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.Allyou can do is to notify the sheriff.I guess we'd better give this young mansome attention.Let's see, you said your name was Quick, didn't you?""No, but it's very similar," answered Tom with a smile."It's Swift.""I knowed it was something had to do with speed," went on Mr.Blackford."Wa'al, now, s'pose you come in the house an' have a hot cup of tea.You looksort of draggled out." Tom was glad enough to avail himself of the kindinvitation, and he was soon in the comfortable kitchen, relating his story,with more detail, to the farmer and his family.Mrs.Blackford applied somePage 43 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlhomemade remedies to the lump on the youth's head, and it felt much better.Tom Swift and His MotorcycleCHAPTER XVI.BACK HOME48"I'd like to take a look at my motorcycle," he said, after his second cup oftea."I want to see if those men damaged it any.If they have I'm going tohave trouble getting back home to tell my father of my bad luck.Poor dad! He will be very much worried when I tell him the model and hispatent papers have been stolen.""It's too bad!" exclaimed Mrs.Blackford."I wish I had hold of themscoundrels!" and her usually gentle face bore a severe frown."Of course youcan have your thingamabob in to see if it's hurt, but please don't start it inhere.They make a terrible racket.""No, I'll look it over in the woodshed," promised Tom."If it's all right Ithink I'll start back home at once.""No, you can't do that," declared Mr.Blackford."You're in no condition totravel.You might fall off an' git hurt.It's nearly ten o'clock now.You jeststay here all night, an' in the mornin', if you feel all right, you can startoff.I couldn't let you go tonight."Indeed, Tom did not feel very much like undertaking the journey, for the blowon his head had made him dazed, and the chloroform caused a sick feeling.Mr.Blackford wheeled the motorcycle into the woodhouse, which opened from thekitchen, and there the youth went over the machine.He was glad to find thatit had sustained no damage.In the meanwhile Jed had gone off to tell thestartling news to nearby farmers.Quite a throng, with lanterns, went up anddown the road, but all the evidence they could find were the marks of theautomobile wheels, which clues were not very satisfactory."But we'll catch them in the mornin'," declared the deputy sheriff."I'll knowthat automobile again if I see it.It was painted red.""That's the color of a number of automobiles," said Tom with a smile."I'mafraid you'll have trouble identifying it by that means.I am surprised,though, that they did not carry my motorcycle away with them.It is a valuablemachine.""They were afraid to," declared Jed."It would look queer to see a machinelike that in an auto.Of course when they were going along country roads inthe evening it didn't much matter, but when they headed for the city, as theyprobably did, they knew it would attract suspicion to 'em.I know, for I'vebeen a deputy sheriff'most a year.""I believe you're right," agreed Tom."They didn't dare take the motorcyclewith them, but they hid it, hoping I would not find it.I'd rather have themodel and the papers, though, than half a dozen motorcycles.""Maybe the police will help you find them," said Mrs.Blackford."Jed, youmust telephone to the police the first thing in the morning.It's a shame theway criminals are allowed to go on.If honest people did those things, they'dbe arrested in a minute, but it seems that scoundrels can do as they please.""You wait; I'll catch 'em!" declared Jed confidently."I'll organize anotherposse in the mornin'.""Well, I know one thing, and that is that the place for this young man is inbed!" exclaimed motherly Mrs.Blackford, and she insisted on Tom retiring.He was somewhat restless atfirst, and the thought of the loss of the model and the papers preyed on hismind.Then, utterly exhausted, he sank into a heavy slumber, and did notawaken until the sun was shining in his window the next morning.A goodbreakfast made him feel somewhat better, and he was more like the resourcefulTom Swift of old when he went to get his motorcycle in shape for the ride backto Shopton.Page 44 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Well, I hope you find those criminals," said Mr.Blackford, as he watched Tomoiling the machine."If you're ever out this way again, stop off and see us."Tom Swift and His MotorcycleCHAPTER XVI.BACK HOME49"Yes, do," urged Mrs.Blackford, who was getting ready to churn.Her husbandlooked at the oldfashioned barrel and dasher arrangement, which she wasfilling with cream."What's the matter with the new churn?" he asked in some surprise."It's broken," she replied."It's always the way with those newfangled things.It works ever so much nicer than this old one, though," she went on to Tom,"but it gets out of order easy.""Let me look at it," suggested the young inventor."I know something aboutmachinery [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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