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.Harry stood at the entrance to the grand ballroom looking around then slid to the side and leaned against the wall trying to recognize hisfriends.He know almost everyone from Marys would be there, but he could not recognize them in drag.When his eyes becameaccustomed to the light he looked more closely at the queens on the floor.He was surprised, though he knew they were men, how muchthey looked like women.Beautiful women.He had never in his life seen women look more beautiful or feminine than the queens strollingabout the floor of the ballroom.Yet, when his surprise passed, he felt a little disappointed and looked at the fairies not in drag.He spotted afew he knew and walked over to them.At first he felt conspicuous leaving the shadowed edge of the room and walking across the floorwith the lights bobbing around, but as he stood and talked with his friends he wished the lights were brighter.Occasionally one of their friends, who was in drag, would join them and though Harry was still surprised at how beautiful they were he was impatient for them toleave.Later in the evening a small band played dance music and couples glided, bumped and twisted across the dance floor.From time to time acouple would stand almost immobile, arms tight around each other, kissing and an evil queen would dance by and tap the queen on theshoulder and tell her to take it easy.You might get a hardon honey and rip that dress all up, and laugh and dance away; and people walkedback and forth to the bar and others stood on the stairs in the hallway gulping at a bottle; and couples sprawled up and down the stairs,some looking desperately for a dark corner; and the band played a Charleston and the queens and their johns and lovers shuffled andkicked and a few queens lifted their dresses, squealing and screaming, each trying to kick higher than the other, the colored spots crawlingup their legs and across their genitals; and the walls and corners were empty now except for embracing couples; and Harry went out andbought a couple of pints of gin and he and his properly dressed fairy friends made frequent trips to the hall and Harry, for the only timeduring the evening, watched the queens, but when the Charleston was over he once more ignored the couples on the dance floor of thegrand ballroom.All the queens were high now on gin and bennie and the dance floor was a chaos of giggling, flitting queens, the drooling bodies from theshadows tracking them.All during the night queens came over to Harry and his friends and talked with them and many asked Harry todance or take a walk and he always refused and when they left he would turn and start talking to Regina, a fairy he had met many times inMarys, but, for some reason, had never taken home or thought of; and soon he was always at Reginas side, talking, drinking, smoking orjust standing, and wherever she went Harry followed.She was wearing a pair of tight slacks and a sportshirt and all the whirling of skirtsseemed to force Harry to her side.After the Charleston ended Harry put his arm around her and she smiled and kissed him.Harry smiledhis smile and rubbed the back of her neck and they went out of the hall with the others, finished what was left of the gin, stood talking withtheir friends for a while then, when the others went back to the ballroom, they left and Harry took Regina home.The weeks following Thanksgiving were lovely and exciting for Harry.He saw Regina often and though, if he thought about it, he mighthave wished he were with Alberta or one of the other fairies he had made love with, he liked being with her, making love with her andcalling her on the phone and making a date to meet in Marys.She was a little different than the others and her attitude toward Harry wasnot the same as the others.She wasnt nervous with him at all.She had no doubts as to what Harry would do.She was more like Gingerwhen she danced with him at the office and almost crushed his hand.And Harry loved going up to Marys and walking to the tables in therear knowing someone was waiting specifically for him.He still hung around the office after five drinking beer with the guys from theGreeks, but left shortly after they did and took a cab uptown.He went out more often with Regina than he had with any of the others andoccasionally he would buy her a shirt or some little something she asked for.And so he added a few more dollars each week to hisexpense sheet.For the other strikers the weeks following Thanksgiving were the beginning of winter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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