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.Ten bucks said he was ex-Marine.He had a gun aimed at us and fired off another shot, taking out the passengermirror.I rolled the window down. Damn it.Chief is going to tear us a new assholefor this!I hung out the window as Carlos crossed over to the other lane and cut in frontof a tan car.The SUV cut into the lane with us, slamming into the side of a minivanand causing it to lean precariously on its side.I pulled the trigger, sending a volleyof bullets at the man.The SUV swerved into the next lane, my bullets taking out a side mirror andplinking off the grill.The wind rushed around me, deafening me.I could vaguelyhear Carlos yelling for me to be okay.The SUV continued to hop from lane to lane, cutting in front of and slamminginto cars without care.They got off another shot, and I quickly pulled back into thecar before they took off my head. Fuck! I yelled, unlocking the door. What are you doing? Carlos screamed, his eyes wide with sudden panic. I can t get a damn shot hanging out the window! I yelled back. So you re jumping out of the car! This is not the time to fight! I threw the door open. Damn it, Theo! Carlos threw the car to the side and roared forward to wherea clearing was.I had to hold on for dear life and use my own willpower to keep fromflying out the side of the car.With careful concentration, I hung out the door,standing up so that I could lean out.I extended my arm and pulled the trigger,trying to get off another shot.Pain exploded in my left shoulder, and I nearly faltered in my concentration,almost falling to the blurring asphalt.The man had gotten a shot off and took outmy shoulder.I gritted my teeth, emptying my gun.The SUV was popped full ofholes, the windshield breaking. The Hunting Moon 77I drew back inside the car. You re bleeding! Keep driving and give me your gun! I yelled, glancing out the rearviewwindow.I sat there and slowed down my breathing.The pain was hot, like petals offire rolling down my chest and arm.In and out, in and out.I just had to slow mybreathing and blood, concentrate on my surroundings.I needed to calm myself, findmy center. What are you doing? Carlos yelled, as he reached inside his jacket and pulledout his gun, handing it to me. Shut up! I snapped. I need concentration!I continued to watch the rearview mirror.They came up again behind us.Islumped low in my seat.My mind slowed, and my thoughts faded in and out,becoming almost like a tide.Every memory I had had, every feeling and thought,emptied out, washed away with each descent of the water.Like grains of sand, theyvanished into the ocean.My breathing slowed, almost stopping completely.I couldhear my heart between my ears.It wasn t the pounding of drums in a metal ballad,but rather, the lazy flapping of a butterfly wing.Then I saw it, as if I were right there myself.They were coming toward me,fifty yards away.I materialized, going from being mere vapors in the air thatdanced with color to a more humanistic shape.It was my doppelganger, a ghost infront of them, standing whimsically in the fray of rushing traffic.I saw them approaching.Ten yards.Five yards.Rushing toward me.I caught aglimpse of wild panic in their eyes, confusion blotting out their expressions as theypropelled into my phantom.They swerved out of instinct, shattering the illusion ofme standing out in the middle of the interstate.They turned hard on the wheel,cutting off a line of traffic as they fishtailed, trying to regain control.They managed to turn back on the wheel and scraped along the guardrail,pulling back into the flow of traffic.That gave me enough time to pounce as the carslowed down a couple of notches.I rolled and threw myself out of the car, kicking out so that I jumped up.Thewind hit, and I let the adrenaline rise up from its hibernation, let it grow into thewild sloshing of stormy waters.I levitated my body up and flew forward toward theSUV and landed hard on top of its roof.My knee slammed down and made a dent [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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