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.The apparition slowly floatedacross the room and vanished and I was awakened by anindescribably sweet song of many voices.In that instant acertitude, which no words can express, came upon me that mymother had just died.And that was true.I was unable to understand the tremendous weight of thepainful knowledge I received in advance and wrote a letterto Sir William Crookes while still under the domination ofthese impressions and in poor bodily health.When I recovered I sought for a long time the externalcause of this strange manifestation and to my great relief,I succeeded after many months of fruitless effort.I hadseen the painting of a celebrated artist, representingallegorically one of the seasons in the form of a cloudwith a group of angels which seem to actually float in theair, and this had struck me forcibly.It was exactly thesame that appeared in my dream with the exception of mymother's likeness.The music came from the choir in thechurch nearby at the early mass of Easter morning,explaining everything satisfactorily in conformity toscientific facts.This "scientific" explanation by Tesla is, of course,totally unscientific.It ignores the three principal facts:one, that he had what he identified at the time as asupernormal experience that brought with it a certitudethat words could not describe; two, that this experienceconveyed a revelation of his mother's death, which he234 understood as such; and, three, that the event took placeat the exact time of her death.The mechanism by which thephenomenon was produced utilized the memories stored inTesla's mind (of the painting, for example) as the vehicleby which the information could be presented to him inunderstandable, though symbolic, form.In addition, therewas the premonition given several months previously as theclimax of an extended phenomenon involving his mother.Tesla's efforts to explain away "scientifically" everythingof a psychical or spiritual nature, and the inadequateexplanations which were satisfactory to him for thispurpose, are an indication of a conflict that was takingplace within him in an effort to reconcile the purelymaterialistic "matter and energy" superman, into which hefashioned himself, with the underlying individual intowhich was born a great capacity for manifesting a deepspiritual insight into life, but which he suppressed.One of the strangest luncheon parties Tesla ever staged wasthat given by him to a prize fighter, Fritzie Zivic.It wasserved in one of the private dining rooms of the Hotel NewYorker in 1940.Fritzie Zivic was scheduled to take part ina prize fight at Madison Square Garden for the welterweightchampionship, and the luncheon was held at noon on the dayof the battle.Fritzie was one of six brothers, all of whom were eitherprofessional prize fighters or wrestlers.They lived atPittsburgh where their father conducted a beer saloon.Theywere all born in Pittsburgh, but were the sons of parents,natives of Yugoslavia, whose diffcult-to-pronounce Slavonicname was shortened to Zivic by the brothers for theirprofessional activities.Tesla had all six of the brothers as his guests.The onlyother guests were William L.Laurence, science writer ofthe New York Times, and the author.Three very different types of individuals were gatheredaround the table.The six fighting brothers were all finephysical specimens.They averaged medium height but theirpowerful, chunky bodies, deep chests and broad shouldersmade them seem rather short.All were clear eyed, had clearcomplexions and clean-cut features, were conservativelydressed in sack suits, and wore white linen collars.Thetwo newspapermen presented an appearance in strong contrast235 with the fighters, and in contrast with all the others wasTesla.Laurence, with his great mop of jet black haircombed straight back, looked more like a musician.Tesla was seated at the head of the table.At his right satFritzie and next to him ranged three of his brothers.Opposite them sat two other brothers and Mr.Laurence [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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