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.The colour of the Chakra is pure blood-like red or the colour of Sindura (vermilion).From thiscentre six Yoga Nadis emanate, which appear like the petals of a lotus.The vibrations that areproduced by the Nadis are represented by the Sanskrit letters: b:ö B:ö m:ö y:ö rö l:ö (baü bhaü maüyaü raü and laü).SVADHISHTHANA CHAKRAHe who concentrates at this Chakra and meditates on the Devata has no fear of water.He hasperfect control over the water element.He gets many psychic powers, intuitional knowledge and aperfect control over his senses.He has full knowledge of the astral entities.Kama, Krodha, Lobha,Moha, Mada, Matsarya and other impure qualities are completely annihilated.The Yogi becomesthe conqueror of death (Mrityunjaya).27 KUNDALINI YOGAMANIPURA CHAKRAManipura is the third Chakra from the Muladhara.It is located within the Sushumna Nadi,in the Nabhi Sthana (region of navel).This has its corresponding centre in the physical body and hascontrol over the liver, stomach, etc.This is a very important centre.From this Chakra emanate tenYoga Nadis which appear like the petals of a lotus.The vibrations that are produced by the Nadisare represented by the Sanskrit letters: Rö Zö N:ö t:ö T:ö dö D:ö n:ö p:ö Pö (óaü óhaü õaü taü thaüdaü dhaü naü paü and phaü).The Chakra is of the colour of dark clouds.Within there is aspace triangular in form.It is the Agni Mandala (region of fire Agni Tattva).The Bijakshara rö(raü), the Bija of Agni, is here.The presiding deity is Vishnu and Goddess is Lakshmi.ThisChakra corresponds to Svah or Svarga Loka and to Solar Plexus in the physical body.MANIPURA CHAKRAThe Yogi who concentrates at this Chakra gets Patala Siddhi, can acquire hidden treasuresand will be free from all diseases.He has no fear at all from Agni (fire). Even if he is thrown intothe burning fire, he remains alive without fear of death. , (Gheranda Samhita).ANAHATA CHAKRAAnahata Chakra is situated in the Sushumna Nadi (Sukshma centre).It has control over theheart.It corresponds to the Cardiac Plexus in the physical body.This corresponds to Mahar Loka.The Chakra is of deep red colour.Within this Chakra there is a hexagonal space of smoke or deepblack colour or the colour of collyrium (used for the eyes).This chakra is the centre of Vayu Mandal(region of air, Vayu Tattva).From here 15 Yoga Nadis emanate.The sound that is produced by eachNadi is represented by the following Sanskrit letters: kö K:ö g:ö G:ö {ö c:ö Cö j:ö J:ö W:ö Xö Yö (kaükhaü gaü ghaü ïaü caü chaü jaü jhaü ¤aü ñaü andñhaü).The Bijaksharay:ö (yaü),the Bija of Vayu, is here.The presiding deity is Isha (Rudra) and Devata is Kakini.In the MuladharaChakra there is Svayambhu Linga and in Anahata Chakra we have Bana Linga.Kalpa Vriksha,28 KUNDALINI YOGA THEORYwhich gives all the desired things, is here.Anahata sound, the sound of Shabda Brahman, is heard atthis centre.When you do Sirshasana for a long time, you can distinctly hear this sound.Vayu Tattvais full of Sattva Guna.Vishnu Granthi is in this Sthana.ANAHATA CHAKRAHe who meditates on this Chakra has full control over Vayu Tattva.He gets BhuchariSiddhi, Khechari Siddhi, Kaya Siddhi, etc., (flying in air, entering the body of another).He getscosmic love and all other divine Sattvic qualities.VISHUDDHA CHAKRAVishuddha Chakra is situated within the Sushumna Nadi at the base of the throat,Kantha-Mula Sthana.This corresponds to Janar Loka.It is the centre of Akasa Tattva (etherelement).The Tattva is of pure blue colour.Above this, all other Chakras belong to Manas Tattva.The presiding deity is Sadasiva (Isvara Linga), and the Goddess is Shakini.From this centreemanate 16 Yoga Nadis which appear like the petals of a lotus.The vibrations that are produced bythe Nadis are represented by the 16 Sanskrit vowels: Aö A:ö Eö Iö uö Uö ?ö @ö ;ö =ö Oö Oöð A:öð A:öò AöAH (aü àü iü ãü uü åü çü éü ëü íü eü aiü oü auü aü and aþ).Akasa Mandal (theregion of ether) is round in shape like the fullmoon.The Bija of Akasa Tattva hö (haü) is in thiscentre.It is of white colour.This Chakra corresponds to Laryngeal plexus in the physical body.The concentration on the Tattva of this Chakra is called Akasa Dharana.He who practisesthis Dharana will not perish even in Pralaya.He attains the highest success.He gets the fullknowledge of the four Vedas by meditating on this Chakra.He becomes a Trikala Jnani (whoknows the past, the present and the future) [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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