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.”“I can’t help it.I have to visit.It’s how I connect.How I get the bloody information that helps you break the case and makes you look like a damn superstar.”“Fuck you.”“Backatcha.So, you coming out here or what?”“I’d like to say ‘or what’ but—”“Look, do I wait here or go home?”“Wait.See if the car moves.”“And if it does? You want me to follow it?”“Fuck, no! Just take the damn licence plate.”www.totallybound.com“Right.You staying on the line? You want some company while you get yourself out ofbed?”“I’m already out of bed, already dressed.I’m just getting in my car.”“Well, aren’t you just on the fucking ball?”“Your language, Oliver, is disgusting.”“Yeah, yeah.Deal with it.” He looked in the rear-view mirror again.The light flickeredonce more and headlights burst into life.His guts twisted.“Um, Langham?”“What?”“The car’s ready to roll.”“Shit.I’m ten minutes away.Get the licence plate.”“But what if it isn’t headed my way? It’s still back there, just the headlights on.What if it goes the other way?” The car nosed onto the road.“Uh, scrub that.It’s heading towardsme.”“Good, sit tight.”“No can do.I mean, it’s heading towards me.For me.”“Then get the hell out of there, man!”Oliver wedged the phone between his shoulder and ear and eased onto the rain-slickedroad, headlamps on low beam, their rapiers of light cutting into the darkness.A quick glance in the mirror told him the car was gaining on him at speed.He accelerated, hoping to make it to a farmhouse standing in the distance.It had lights on, creamy squares of hominess thatcalled to Oliver, made him want a normal life with a family that gave a shit whether he lived and breathed.His? They’d cast him out the minute he’d hit eighteen, telling him never tobring his weird arse back because he wasn’t right in the head.Yeah, well, they ought to try living like he had for as far back as he could remember.Having dead people in his bloodyhead, asking for help, taking him places he’d never thought he’d go.Seeing things he’d never thought he’d see.Having mad people follow him in their cars in the middle of the soddingnight.“Don’t even go there,” he snapped, pushing his foot down on the accelerator.“Toomuch thought makes Oliver a cranky bastard.Being followed by a possible killer makesOliver a frightened bastard.”“You talking to me, the victim, or yourself?” Langham asked.www.totallybound.com“Myself.Nothing unusual.Nothing to fret about.”“Right.Give me an update.”“Whoever it is…well, let’s just say I think they know I’ve seen them.They’re right upmy arse.I’m heading west.Farmhouse ahead.The road bends, leads to—”“Crooks Lane.Yeah, I know where you are.”“Didn’t anyone ever tell you interrupting was rude? ”“Didn’t anyone ever tell you you’re an infuriating man-bitch?”He laughed quietly.It helped to calm his taut nerves and adrenaline-fuelled blood.“Yeah, plenty, but never by anyone I gave a shit about.” Damn.He hadn’t meant to say that.Shit, fuck and damn.“And that was fear talking.”“You’re scared?”“Hell yeah! I’m human.It’s natural when being chased by someone.You ought to trythe feeling on for size sometime.It’s a good thrill.”“Much as I’m enjoying this interaction, Oliver, we’ll have to continue it some othertime.I’ve just turned onto Keach.Couple of minutes away.Road’s long.Uniforms will behere in a bit, but not in time to deal with this fucker.What’s going on?”He eyed the mirror.“The car’s right up my arse.”“Uncomfortable.”“Very fucking funny.”“The farmhouse?”“Still too far away.”A smack to the back of Oliver’s car had him shunting forward.“Shit! Shit! ”“What? What’s happening, man?”“He’s bumped my tail [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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