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.But the Turkswere not Semites and their soul was alien to the spirit of Islam.Thus, as soon asthe Turks established their great empire, decay and decline rapidly set in, and theOttoman Empire lingered on for four hundred years, only because of the rivalryof the European powers which actually fought to prevent any single nation fromconquering the Turks, and thus upsetting the balance of power in Europe.Turkish domination of the Islamic world helped to smother the spirit ofIslam.The alien race and its alien Folk Soul caused the Islamic world to remainweak and divided.Eventually, the European powers carved up the Turkish RELIGION AND THE FOLK SOUL 18Empire and divided the Islamic world among themselves as part of their colonialempires.But with the decline and fall of Europe and the Turkish Empire, Islamhas been able to reassert is spiritual identity.The Semitic Folk Soul has beenunleashed and Islam is now a great force for change.Unfortunately that change isdestructive.It has been unleashed by the Loki effect that has plunged the Westinto a state of helplessness, due to its domination by the Hodur effect blindignorance.Thus, the rise of Islam and especially Islamic terrorism and militancy,is part of the horde led by Loki in his assault on Asgard.The Loki effect causedweakness within the West, by striking the leaders of the West with ignoranceabout the true nature of the world, blinding them to the threats that the Westface.Loki is now marshaling the forces of chaos and destruction to assault thegates of Asgard.We are now suffering through the great winter, the Age of Fim-bul.Soon the forces of darkness will cancel out those of the light, and a new ageof darkness and barbarism will reign supreme.There is still hope that our peoplewill survive the coming conflict and darkness, but to do so, we must turn toBalder.For only through Balder can we survive, and begin the task of rebuildinga new civilization, heralding in a new age the Age of Gimli. THE ODIN CONSCIOUSNESS In reality, only a change in the attitude of the individual can bring about arenewal in the spirit of the nations, so wrote Carl Gustav Jung.Jung understoodthat for a people to change, individuals must change first.I wrote The Book ofBalder Rising because, if our people are to survive the coming collapse of the oldorder (Western Civilization) we have got to begin to change the spirit of our peo-ple.To do this, we begin with the individual.By changing the spirit of our peo-ple, I am referring to unleashing the essence of the Gods which lies dormantwithin each and every one of us.The Gods and Goddesses are asleep within ourvery DNA.They are waiting to be called back and once again forge a new bondbetween mortal and immortal.This process is Balder Rising, and we begin work-ing on this process with the individual.This sleeping essence of the Gods that lies dormant within each of us, is theOdin Consciousness.This Odin Consciousness manifest itself in the mythologi-cal symbols, folk tales and legends of our Folk.We can tap into these imaginesresides deep within the subconscious, and release their power to transform us.They govern the religious, artistic, philosophical, heroic, and idealistic impulsesthat provide the traditional archetypes, with which we, as a race, nation or Folk,express ourselves as a people.These instruments build our culture and civiliza-tion.Some might refer to this as the racial memory, and we as both individualsand collectively as a people, can respond to these archetypes.These archetypescan initiate a revitalization of the soul and the will on both the individual andcollective levels.Modern examples of this phenomenon are the Star Wars movie.When the first Star Wars movie was released, millions of our people respondedto the archetypical symbolism in the movie without thinking.The themes in themovie, which were Arthurian, Western, and Manichaean, acted like a key,unlocking a deep response to those heroic ideals that we all hold dear as a people [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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