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.For example, Osborne got about $400,000 from the Fund to do a study on black genetic inferiority that favored the restoration of school segregation!People who have "certain" prejudices are now strengthened in their way of thinking.Most of the people think that this is science and it can`t be all wrong.You just haveto take the racist beliefs of the Ku Klux Klan or the Aryan Nations, cloak those beliefs in academic robes and you get a bestseller! Unfortunately, all of the academic energy devoted to debunking the book will not reach nearly as many people as the book itself did.All this once again proves the old saying that a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth puts its boots on!4.Closing wordsWhen I started my research on this topic, I already knew that there still is racism in the world.I was aware of the fact that a lot of people think whites are better than blacks, Jews and so on.Then I began to work with the Internet and I was really shocked to see things like I have seen on the Internet.I thought that things like that are illegal even when everyone has the right of free speech.I sat there in front of my PC and I felt ashamed to have opened special www-pages.It was sometimes frightening and shocking.There are pages of the Ku Klux Klan with so-called "Online Applications for Membership", where you have to swear, for example, that you "believe in the segregation of the races and have never engaged in an inter-racial relationship".Or I found a "poem" obviously written by a supporter of the Aryan Nations.I added this poem to my essay at the end.There also is a page where you can "learn" 100 truths and 1 lie about whites and blacks.The contents of these 100 truths are all the same: whites are better, blacks commit more crimes and are the worst race and so on! You can read sentences like "Imagine if the United States was an Aryan only nation.Crime would be almost unheard of, welfare would not be needed, unemployment would be near zero.Too bad the U.S.joined the wrong side during Wordl War II".There are cartoons ("if you want something to laugh about") which show blacks in front of burning churches and whites who beat and kick them.I also added one of these cartoons at the end to show the inhumanity and hate of such groups.It is really unbelievable.And these examples are only a few.But what could be done against such groups? They are more influential as many of us think.It is a very serious problem, not only in the United States.For me it was hard work to write about this topic because it really reached me personally.As long as such groups are around, there cannot be freedom for all human beings equally.There will always be fear of the minorities and threats and crimes against them.It is a sort of new racism, more aggressive and much more violent and at the same time hideous.I really hope that this movement can be reversed or is the gap to wide to bridge?http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/org/american.d-international/skins-unitedstates.html, p.1http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/org/american.d-international/skins-unitedstates.html, p.6http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/org/american.d-international/skins-unitedstates.html, p.1http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/org/american.d-international/skins-unitedstates.html, p.1http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/org/american.d-international/skins-unitedstates.html, p.4http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/org/american.d-international/skins-unitedstates.html, p.5http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/org/american.d-international/skins-unitedstates.html, p.5http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/org/american.d-international/skins-unitedstates.html., p.5http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/org/american.d-international/skins-unitedstates.html, p.6http://blackhistory.eb.com/micro/329/99.html, p.1http://blackhistory.eb.com/micro/329/99.html, p.1http://blackhistory.eb.com/micro/329/99.html, p.2http://blackhistory.eb.com/micro/329/99.html, p.2http://blackhistory.eb.com/micro/329/99.html.p.2http://www.mindspring.com/~awol/scross.html, p.2fhttp://www.isrp.org/ar_p10.html, p.1http://www.isrp.org/ar­p_10.html, p.2http://www.isrp.org/ar_p10.html, p.2Cacas, Samuel R.: Hearing Draws Differing Perspectives on Immigration`s Impact on Jobs in California, p.1http://www.isrp.org/ar_p10.html., p.3Kuhl, Stephen: The Nazi Connection, Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism, p.106http://www.cycad.com/cgi-bin/Upstream/Issues/psychology/IQ/pioneer.html, p.2http://www.mdle.com/WrittenWord/rholhut/holhut2/.htm, p.1http://www.mdle.com/WrittenWord/rholhut/holhut2/.htm, p.1http://www.mdle.com/WrittenWord/rholhut/holhut2/.htm, p.2http://www.k-k-k.com/app.html, p.1http://www.alpha.org/articles/prob.amer.html, p.1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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