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.Normally Daddy didn t let her play with the dangerous toys, but since her brother hadbeen killed, her father had been a little more permissive.John Passerini had accused herof blackmailing her way in, but that was hardly true.Daddy had agreed only when she dshown him what she could do with money, and right away he d set her to work on thebooks hide the money from the feds, create dummy corporations, incorporate, dissolve,merge, buy, sell, shelter, launder, and always always turn a profit.It was a hell of a thing getting a leg up only because her brother Paul slammed his carinto a concrete pylon.Asshole.She still missed him, even after all this time.Now therewas no trueborn Ricardi male to head the family after her father.She was only a girl.Never mind that she had plans to make Boston rival New York for syndicate incomes.Never-fucking-mind that.She was only a girl.Good for screwing and raising kids.Littleelse.Except maybe clearing the table and serving Sambuca.Well, fuck them.Her cell phone rang. Witch by Cold for her ring tone this time.A surge of adrenalineshot through her like some endocrine lightning bolt.She snatched the phone up andflipped it open. It s done, that deep, almost lazy, voice said from the other end.It sent a thrill ofdesire through her that started at the bottom of her spine and rode its way up. Took long enough. It was a fight to keep the excitement out of her voice.She let the silence spin out until she couldn t stand it anymore. Look, I m glad it sdone.Good work.Why didn t you return my calls? I m returning them now, he said. You sounded as if you wanted updates.There s nobetter update than success. Do me a favor and answer next time, so I don t think you re dead in a trunksomewhere, okay? She really just wanted to get up and dance on the edge of the tub.Imagine the look on the capos faces when she brought in word of her success.Leverageagainst John Passerini and anyone else who thought her involvement a worthlesseccentricity of her father s priceless. Anyway, she continued. Excellent work, but we can t stand around slapping eachother s backs all day.There s a lot more to do, and we re on a tight schedule. No rest for the wicked. Now he sounded amused.  I want you to meet me here. She found herself speaking before she d even realized it,as if her body had reached up and wrenched control of her tongue away from her mind. You know where I live?There was another very long pause. No, he said finally. Tell me.She quickly gave him the address.After she hung up, she called the front desk to let thedoorman know that someone would be coming by to see her.Then she lay back in herbath to enjoy a few last minutes of peace.He arrived sooner than she expected she d barely dressed herself when his knocksounded at the door.The smell of soap and perfume scented the air.She hoped he likedit.You d better know what you re doing.Of course she did.She considered lighting a few strategically placed candles and then decided that wasthree steps way too overboard.No need to come across as desperate.When she checked the door s peephole she found Karl Vance standing outside in aperfectly cut, dark Caraceni suit and pale yellow silk tie, hands in his pockets, and staringright back at her, as though he were aware of her presence behind the door.That rattledher a bit.She couldn t exactly say why.She let him in and told him to make himself comfortable on the couches, but insteadof sitting, he followed her to the bar area where she poured them each a glass of wine.He moved with the grace of some predatory animal, wolf or panther maybe, and his feetmade no whisper on the carpet a strange thing for her to notice, but notice it she did. So what are these ideas you re so eager to share? he asked, sipping the wine and thennodding as if he approved of the taste. All we ever talk about is business.A ghost of a smile graced his lips. I thought that s why you asked me here. It was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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