you have to check on Charlie personally. Why would I want to do that? Duncancountered.He dropped his hands on his hips,stubbornly refusing to give Gibbs what he wanted.Seriously, weren t a guy s feelings his owndomain?Gibbs held the keys by the ring off onefinger.They dangled there. I m not taking youanywhere unless you admit that you re worriedabout Charlie. Of course I m worried about Charlie.Aren t you? Sure, but I don t have the driving need tomake sure all his parts are in order, Gibbsmocked. They re in order, Duncan grumbled. Buthow do you plan on getting Charlie back if I can tat least help you distract Ben long enough to grabhim, because that s what this is gonna be.Snatchand grab. So illegal, but so necessary.Tonight is thefull moon.The reminder did nothing to easeDuncan s anxiety.They d tried all the other avenues that morning, calling around to ask abouthow to get their  exotic pet Charlie released.Allthe other DNR offices had said the same thing.Ben was playing by the book.Unfortunately, thisbook s story ended with Charlie fighting fleas andticks for the rest of his life.Duncan wasn t about to let that happen. Stop fucking around.We don t have time for thisshit. I know, it s already three and the officecloses in two hours.I just think that you need tofigure out your priorities before we pick upCharlie. It s none of your business, Duncanargued. Like hell it isn t.You re in love with him,and we all happen to fuck.I don t want youconfusing your concern over his current situationwith anything other than what it is.You love him. Whatever. Duncan had no desire to say itout loud.Not to anyone that wasn t Charlie, atleast.He agreed that certain realities hadbecome apparent about his feelings for Charliesince his capture, but that didn t mean Gibbs needed to hear about it first.Gibbs sighed. Fine.Let s go.A large white truck came to a stop in frontof Gibbs and Duncan.It only took a moment forDuncan to recognize Ben and Charlie. Sweet baby Jesus in a manger, Duncanbreathed.His chest stuttered on an inhale.His throatburned.Duncan pushed passed Gibbs, reachingthe passenger side door as Charlie stepped outof the truck.Duncan grabbed him by theshoulders. God, I missed your ugly mug. Fuck you, too, Charlie said grinning.Overwhelmed, Duncan had no words forwhat he was feeling.He stared at his handsstupidly still gripping Charlie s shoulders, unableto let him go, unable to pull him closer.Charlie s lips quirked. Dude, I was gone,like, a night.Suddenly the damn of words broke. Youstupid idiot! Gibbs warned you about the trap andyou hopped right into it anyway! You have tolisten!Charlie started laughing. And you need to live a little.It all turned out fine. By getting collared and trapped? Spontaneity, moron, Charlie s tone hadsoftened, taking the sting out of the insult. Likethis.Charlie hooked his hand behind Duncan sneck and dragged him closer. I missed you, too,he whispered just before their lips met.Duncan s ears rang.As if playing a part inone of Duncan s many dreams, Charlie capturedhis lips, broke, and reclaimed them with a hungrygroan [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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