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.A COUPLE HOURS later, I had justfinished setting everything up forthe party when Harper camewalking back into the house.Hereyes were clouded over, and shewas smiling to herself as shewalked right past me and towardmy room.Seriously? I took in adeep breath and grabbed my phone out of my pocket.He answered onthe first ring. I got her back safe, Chase. I saw that. All right, then what s up? I haveone more class tonight, then I ll beback at the house.I crept toward my hall, but I couldhear Harper talking excitedly to mysister, so I figured I was safe for awhile. You ll stay away from her,Brandon, you got me? Seriously, man, this is gettingold! What is your deal? You knowme, and you know I wouldn t doanything to hurt her.  I know you re not an asshole toyour girlfriends, but that doesn tmean anything.She needs someoneto protect everything about her, andI know you, so I know you can t bethat guy. What the hell? Protect everything what are you even I will!He may be a relationship guy, butI knew for sure he wasn t a virgin,and I needed to make sure Princessstayed that way.So no, he wouldn tprotect everything about herbecause I doubt she d tell him. You don t know her; thisshouldn t be too much of a hardship for you.Stay away fromher. And you do? Look I m sureGod I know this sounds crazy, butI m not going to be able to stayaway from her.I ve never met a girllike her, so just get the fuck overit.I froze. Last time, and let memake myself clear, bro, she s taken.She s been in my bed once, andshe ll be in my bed again thisweekend.Got it? Do.Not.Come.Near.Her.Brandon stayed silent for a fewseconds before his flat voice came through. Taken? You re reallystarting to piss me off, man.I m notgonna deal with this shit from you.There s something about her; I mnot backing off until she tells meto.Before I could say anything else,he hung up, and I gripped myphone tightly as Harper s laughreached me from the other end ofthe hall. Chapter FourI HEARD SOMEONE saying my nameand lifted my head slowly fromNatalie s neck.Normally, I didn tspend so much time with oneperson, and this was the fifth timein two weeks I d spent time withher.But we still had our agreement.She still had a boyfriend, and sheknew there were too many girls wanting to see if they could tie medown since school had just started.It was just easier when the girlalready knew all the rules. What? Harper s voice brokeinto my already too-tipsy mind, andmy eyes easily found and narrowedin on her and Brandon.I d told himto back off.He leaned slightly toward her andspoke softly.She looked shocked,and her eyes flashed to mine andbriefly reduced to slits.I winkedand saw her cheeks redden asNatalie looked over her shoulder atmy princess before claiming my mouth with her own.She bit downsoftly on my bottom lip, and Ileaned farther into her. So that s her, huh?Just as I started to ask, who? hertongue met mine, and she wrappedher arms around my neck.Harperlaughed, and my fingers dug intoNatalie s hips.What the hell was hesaying that was so damn funny? Istarted to pull away, but Nataliekept me close, only removing herlips enough to whisper againstmine. She s driving you crazy, Chase;might as well give her some of her own medicine.I leaned away and looked at herlike she was insane.Is she a damnmind reader?  Natalie, what thehell are you talking about?She batted her blue eyes like therewas something in them and spokein a sugar-sweet voice, making hersound like Kristen had thatafternoon. Little miss thing overthere with your boy.You ve beenacting all kinds of weird these lasttwo weeks, and it s starting to makesense. You don t know what you retalking about.  Chase  Drew nudged me, and Ilet go of Natalie with a shake of myhead to start looking for my gray-eyed princess again  table s setup, you ready for beer pong? Yeah sure  I instantly took offtoward the living room and sawHarper and Brandon sitting on oneof the couches.They were close,too damn close.They both startedleaning in toward each other, and Iwas glad she d sat on this side ofthe couch.I leaned over the arm,grabbed her around the waist, andhauled her away from him and overmy shoulder. LET S GET THIS BEER PONG TOURNAMENTSTARTED! CHASE! Put me down! No way! The princess needs herthrone! And besides, I wasenjoying having her ass directlynext to my face and my hands highup on her thighs.I swear she growled, and Icouldn t help but laugh, especiallywhen her tiny fists started poundingon my back and her whole bodywiggled as she tried to get down.Icouldn t resist anymore, it was rightthere and shaking; I smacked herbutt, and she froze for all of two seconds before pounding both fistsat the same time, all the whileyelling,  If you don t put me down,I will make good on my previousthreat!Brandon walked into my line ofsight and crossed his arms over hischest as he watched us, and mylaughter died as I set Harper down.I hated seeing that possessive andconcerned look in his eye when helooked at her.I hated that he waslooking at her at all [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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