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.Still."But in the moment, sir.""There's risk," Gavin admits quietly."We screen owners thoroughly, but there's always risk.Andbear in mind that a lot of owners own people because they like power, they need control, andowners like that want to scare you.You might not be in real danger, but it doesn't mean youwon't feel like you are.""I understand, sir," Alex murmurs."No, you don't." Gavin finishes with the second ankle cuff and runs his hand from Alex's ankle,up the side of his leg, to his hip, then up from his wrist to his shoulder.He ruffles Alex's hair."Right now I'm ordering you to stay down.You can move if this gets uncomfortable you can roll over on your side, you can squirm, whatever you need but you're going to stay on the floor.If something starts to hurt and I mean the kind of hurt that needs attention you tell meimmediately.Unless you're hurt or you need to get up to piss, you don't speak.Do youunderstand?""Yes, sir."Gavin steps over Alex, and Alex turns his head to the side so he can see Gavin walking away.Itmakes Alex's heart speed up leaving, you can't be leaving, wait, no but Gavin just goes to theseating area, sets the box down on the coffee table, and picks up a datapad.He sits back in hischair and starts reading, and Alex relaxes.Still there.Still in sight.It's all right.He settles in, then, and wonders how he looks to Gavin.Gavin's probably seen dozens of men ina position like this, has probably cuffed men a lot younger and more interesting than Alex.ButAlex is naked, legs still spread wide apart, hands behind his back.It's got to be at least a little bitnoteworthy.Gavin gave him one of the best fucks of his life yesterday that has to meansomething.Or it doesn't.Alex closes his eyes and exhales slowly.It doesn't have to mean anything.This is ajob for Gavin.It's supposed to be a job for Alex, in the long run.You're making too much out ofall of this.Don't be an idiot.Being on the floor cuffed this way isn't terribly uncomfortable, but Alex is glad he haspermission in advance to move around.As Gavin makes his way through his book ornewspaper, maybe Alex rolls over on his side, still facing Gavin.He ends up making his waythrough several different positions on the floor, stretching his shoulders as best he can.He doeswish there were a clock in here; he'd like to know how long he's been at this.Half an hour?Forty-five minutes? Closer to an hour? He's got no idea.Lying on his arms isn't the most comfortable position, but in the long run it's the only thing hehasn't done, and his neck needs a rest from the way it's been strained while Alex has been on hisside.He stretches out on his back, flattens his palms against the floor, and tries to roll hisshoulders to get more comfortable.Gavin comes into view while he's getting settled.He nudges Alex's legs apart with his foot, andAlex bends his legs at the knees, tilting his hips up."Sir?""How are your shoulders, Alex?""All right for now, sir.""You've been at this over an hour.Are you sure?" Gavin raises an eyebrow."Don't try to betough to score points here.You have to learn to be honest with us and with yourself."Alex nods."I think I've got another twenty minutes in me, sir, and after that this is going to starthurting." "Twenty minutes." Gavin glances at his watch."Roll over."Alex rolls over on his stomach, and Gavin kneels down next to him.He slides his hand throughAlex's hair and squeezes the back of his neck lightly."I'm going to the other room to getsomething.I won't be long.If you need me back faster, yell.""Yes, sir."He's back in no time, but he walks back around Alex too fast for Alex to see what he's carrying.He kneels down at Alex's side and sweeps his hand down Alex's arm, then gets his hand onAlex's ass and slides two fingers between his cheeks.Alex jerks against the cuffs and spreads hislegs apart.Gavin chuckles."Want something, boy?"Alex nods."Please, sir."He hears a plastic snapping sound, and then there's the cool drizzle of lube into his crack and alot of it.He squirms as the lube runs between his cheeks, as it trickles down over his balls, runsdown his thighs, and after a while Gavin stops adding lube and pauses.Alex turns his head, triesto look over his shoulder, and he can see Gavin's holding something something blue but he'snot sure what.Plug? Dildo? Please let it be something he can fuck me with.The blunt tip of it slips down Alex's crack, too, and Gavin holds Alex's cheeks apart with histhumb as he finds Alex's hole.Alex puts his forehead back on the floor and moans, and Gavinstarts working it in.It becomes obvious in a hurry that it's a dildo and not a plug, because it'shuge and long and it just keeps going.It's slick enough to go in easily, in spite of yesterday's hardfuck, but there's just more of it than Alex expects, and he ends up tilting his hips back, trying toease the angle even a little."Good boy," Gavin murmurs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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