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.No need to see her chart? You mean you just condemned someone to shocktreatment without even looking at their record? O really, doctor, condemned is a childish and stupidword to use.But shock treatments are completely unnecessary in this case.I tell you I can have her wellin just a few weeks with some rest and nourishment.Dr.Spencer, I am growing a little impatient withyour anti-Reynolds tirade.Let me remind you, again, that he is your superior and just on the basis of thatfact you are powerless over his actions.Completely powerless.Do you understand me? But dont youcare about the welfare of the patient either? Dr.Harwood leaned toward Dr.Spencer, a bard look on hisface, My job is to see that this department functions smoothly, with the least amount of trouble andconflict.That is my job and my purpose.I have the responsibility to see that a large department of one ofthe largest hospitals in the world in the world functions to the very best of its ability.I amresponsible for thousands of people and that is my responsibility, not one small patient, but thethousands that depend on my ability to keep this department functioning smoothly, and withoutinternecine squabbles.You have antagonized Dr.Reynolds repeatedly, without cause, and I haveexcused you Without cause? How can BE QUIET! I am not interested in your opinion aboutanother doctors competency, but in performing my duties to the very best of my ability.But that woman I have told you I dont care about that woman.Even if you are correct in your diagnosis andassumptions, the worst that can happen is that she will have a few unnecessary shock treatments.Theworst Dr.Harwood was staring hard at Dr.Spencer and leaning closer to him, Thats right.The worst.Whereas even if youre right and I go along with you it will cause so much disruption in the staff and thecalm and efficient functioning of this department that far more will be lost than a few months time out ofthe life of one woman.Dr.Spencer looked hurt and bewildered, I thought your responsibility was totreat the sick.Dr.Harwood looked at him for a moment, Dont be naive doctor.Dr.Spencer just stared,feeling empty and hollow inside, his tongue tasting leaden and his eyes feeling heavy and tear laden.Dr.Harwood continued to stare at him, then breathed deeply and sighed and leaned back in his chair.Ofcourse, if you do not approve of the manner in which this hospital is run you are free to resign yourresidency.That is your privilege.Dr.Spencer continued to look straight in front of him, Dr.Harwoodand everything else in the room becoming a blur.His body was limp.His brain felt soggy.His guthollow.He closed his eyes for a moment then shook his head.Dr.Harwood continued to tap the tips ofhis fingers together, Im certain there must be quite a bit for you to do on the wards doctor.Dr.Spencernodded and stood to leave.And let me remind you of something doctor.harmony breeds efficiency.Good morning.All the radiators clicked, but they were still cold.The panic continued and they were back to the oldfile:///D|/Documents and Settings/René/Bureaublad/Selby/SELBY_JR.,_Hubert_-_Requiem For A Dream.html (107 of 132)9-4-2005 20:39:44 Hubert Selby Jr.- Requiem for a Dreamroutine of scuffling the streets, just getting enough to get straight and nothing more.Marion was able tokeep a good supply of sleeping pills in the house through her doctors, but she was still hysterical most ofthe time.Those mornings when they woke up and there was nothing in the house, having used the lastthe night before when their disease convinced them that it would be alright, that they wouldnt be sick inthe morning, she became hysterical and trembled as she shot up a sleeping pill, occasionally blowing ashot and burning her arm so it swelled and turned red and she cried and yelled at Harry that it was hisfault they didnt have their morning shot.What the hell you talkin about? Youre the one who was all hotin the fuckin biscuit to get off again last night.Well one bag wasnt enough.Its not my fault it was nogood.I needed the other bag.Thats a bunch a bullshit.You couldve made it on that bag.You wouldvenodded out and slept like you always do.I do not nod and sleep, and you know that.And if I could havemade it on that bag, why didnt you? You were all for using it last night.Sure, why not? Whatta mygonta do? just sit and watch you get high and not get high myself? Then just dont put all the weight onme, thats all.And leave me alone.You made me blow the first shot and now my arm is all messed upand I dont know where Im going to hit.What the fuck ya mean I made ya blow the shot? And whose theone goin out in this fuckin weather to cop? Youre the only one who can.If I could I would.Theres nojoy sitting here alone, waiting.Ah fuck you, eh? Just let me get off and get out there and see whatshappenin.Harry shot up a couple of the goof balls and tried to think a bigger and better flash than he got,and tried to think himself higher than he was, but though he didnt succeed, he wasnt sick and would beable to get down some hot chocolate that would help.As his body and mind started to calm slightly hesaw Marion trying to get a hit with her left hand and she was trembling so much she was going to blowthis fix too, so Harry told her he/d help her.Krist, youll kill yourself [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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