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.Before Chiun could sprint off with them, Remo snagged him by one flapping kimono sleeve."Wait a damn minute," he snapped."You can't run off after all this.We'll probably have to get out of the country.Smith's gonna be shitting bricks when news of this massacre gets out."Chiun's eyes were shards of hazel ice."I am honoring a contract far older than Smith," he said hotly."Sinanju worked for the Luzu Empire long before there even was an America.""I'm sure that'll be a real comfort to him," Remo replied angrily.He threw up his hands in disgust."Fine," he snarled."Go traipsing into the jungle and reenact more scenes from Luzu Dawn for all I care.But I am not covering for you on this one."Chiun's wrinkled face grew dark."That is because you are a good son, Remo,"he said with bitter sarcasm."And good sons always turn like hissing vipers on their fathers in times of need.Tell your precious Smith whatever you want.And when you are through punishing me for your unjust world, perhaps you will find one minute to consider who you owe more to, Smith or me."With that final biting accusation, he was gone.The old Korean became a flouncing green blur as he raced around the side of the building in the wake of the fleeing Luzus.This wasn't how he'd wanted to leave it.Remo hadn't even had a chance to ask his teacher about the little Korean boy who seemed to be haunting his every step.Scowling from the sting of Chiun's words, Remo turned to go, as well.Something caught his attention.Standing among the corpses, he heard the sound of a lone car engine.It was coming up the long stone driveway behind a high hedge.Remo was ready to bolt when through a break in the shrubs he saw the shadowy image of a familiar face behind a tinted windshield.He hesitated.There might yet be a way to salvage this.Of course, he'd have to do it without Smith's approval.And in that moment, Remo came to what he decided was the most well-thought-out decision of his life."Ah, screw it," he snarled.Folding his arms over his chest, he waited for the approaching government car to find him ankle deep in bodies.Chapter 12The nervous chauffeur of East African Defense Minister L.Vas Deferens wanted to turn the government car around as soon as he spotted the first decapitated body sprawled across the great gravel drive at the rear of the palace."Sir?" the man asked anxiously, looking over his shoulder at his cold-as-ice employer."Drive!" Deferens barked.Nodding, the driver skirted the body and continued along past the row of high shrubs that ran parallel to the road.Worried eyes scanned for machete-wielding Luzus.Reports of the attack on the palace had been issued over the car radio.According to the internal defense ministry broadcast, the Luzu nation had taken up arms against the ruling government for the first time in more than one hundred years.Until Minister Deferens had ordered complete radio silence, the news had been horrifying.Decapitations, eviscerations-it was an East Africa that hadn't existed since before the time of their greatgrandparents.At this time of evening and with the president out of the country, there hadn't been many people inside the palace.A few terrified government workers had fled into the street.Deferens's driver wanted more than anything to join them.Page 48ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlUp ahead, two more bodies lay on the road next to the thick hedge.The driver stopped before the headless corpses."What are you doing?" Deferens demanded."More bodies, sir," the driver said tightly, struggling to keep down his lunch.Two white hands gripped the back of the driver's seat.Deferens leaned far over to the windshield, his handsome face pinched.The chauffeur hoped the sight of the bodies would force his employer to come to his senses.He was ready to put the car in reverse and back the hell out of there when the defense minister glanced at him, his eyes flat."Drive over them," Deferens ordered coldly.The chauffeur looked at the mangled corpses."Um, but sir."Deferens leaned very close to the man, bringing his perfect pale face an inch from the driver's ear.The defense minister's breath was sweet."Or get out and I will drive," he said menacingly.The tires smoked as the car lurched forward.Two body-flattening bumps and the road leveled off.L.Vas Deferens settled, annoyed, back into the seat.He didn't appear at all concerned that he was driving toward a mob of rampaging Luzus.In the rear of the car, Deferens drummed his pale fingers impatiently on the door's dark molded handle.The limo crunched up the gravel road, finally breaking around the high hedge and into a circular lot lined with huge pots filled with topiary animals.There were mutilated corpses scattered in a wide area around the parked cars of the adjacent lot.And standing amid the dead was a lone figure.The chauffeur had been at the door of the restaurant when Remo eliminated Johnny Fungillo's lunch companions.Seeing the same man calmly standing amid these bodies, the driver felt a hard knot of fear tighten in his belly.As the car headed for him, Remo neither flinched nor budged.In the back seat, Deferens leaned forward, his eyes narrowing in suspicion at the sight of Remo."What is he doing here?" he said to himself."Shall I drive over him?" the chauffeur asked hopefully.Deferens didn't hear him."Stop the car," he demanded."Um, right here, or on him?" the driver asked."Now!"The chauffeur slammed on the brakes.Spitting stones, the long car screeched to a stop five feet from Remo.Deferens didn't wait for his driver to open his door.Popping it open, he jumped out into a pool of coagulating blood.He stormed around the front of the car to Remo."What is the meaning of this outrage?" the defense minister snapped at Remo."That's a relief," Remo exhaled."So you're saying this isn't a typical day around here?" More cars raced up the drive.Soldiers spilled from them and from around the side of the building."Stay here," Deferens barked at Remo.He hurried to the guards, pointing them in various directions.A few stayed with him when he came back to Remo's side."Why are you here?" he demanded, his face stern."You know, this looks like kind of a bad time," Remo said."I can come back later.""Why?" Deferens snarled."Tell me now or, by God, I will have you shot where you stand."Remo glanced to the guards."Just stopped by to see you," he said, keeping his voice low."But if this is hell week, I think I'll pledge another frat."Deferens seem only to be half listening.With the immaculate toe of an expensive hand-sewn shoe, he flipped over a corpse.Deep gashes slit face and throat."This is obscene," Deferens grumbled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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