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.) 10.fxe4 11 Nd2 d5 12 e3 Nc6 13 f3exf3 14 Rxf3 and White was slightly better.9 Qc2 Ng4!?82 83Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon WilliamsXABCDEFGHY8r+lwq-trk+(7+pzpnvl-zpp'6-+-zpp+-+&5zp-+-+pvL-%4-+PzP-+n+$3+-sN-+NzP-#2PzPQ+PzPLzP"1tR-+-+RmK-!xabcdefghy9.Ne8!? is also interesting and may even be better as the Black knight is more secure on e8compared to g4.10 Bxe710 Bd2 perhaps this is a better idea as the exchange of bishops alleviates Black's position.F.Bruno-S.Williams, 6th EU-ch Warsaw, 2005, 0.5 0.5, continued, 10.Qe8 11 Nb5 Bd8 12 c5dxc5 13 dxc5 Ndf6 14 Qc4 Bd7 15 Nbd4 Kh8 16 h3 e5 leading to some interestingcomplications.10.Qxe7 11 e4 f4!XABCDEFGHY8r+l+-trk+(7+pzpnwq-zpp'6-+-zpp+-+&5zp-+-+-+-%4-+PzPPzpn+$3+-sN-+NzP-#2PzPQ+-zPLzP"1tR-+-+RmK-!xabcdefghy12 h3 Nh6 13 g4 Nf7Black had a small advantage in G.Hartoch-A.Vaisser, Brussels zt, 1993, 0 1.83 84Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williams(16) THEORY D: OTHER OPTIONS THAT WHITE CAN TRY ONMOVE 81 d4 e6 2 Nf3 f5 3 g3 Nf6 4 Bg2 Be7 5 0 0 0 0 6 c4 d6 7 Nc3 a5In this game, we will look at White s other options after the move 8 Qc2 has been played.IfBlack is well prepared then White should not be able to gain any advantage in the followingvariations.8 Qc2XABCDEFGHY8rsnlwq-trk+(7+pzp-vl-zpp'6-+-zppsn-+&5zp-+-+p+-%4-+PzP-+-+$3+-sN-+NzP-#2PzPQ+PzPLzP"1tR-vL-+RmK-!xabcdefghyWhite is preparing to play e4.Luckily, Black has a very good way of meeting this plan and asa result, White will have difficulty in equalising.8 Qc2 Nc6This is the best square for Black s knight as Black can aim to play & e5 and & Nb4.White now has two options:a) 9 e4b) 9 a384 85Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williamsa) 9 e4XABCDEFGHY8r+lwq-trk+(7+pzp-vl-zpp'6-+nzppsn-+&5zp-+-+p+-%4-+PzPP+-+$3+-sN-+NzP-#2PzPQ+-zPLzP"1tR-vL-+RmK-!xabcdefghyBRAINSTORMING POINT!Let s go back to basic strategies again:White has achieved the e4 advance and now, Black has to think of a dynamic solutionotherwise he will be worse.Black's pieces are well positioned and he should take advantage of the misplaced Whitequeen on c2.For this reason, it makes sense to play9.Nb4!9.e5?! is the other obvious candidate move.Unfortunately, this move does not work due to10 dxe5 dxe5 11 exf5 Ng4!? a long time ago I thought this position was good for Black but Iwas wrong! 12 Rd1 Qe8 13 h3 Bxf5 14 Qe2 and White will win the pawn on e4 with a goodposition.85 86Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williams10 Qe2 fxe4 11 Nxe4 Nxe4 12 Qxe4XABCDEFGHY8r+lwq-trk+(7+pzp-vl-zpp'6-+-zpp+-+&5zp-+-+-+-%4-snPzPQ+-+$3+-+-+NzP-#2PzP-+-zPLzP"1tR-vL-+RmK-!xabcdefghyBRAINSTORMING POINT!White will have a positional advantage if he is able to consolidate his position after theexchange on e4 has taken place.For this reason, Black must act immediately.The knight onb4 is active but it is the only Black piece taking part in the game.Can you find a way toliberate some of Black s other pieces? It may involve sacrificing material.12.e5!That s right.This active move frees Black's light-squared bishop so that it can move to f5.13 dxe5The only way to deal with Black's plan.White has also tried 13.g4?! but this seriouslyweakens White's kingside.K.Arkell-I.Naumkin, 8th Cappelle op, 1992, 0 1, continued,a) 13.exd4 this move is fine but I would have chosen option  b below.14 Nxd4 Bf6 15 Ne6Bxe6 16 Qxe6+ Kh8 17 Bxb7 Rb8 18 Be4 Bd4! Black is doing well due to the pressureagainst f2.b) 13.c6!? where Black is toying with the idea of playing.d5.14 a3 d5 15 cxd5 cxd5 16Qxe5 we have been following E.Krueger-G.Koksch, 13th GER-chT Seniors, 2004, 0.5 0.5.which continued, 16.Nc6 17 Qh5 g6 18 Qh6 Bxg4 with an equal position.13.Bf5 14 Qxb7White must grab as much material as possible!86 87Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williams14.Rb8 15 Qa7 Be4!XABCDEFGHY8-tr-wq-trk+(7wQ-zp-vl-zpp'6-+-zp-+-+&5zp-+-zP-+-%4-snP+l+-+$3+-+-+NzP-#2PzP-+-zPLzP"1tR-vL-+RmK-!xabcdefghyThis is an improvement over 15.Bd3.After 15.Be4! Black gains good activity for thesacrificed material 15.Bd3 16 exd6 Bxd6 17 Bg5 Qc8 18 Rfc1 is also very complicated but Iprefer 15.Be4!16 exd6White has to be very careful here because it is very easy for him to lose his queen as shownbelow 16 Nd2? Bxg2 17 Kxg2 c5! Black is completely winning as White's queen is trapped!18 e6 (18 exd6 Bxd6) 18.Nc6 19 Qd7 Qb6 and Black will continue with 20.Rb7 winning theWhite queen.16.Bxd6 17 Ng5XABCDEFGHY8-tr-wq-trk+(7wQ-zp-+-zpp'6-+-vl-+-+&5zp-+-+-sN-%4-snP+l+-+$3+-+-+-zP-#2PzP-+-zPLzP"1tR-vL-+RmK-!xabcdefghyWhite can also try moving his bishop to this square, for example, 17 Bg5 but Black is activeenough after 17.Qc8 18 Qe3 (18 Ne1? Bxg2 19 Kxg2 c5 still traps the White queen!) 18.Bxf3(18.Qb7!? was my original intention.This move is also very interesting, for example, 19 Ne1Bxg2 20 Nxg2 Nc2 21 Qe6+ Kh8 22 Rab1 Nd4 23 Qg4 Nf3+ 24 Kh1 Rbe8 and Black is very87 88Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williamsactive despite the fact that White has two extra pawns.Which colour would I rather be? Black,of course!)19 Bxf3 Nc2 20 Bd5+ Kh8 21 Qc3 Nxa1 22 Rxa1 Qf5 23 Be3 Be5 leaves Black with a betterposition.17 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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