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. 86 Lynn LorenzSky took the wolf by the sides of his massive head and put their foreheadstogether. I m yours, Tor, whether you re a man or a wolf. Another lick had Skylaughing.He lay down, his head resting on Tor s side.They stayed that way for a while, and then a soft woof from Tor, and Sky rose. It s time to spar, isn t it? He wanted to stay this way all day long, but they hadwork to do.The air vibrated, and Tor lay in bed with him.Sky looked up and met Tor s gaze,but it danced away.Sky s eyes filled with tears.Tor didn t like him anymore.Not like this, notdamaged. I m sorry I look like this, but you said it d only last a week.Don t worry.I llbe pretty again. He clutched at Tor s hand.Tor s frown deepened, and he pushed up against the headboard. What did yousay? I said, I ll be fine, just as pretty as before, and you can look at me again. Skypicked at the covers, then looked up into Tor s startled gaze.Tor ran his hands over his face. Fuck.That s not what this is about, Sky. He tooka deep breath and exhaled. I hit you.I hurt you.It was wrong, and I swear I ll nevertouch you like that again.Ever.I swear. I believe you. I just& the thought of you fighting in the cage, standing up against anotherwerewolf, someone so superior in strength, it just scared the fuck out of me, Sky. Torturned away again.Sky pulled Tor to face him. Look at me, Tor.We re mates.Nothing will changethat, unless you lose in the cage.And I m putting all my faith in you that you won t letthat happen.I know you ll protect me. WereWolf Fight League: Tor 87 Like I protected Jin? Tor shot off the bed and paced, fists clenched and fireflying from his eyes.He looked deadly, but Sky knew that Tor turned all his rageinward, not at Sky.Sky watched his mate until he couldn t stand it anymore. Tell me whathappened.How did you lose? He couldn t bring himself to ask how Jin died.Tor froze.Exhaled.He turned around and faced Sky. He was a Russian namedCosack.Big, strong, and crazy as hell.I should have known.I did know, but too late.Hesnapped, I guess.He d been worked up into a froth, attacked his owner, andsomewhere in all that, he picked up a blade.Sky wrapped his arms around his body, hugging himself. A blade? That sillegal. Right.Guess he was too far gone to care.He started to shift, and Jin warned me.Ishifted, but at the last moment, he didn t.I charged, and he stabbed me.I went down.Sky gasped, and Tor looked up to meet his gaze. He hit my lung.It collapsed,and I was helpless.I could barely breathe and couldn t move. Tor closed his eyes, andSky knew Tor was reliving that horrible moment. He won?TOR SHOOK HIMSELF out of the vision of Jin s body, so still, so beautiful, evenin death. It was all illegal.That s why I didn t lose my title.But he took Jin, right thenon the cage floor, and while he was fucking him, he snapped Jin s neck.Killed him.Tor s heart still thudded to a stop as he remembered. Oh, Tor. Sky s voice held every bit of horror and sorrow Tor thought it could.But not pity. I m so sorry. Sky didn t move any closer, and for that Tor was grateful. You never hit Jin?Tor shook his head, careful not to say Jin had never given him a reason to strikehim. 88 Lynn Lorenz Well, just goes to show you how smart Jin was and how dumb I am. You re not dumb.You re& naive.You don t know, don t understand what it slike in the cage.How dangerous it is.The stakes are high, and losers&  Tor exhaled. Ilost everything when Cosack killed Jin. I know.You loved him. Sky moved closer, touched Tor s arm, and warmthspread from it. And I know you don t feel the same about me.I know you don t reallywant to fight again, but you have to.I get that.Tor opened his mouth to speak, but Sky put his fingers up to stop him, placingthem on Tor s lips. I understand.I don t expect anything like love to happen betweenus, so don t worry about it.We re mates.Partners in the cage.That s all.Just partners? If that was so, why did Tor s heart hurt to hear those words spoken?Tor stared at him for a moment.Sky was a trained sex slave, sold to an owner andtold to mate with a werewolf.Love didn t figure into it, not for Sky. Get dressed.Weneed to spar. He sat on the edge of the bed, grabbed his boots, and pulled them on.Then he went to the intercom and called for an escort.Sky retrieved his burka and slipped into it.He pulled the veil over his face butcouldn t hide the black eye.He frowned and joined Tor at the door. Yeah.Send a guard now. Tor glanced over Sky, then leaned against the door. Should be here in a few minutes. Black eye or not, Sky was still beautiful. Okay. Sky nodded. Tor? Yeah?Sky opened his mouth but shut it.He swallowed and tried again. Is anythingwrong?Just then the guard arrived, and Tor never answered. WereWolf Fight League: Tor 89Chapter ThirteenAgain they passed through halls and rode the elevators up into the building to thepractice cage level.Their heavily armed escorts reminded Sky they were slaves.Valuable, to be sure, but slaves to be ordered and bought and sold.They arrived at the large doors [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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