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.To avoid speaking, she took a big bite of biscuit and lookedthe other way.The girls looked on curiously, but she paid no attention when sheheard him grab his rifle and an extra box of shells from the rack and hat off thepeg on the wall.Without another word, he walked away.An hour later, he returned.She ignored him the rest of the evening.He madeno effort to acknowledge her, which frustrated her even more.They did not speakup to the time she put the girls to bed and exited the bedroom with an extrablanket and pillow. Devil s Pact 255 What do you think you re doing? he asked, staring at her while he leanedagainst the doorjamb to their bedroom, arms crossed over his chest.Casually, she walked to the sofa and sat the blanket and pillow down beforeshe turned to look at him. You don t think I m sleeping with you tonight, do you? As a matter of fact, I do. Check your facts, Mr.Spawn.You couldn t be more wrong. Witheverything she had, she spoke to him charmingly which seemed to make himangrier. Damn you, Megan, are we starting that bullshit again? He straightened,hands on hips, giving her a dark, warning glare that sent shivers down her spine.She was determined not to give him the upper hand, no matter the amount ofgrowl in his tone. I believe you are the one who started it.And if you don t keep your voicedown, you ll wake the girls.He stomped across the room and took her by the arm. Take your hand off me. She tried to dig her fingers under his as they sankinto her upper arm.She loathed the fact with the little pressure he exerted, hecould do as he pleased with her.She was no match for his well-muscled strength. You re not sleeping on the sofa. He dragged her toward the bedroom. Then you must be, because I m certainly not sleeping with you. In no waydid she intend to go easily.She shrugged and pulled back every step of the way.He didn t say another word until he jerked her inside the room and locked thedoor. You re getting in that bed, and I don t want to hear another word about it. Then cover your ears,  cause I m not staying. Moving away from the bed,suddenly too large a presence, she took what she hoped was a formidable standnext to the small, unlit fireplace on the opposite wall. I don t give a shit if we fuck tonight or not, but you re sleeping in that bed ifI have to tie you to it. He growled, standing by the bed.Folding her arms across her chest, her eyes darted toward the door. Don t try me, Megan. She met the heated intensity of his gaze head-on, theauthoritative manner glistening back at her fueling her anger.His tone was low 256 Samantha Cruiseand unyielding as he unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged out of it. Now take offthat dress and climb in bed.Megan tried not to notice how his sinewy muscles flexed with eachmovement.Her cheeks grew hot and a flurry of anticipation, need seeped betweenher thighs when his hands went to his holster buckle.She swallowed hard. I rather sleep on the floor than next to a lily-livered skunk like you. At leasther voice didn t betray her.He dropped his holster on the chair next to the bed. Stay awake all night.It makes no difference to me. Removing the knifesheathed at his waist, he tossed it amid the holster. But you re gonna be lyingnext to me as naked as the day you were born.And it ain t gonna be on the sofa,or the floor, in the barn, or anywhere else but this here fucking bed. He gesturedto the bed with a nod. You must be confusing me with one of your harlots if you think you canorder me to do something I have no intention of ever doing again.By the way his eyes widened fractionally, she could tell he didn t like thesound of that not the least bit.Insecurity propelled her furious resentment.Shewasn t woman enough to satisfy him.Unable to bear the thought, the desperatefear of losing him, she d rather send him away than risk him hurting her, waitinguntil he made her fall in love with him.If she hadn t already.Tears welled in hereyes.She blinked them back. I suggest you find comfort with one of them, she continued. Rosalinda is atall girl, and perhaps you ll fit in her bed. I don t want to sleep with Rosalinda. No, you just want to fuck her.He rolled his eyes and darted a glance at the bedroom door.She felt a sense oftriumph.Suddenly, the sofa idea seemed a whole lot more appealing to him, shespeculated.If she kept this up, he d toss her out the room. There ain t enough room in her bed for me. He ran his fingers through hishair, drawing her gaze to the solid bicep cording his arm, well-shaped shoulder,broad chest. Besides, I don t want to fuck her, or anyone else at Jazelle s.I justwanna go to sleep with you by my side.Is that too much to ask? He sighed as Devil s Pact 257though he realized his mistake, knew the answer before he finished asking thequestion. We ll you sure as hell coulda fooled me.You sound so sure there isn t roomin her bed.Tried it out, have you? Raising a brow, she added in a silky smoothvoice. What too lumpy? More like too full. His hands dropped to the ties in front of his buckskins.Taking note of the butter-soft fabric taut over his cock, she licked her lips,imagined the thick length sliding between her lips, her tongue licking the bulboushead&She blinked, resisting the carnal urges rioting through her system brought onby the downy soft fur traveling below his navel.Foreseeing the curly nest belowas he continued to untie the laces, she stared at the lace curtain subtly blowing inthe breeze.Before she d laid eyes on him, there were no throbbing urges, no quiveringsensations, no burning desires to have a man s cock buried between her thighs,nor ravenous hunger to feed off him.He did this to her, turned her into a vessel ofsin.A veritable sexual slave who craved his touch as a means of life support,begging and pleading for any scrap he tossed her way.Except it wasn t a scrapshe wanted, far from it. You think its Hardin s peachy disposition or wages bolstering loyalty out atthat ranch? If there s a hundred hands riding ov r yonder, I reckon by now fiftypumped that ass.And the rest are lining up. How do you know? Jerking her head around, she eyed him contemptuously.His acute knowledge of women angered her.How to please them.What they werethinking.What they wanted.How much they wanted him.She particularly hatedthat. The way your little ass wiggles when you walk, and you brush your breastsagainst me accidentally when you pass.Or lick your lips while watching me fromacross the room, and your sweet pussy gets soaking wet because you know mydick is already hard just thinking about you.He gave her a coy glance, but there was nothing demure about his tone.Itbubbled over with pure seduction, and her vagina throbbed in response.He knewwhat he was doing to her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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