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.""We don't want to cut it too close," Donovan said."Better set that moving,Ed.""Yes, sir," Stevens said."That's it," Donovan said, rising."I've got a plane to catch.I can senseChief Ellis growing nervous downstairs." He went to each man to shake hands,and then he walked out of the sitting room.The chief of station and ColonelStevens walked after him."I have just had an inspiration," Canidy said."Let's find Jimmy and Fulmar,and go to some pub full of soldiers and get drunk.Maybe with a little bit ofluck we can get in a fight.""I'm going to surprise you," Fine said."I'm going with you." [FEVELTh-Dorchqst-r Rol-l Be Loudou, ED gland ZOIO Sourn Captain James M.B.Whittaker, Lieutenant Eric Fulmar, and Captain the Duchess Stanfield, WRAC,were sitting in the Dorchester bar where Canidy had expected to find them, ata table against the wall."We were wondering where you were," Whittaker said as Canidy sat down andinspected the bottles in paper bags.He was looking for Scotch.Page 203 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"We were with the Boss," Canidy said."I thought he was with you at High Wycombe," Whittaker said."The Boss," Canidy said."There was a rumor he's in town," Whittaker said."Got any interestinggossip?" As a matter of fact, buddy, you're going to go back to thePhilippines."Nothing important," Canidy said."And how was High Wycombe?" the Duchess asked."The less said about it the better, Your Gracefulness," Canidy said."Even the Boss felt sorry for us." "We ate," Whittaker said."We didn't knowwhen, or if, you were coming.""No problem," Canidy said."Stan and I came to take the third man here over todrink with the Air Corps anyway.Joe Kennedy's over there talking them out ofaircraft parts.They have a pretty good kitchen in the O Club.""The third man?" the Duchess asked."Another quaint Americanism, Your Gracefulness," Canidy said."Two's company, three's a crowd." She blushed, then quickly said, "We're notgoing back to Whitbey House tonight?" "No," he said."Both Jimmy and I have to see Stevens in the morning." And Stevens will tellhim to pack his things, his services are needed in the Philippines The GreatRomance will be put on hold.Canidy sipped at his liquor.And wished that Ann were here.It would have beennice to spend what was certain to be Jimmy's last night on the town with thefour of them together.And then his eyebrows went up and he smiled mischievously."Stanley," he said, "there is a damsel yonder trying desperately to attractyour attention." "I know," Fine said."I'm doing my best to pretend I don'tsee her.""You don't want to be nice to the damsel, Stan?" Canidy asked."For God's sake, ignore her," Fine said.Canidy raised his hand over his head and waved.The woman across the room was a tall, slender woman with silver-gray haircombed upward under her Red Cross uniform cap.She pointed, signifying she wastrying to attract Fine's attention.Canidy nodded and beamed happily at herand pushed Fine's shoulder."I think she wants to say hello to you, Stan," Canidy said innocently."You sonofabitch," Fine said, and turned toward the woman."Oh, my God," hesaid."Here she comes." Fulmar and Canidy laughed.Page 204 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"You'll stop laughing, Eric," Fine said, aw hen she sinks her fangs into you."It had been inevitable that Stanley S.Fine would become a regular at theDorchester bar.He had been temporarily housed at the hotel on his arrival inLondon, and when quarters were found, they were shabby and a long Undergroundride across London.With a good deal less embarrassment than he had expected,he took over the apartment Continental Motion Picture Studios maintained inLondon for traveling stars and executives.It was at Park Lane and AldfordStreet, two blocks from the Dorchester.He found that he missed the people he knew in the motion picture industry, andit was at the Dorchester that people in the industry were billeted when theycame to London.Another Dorchester bar regular was the woman now marching across the room.Fine privately thought of Eleanor Redmon as' the Scorpion." She was a RedCross girl, although that description was not precise.Eleanor Redmon was some sort of executive within the Red Cross organization,holding a position too exalted to require her personally to pass out coffeeand doughnuts to the boys.For another, the Scorpion was no longer a girl.She was, in fact, forty.She was from Duluth, Minnesota, where she had beenleft widowed, childless, and well-off shortly after the war began.Volunteering for the Red Cross seemed to be just the thing.Her position carried with it enough assimilated rank for her to have a room atthe Dorchester, and she spread enough cash around so that the room became asuite.She quickly got in the habit of dropping into the bar at cocktail timeor after dinner with one or more of the prettier young Red Cross girls.Theynaturally attracted the handsome and dashing young pilots.Eleanor Redmon had decided to cultivate Stanley S.Fine when she noticed thewarm affection people had for him--people whom she had only previously seen onthe silver screen.It wasn't difficult.All she had had to do was save a place for him at hertable.And the results had been more than worth the effort, Soon, the Scorpionwas able to write home that Major David Niven and Private Peter Ustinov hadsat at' her" table in the Dorchester bar at the same time, and that her newfriend, Captain Stanley S.Fine, who had been a vice president of ContinentalStudios, had had to lend them the money to pay their bill.For his part, Stanley S.Fine watched with morbid fascination the Scorpionarrange her nightly intrigues in the bar.Young officers who came to theScorpion's table wondering how they would separate the blonde from the oldbroad frequently woke up the next morning with the old broad beside them inthe old broad's bed.To Fine, whom she regarded as a decadent (and thus understanding) "movieperson," she frankly admitted that she found boys who wore officer's uniformsand pilot's wings--boys who were not old enough to vote-irresistible He saw,too, how skillfully she charmed the middle-aged senior officers who frequentedthe Dorchester bar.To a man, they stoutly defended her when it was hintedthat her interest in peach skinned young officers was more than motherliness.As the Scorpion, smiling broadly, reached the table, Fine saw that she was onher fifth or sixth Scotch, and thus likely to be both horny and bitchy.With a little bit of luck, he thought, she might go after Canidy.Page 205 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Hello, Stanley!" she cried."Introduce me to your friends!" By friends, Fineunderstood, she meant Fulmar.Whittaker was obviously taken, and Canidy,wearing the uniform of a field-grade officer assigned to SHAEF and lookingvery tired, did not appear boyish.Fulmar, on the other hand, with his parachutist's wings and shiny boots andSilver Star, did."Captain Stanfield, Major Canidy, Captain Whittaker, Lieutenant Fulmag may Ipresent Miss Redmon?""I'm very happy to meet you all," the Scorpion said."Are you really going to sink your fangs into him?" Canidy asked."Jesus Christ!" Fine said."I beg your pardon?" she asked."Stanley said you were going to sink your fangs into Eric," Canidy said."I've been wondering what he meant.""I can't believe Stanley would say anything like that," she said."That's what he said," Fulmar said.The Scorpion's eyes flashed with rage, but she elected to stay and pretendeveryone was being very clever.She sat down [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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