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.“I’m sorry Ronan.I cannot imagine how that makes you feel.”“It’s all right.” He inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly.“I’m just sorry you have to hear me deal with my crazy ex-wife.”Reaching for my hand, Ronan gently pulled me into his strong frame.I hugged him tightly, and he kissed the top of my head.Leaning back, he brushed his lips to mine.My lips parted and our tongues found each other with gentle soft twists.I ran my hands through Ronan’s luscious dark curls, hoping to tame the wildly tousled tresses.Really I just loved running my hands through his hair.Breaking our kiss, Ronan just stared at me for a few moments, brushing the tips of his fingers from my forehead over my cheeks and to my chin.My breathing hitched; unable to speak, I was lost to everything, not sure what he would say next.“Beauty, I don’t want to waste another moment of this day talking about Emma or anything unpleasant.”“When does your flight leave?”“I have to be at the airport at three,” he said quietly.His words hit me like the weight of a ton of bricks crushing my soul.I desperately wanted Ronan to stay.Threading my fingers with his, I realized that I truly didn’t want him to go ever.“Come with me, my beauty.Shower with me.I want to bathe every inch of your gorgeous body.”Walking backwards, never taking his eyes off of me, Ronan led me to the master bathroom.He pulled my burgundy silk chemise over my head and hung it on the doorknob of the linen closet.Leaning into the shower, he turned on the water, checking the temperature with his hand.His silk blue and green striped pajama bottoms dropped to the floor.I picked them up and folded them neatly before placing them on the left side of the dual sink marble vanity.We stood in the bathroom together, naked and gazing into each other’s eyes.My pulse quickened.My breathing was shallow.Lifting me up, Ronan carried me into the shower.Warm water rushed over us as we stood skin to skin under the rain shower, holding onto each other tightly.I felt like I was under a warm waterfall.It made me happy, and I melted into Ronan’s frame.Ronan lifted my chin, bringing my face up to meet his gaze.He covered my mouth with his, sweeping my tongue gently with broad tender strokes.“You look sad, my beauty.I can’t stand to see you sad.”“I feel like I’m crumbling into a million pieces on the inside.Am I crazy to feel this way?”Pressing his lips to my forehead, Ronan replied, “No, crazy would be us never meeting.Crazy would be me breathing another day on this Earth not knowing you existed.”“I need you Ronan, so much that it hurts.”His hands eased around my face.“You have me.I need you too, more than anyone I’ve ever needed in my entire life.”The water rushed over my shoulders and down my back.Every single strand of my hair was thoroughly wet.Ronan poured the shampoo into his palms and gently began to massage my aching scalp with his long fingers.Pressing his lips to my shoulders and my neck, trailing feather-light kisses across my skin, Ronan’s attentions relaxed me completely.Rinsing the shampoo from my hair, I felt soft impeccable kisses up one cheek and down the other side.The overwhelming scents of earthy botanicals tingled through my nose as Ronan carefully combed the conditioner through my hair.There’s that clean scent.It’s Ronan’s conditioner— it drives me wild.Grabbing the white bottle from the inset shelf, I poured a small amount of liquid into my hands and gently worked my fingers through Ronan’s waves, twisting and playing with the curls as I massaged his scalp.With each stroke his damp curls became more defined and fell loosely around his temples.As I finished, Ronan moved me under the hot water, rinsing the conditioner from my hair.Steam filled the room like a gentle fog rolling in.The glass doors of the shower frosted over with the moisture, shielding us from the world.I kissed him softly, moving his body closer to mine, and began to rinse the shampoo from his hair.We continued our shower, gently caressing and washing each other’s bodies.Our fingers wilted and our skin reddened.We savored each soft touch, finishing our shower in silence.Ronan wrapped me up in a plush white towel as I dried his damp skin with another, slowly moving over his broad shoulders, down his back and around to his rippled abs.I kissed across his chest as he weaved his long fingers through my damp waves.I studied his body, making note of every angle and curve.He was completely beautiful.I watched him as he wrapped the towel around his waist.“Ronan,” I said softly, gazing lazily up at him.“Has anyone ever told you that you have a glorious body?”He laughed a throaty chuckle, sweeping my cheek with his fingertips.“I’ve been told a time or two.Has anyone ever told you how absolutely beautiful your eyes are? They are the most alluring shade of blue, and then sometimes they’re light green.I feel like I could swim in them.”“Ronan…” I paused, searching his face.His gaze thrilled my body, hypnotizing me under his spell.I became lightheaded, feeling drunk and a bit weak.Maybe I really was in a trance.Ronan brushed my hair off my face and then placed both of his hands on the sides of my cheeks.“I know,” he whispered softly, leaning in to kiss me.“I love you too, Holliday Prescott [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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