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. Like I just said, it depends on how many areat the other end.Who knows where we re going?Who s to say there isn t an army of nutterswaiting for us when we arrive?A dark thought hit Toby. Who s to say we rebeing taken any place where there are people.Might be some warehouse.Torture equipment setup. His imagination ran riot. A river close by.Ready for us to be dumped into.Concrete tied toour ankles.Drowning  All right, all right! Russell said, tone testyand harsh. I get it.We re fucked. He sighedagain, a bloody great big one, and shook his headslowly. Never thought it would end like this.Never thought I d be this young when I karked iteither.Oh, I fucking knew this lot were coming.Knew they wouldn t just let us go, but shit, I dhoped we d have had a few more years on the run,know what I mean?Yeah, Toby did.The same thoughts had beenrunning through his mind as he d painted thegrim picture of their potential destination.Theimage of concrete blocks around their ankles107 Scaredman, that was a hard one to get rid of.It sat inhis mind like a damn sentinel, refusing to budgeno matter how hard he tried to conjure upanother vision.And God, his eyes stung.He really didn t needto be crying right now, but wouldn t anyone whenfaced with a very short future and the undeniablepossibility that torture, or at least some form ofpain, was on the cards?He sniffed, blinked, cleared his throat. Loveyou, man.Russell didn t answer right away.Maybe hecouldn t.Maybe, like Toby, a big lump of love hadstuck in his throat and he couldn t speak past it. Love you too, Russell managed, staringahead at the side of the van, eyes watery, Adam sapple bobbing.Toby gritted his teeth. This fuckingstinks! Yep. I m not going down without a fight. Me neither.They sat in silence for a time, the place they ddriven through giving way to ominous108 Sarah Masterscountryside.Trees stood starkly in the beam ofthe headlights, like moss-covered skeletons,arthritic hands clawing the blackness.The roadwas narrow.If another driver approached fromthe other way, the big bastard slowed.He veeredto the left each time, and branches from hedgesscraped the side of the van, sending Toby s mindreeling with the creepy image of long, dirtyfingernails scratching, the dead trying to get in atthem.It felt like death waited, the air in the vana tangible thing, smothering them, letting themknow it would be their turn to die soon.Shaking off those thoughts, Toby wonderedwhat Russell was thinking.Was he silentlycursing Toby, wishing he d never met him, thathe d had a damn day off back then, had nevereven dug the grave that held Toby for that shorttime?Toby glanced at Russell. I m so sorry, man. Don t be. He gave Toby a sidelong glance, asmall smile playing about his lips. Wouldn tchange a fucking thing.Toby longed for a kiss, just a brief brush ofthe lips would be enough, but he didn t want to109 Scaredrisk the driver having something else to hatethem for.One glance in his rear view mirror wasall it would take.But if this gang, or whatever thehell it was, had been watching them, they d havealready gathered him and Russell were gay.Toby settled for leaning in to land a kiss onRussell s neck.His lover smelled of fear, andToby licked the proof of it from his lips saltfrom sweat.Would that be the last time he dever kiss Russell? Was this journey the onlytime they had left together? That was a fuckinggrim thought he hadn t considered they mightbe separated once they got to wherever the hellthey were going.A large green road sign edged in white stoodup ahead, taking Toby s attention from morbidthoughts.The headlights made the white glow,but he couldn t read the wording yet.From theimage on the sign of a road and a roundaboutat the top, he hoped they approachedcivilisation.Well, he did and he didn t.Whilethey travelled, they were relatively safe.Together.But if they headed toward LondonRussell had said they were being taken back110 Sarah Mastersdown south who knew whether this mob sheadquarters if they even had one was in themiddle of the city?He nudged Russell. Road sign coming up.Russell straightened and looked out thewindshield.Toby had to lean across in order tosee now, but the words became suddenly clear.They approached London only a few milesaway and roads to various other surroundingplaces sprouted off the roundabout image. Reckon we re headed for the city.Stands toreason, doesn t it? Toby mused quietly intoRussell s ear, a tinny pop tune overriding his voice. Probably.Who fucking knows? Russellslumped back against the side of the van andstared at the ceiling [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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