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.Literally.Herparents actually served their food in a formal dining room and used silver serving plattersand fine china. I know I don t look like I fit in, but I will.I can.I promise.I m a very hardworker and I promise to be committed to this job.I don t do gossip, I mind my ownbusiness.I get along great with everyone.I won t lie, I m not the best bartender, but I m afast learner. Okay. He put his hand on her shoulder. You seem hard up for work.You also seemkind of desperate.Desperate people are always either the best employees or the worst.Someone gave me a chance one time, I can do the same for you.But you have to dosomething for me.Her eyes opened and she held her breath.This was it.This is where he was going to askfor some sort of sexual favor.That s what these tattooed strip-club people did, right? Relax. He said, and she drew her eyebrows together in confusion. Relax.That s thefavor I need from you.You re really wound up. He squeezed her shoulder and smiled.Hehad a devastatingly wonderful smile.It made her immediately feel at ease. How soon canyou start? As soon as possible, she said.Joe gave her a tentative work schedule and her hourlyrate, as well as an approximation of the tips the bartenders normally received.Instead ofworking six days a week, she could cut back to one day at the Pier and four days at Ruby s,and quit EE s Diner all together. Do me a solid, though, if you re going to quit the Pier,give Patsy enough time to find a replacement, yeah? Patsy s good people, I don t want toleave her in a bind. Okay, no problem.  Come on back with me, I ll give you your uniform, some paperwork, and show youaround. Joe led her to the back where she passed by more girls dancing and a group ofmen drinking and flirting with a stripper who was giving one of the men a lap dance.Thenhe led her to what he called the  girls changing room, which was lined with differentoutfits.One wall was set up with mirrors, a long table and a lot of makeup, hair products,blow-dryers, and flat irons.Toward the back of that room were lockers and a closet.Heopened one and handed her some shorts, much like the ones she wore at the Pier, and avery form-fitted black spandex top with a plunging neckline and Ruby s logo written onthe back. Here you go, that s your uniform and here s a T-shirt so you don t have to gohome all sticky and wet.Her eyes widened and her face immediately reddened.He snorted out a laugh. Whatwas the first and only rule? Relax? It was meant to come out assertively but sounded more like a question. Yes, relax.Lighten up.I was talking about your wet shirt.By the color, I assume it wassome sort of fruity drink.You re probably all sticky.She glanced down. Oh. She took the shirt and looked back at him. Oh, yeah.Thanks. I think you may have a dirty little mind there, honey. He smiled, handed her somepapers, and walked out to give her a chance to change into the shirt. See you in twoweeks.Make sure you bring all those filled out.If you can start earlier give me a ring.A few minutes later, with a handful of uniforms and a whole lot of relief, she walkedout of the changing room and toward the front door. Oh, you got the job! Darlene said as she walked by, looking at the uniform in Patsy shand. I did. Great! See you soon. Darlene strutted away looking perky and happy.It amazedPenny how the woman was so comfortable with her body she d practically strutted away.Penny was still looking over her shoulder in awe of Darlene s confidence when she beganto walk toward the door.Bam! Motherfuck  Sorry! She shrieked as another drink was spilled on her.She hadn t even started andshe d probably get fired soon.She looked up to see a man who seemed somewhat familiar. Oh, no.I am so sorry.Iwasn t looking where I was walking and  Penny? She looked over the man s shoulder to a very familiar Texan who d been theobject of her affection since moving to Tarpon Springs. Travis? She said, then she put two and two together. Oh, and you re Iggy? she askedthe man who was wiping his shirt. You re that cute little bartender from the Pier, aren t you? Iggy said. Yes.Well, not the cute part, but the part about me working at the Pier. Why did she have to be so awkward.She exhaled loudly and continued. You re Iggy, right? She saidagain with an apologetic smile. Yep.And you know Trav  He started to point to Travis but Travis interrupted. She knows who I am. A strong, calloused hand took her forearm and pulled hertoward him, possessively. Love stories you ll never forgetBy authors you ll always remembereOriginal Romance from Random Housewww.readloveswept.comFollow us online for the latest new releases, giveaways, exclusive sneak peeks, and more!readlovesweptreadloveswept What s next onyour reading list?Discover your nextgreat read!Get personalized book picks and up-to-date news about this author.Sign up now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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