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.Then just as suddenly, hesmiled and winked at her.She knew that delighted look certainly didn t bode well.She tugged on Matt s arm, but the magistrate entered the hearing room.Mattdistractedly patted her arm but didn t look at her.His focus was between the magistrateand his father seated at the governor s plaintiff table.Everyone stood in deference and theproceedings began before she could mention all the visitors in the audience making hernervous. Are you ready to make your closing statements? the magistrate asked.The governor smugly turned to the audience. I d like to beg the court sindulgence, your Honor.I have new evidence to present.I only obtained this disc over thelunch break. What evidence is that? I have a tape with some questionable activities of Mr.Westland s present wife. What relevance does a tape with my wife in it have on these proceedings? Mattsaid angrily, standing up, releasing her arm. You are counter suing me for defamation of character. The governor smiledsmugly once again. I have a right to show how Sophie Brent Westland is undeserving ofany protection for her character.Sophie couldn t even imagine what tape they could have of her.She d never evenseen the inside of the senator s study. Magistrate, I strenuously object to this  newevidence as being anything but more lies to perpetuate on this hearing, Matthew said. I have a tape showing Sophie Westland working in her former office, all alone, Imight add, at Westland Industries.I believe the Tiberius Group law states explicitly she isnot to be left alone in public, nor is she allowed to work without special permission. So what? Sophie used to work for me.And besides, my wife can work if she hasmy permission, Matt said in an even tone.Sophie could tell he was angry.But then abigger problem became evident.How did they have a tape of her working in her office?Was there a camera in her office? And if so, how long had it been there? And why hadn tMatt told her?104 The Executive s Wife Matthew, she said in a loud whisper.Matt looked down at her.His troubled eyes were apologetic and gave her theanswer she dreaded.Oh God, there was a camera in her office.She could tell by the lookin his eyes. I d like to show the tape. The governor nodded to Matt s technician, whogrudgingly handed over another disc. No! Sophie stood up and shouted.The magistrate banged his gavel. Sit down, Mrs.Westland.You do not have avoice in these proceedings beyond that of your husband. You can not show that tape in here right now! she stated emphatically.Matt s eyes widened and she could tell he thought he knew what would be on thetape she so adamantly protested.He assumed she was upset about the sexual play actingthey d done on her desk, in what she previously expected was the privacy of her office,but he was wrong.There was something else.Something worse. She s right.I protest another tape being shown.The others of me were obviouslyfaked. We used the same technique and had Mr.Westland s own technician pull thecompany video within a certain time frame.Actually, the office Mrs.Westland used towork in has a motion sensor activation camera.Isn t that right? The governor turned toMatt s technician who nodded morosely and sincerely looked like he wished to beanywhere but where he was right at this moment.He gave Matt an anguished look.Morebad news for her. Sir, there may be private things on the tape that are of a confidential businessnature.I must strenuously protest the viewing of this tape in open court. No one wants to steal your business secrets, Mr.Westland.I ll allow the tapes.The magistrate motioned for the tape to be brought forward. No! Sophie raised her voice. Please do not show that tape, I beg you. I will not tolerate another outburst from you, Mrs.Westland.Sit down and shutup this instant.Sophie pressed her lips together and stared daggers at the magistrate, but shedidn t sit down.It was a feeble protest, but she was screwed if they showed the tape.Matthew put a hand on her arm in a comforting gesture and added,  Magistrate,my wife can t be condemned for the sexual things I require from her. You required your wife to have sex with you in her former office? Themagistrate s bushy eyebrows went up practically to his hairline. What I do with my wife is none of anyone else s damned business. The tape we have does not show sexual activity, just her working after it wasclear by the date and time stamp& she shouldn t have been, the governor said casually,105 Lara Santiagobut from the smug tone of his voice, Sophie knew there was additional footage.Sophie knew exactly what it was, too.Matt thought he knew, but he didn t. Set the screen up, the magistrate said. Having your wife work for you is stillpunishable by a fine, Mr.Westland, with or without your permission.Do you knowthat? Then I ll admit it and pay the fine.Why do you need to show the video? Evidence, as rebuttal to the charges you yourself have brought forward.Sophie was doomed.She turned to her husband and in a passionately quiet voicesaid,  Matthew, I can explain. His face showed his misunderstanding.He shook his headand winked at her.He sat down and pulled her down to her chair.Sophie sat on the veryedge, her back ramrod straight.A screen was lowered and the lights went off and the footage started.And sheguessed it was too much for the hearing room, with all the salacious spectators, to becleared before her humiliating video was shown.The first part showed Sophie entering her office like she still worked there.Sheaccessed her computer and began working away.They fast forwarded the tape to showhow long she worked.Just as the hour marker showed on the footage, the magistrategrunted and made a notation.An hour was the punishable fine length of time for herworking, apparently.Then the tape slowed back to normal speed and the door to heroffice opened.Matthew squeezed her hand certainly thinking it was him about to enter heroffice, but it was Paul Brody instead.On the footage, she stood up from her chair andcame around the desk.There was no sound on the tape, video only, and somehow thatmade it even worse.Matthew released her hand and twisted in his chair so he was nolonger touching her.Sophie watched in fascination like the others behind her in the audience, but soonfelt tears spill over her lower lids and stream down her face.Matthew would leave her.Orhe d sell her.In the film Paul pulled an envelope out and handed it to her.She opened it, andeven the grainy texture of the video showed it was a stack of cash.She tried to give itback to him, but Paul refused.He then put his hand to her face in a loving gesture.Hemoved in close even as she backed into her office desk.It looked like a choreographeddance move from the point of view of the camera, although at the time, she backed awayfrom him to distance herself.Sophie knew Paul had a huge crush on her.He had for a long time, and while shehadn t returned his affection, she used him just the same.And now everyone would knowit.She used him to save herself from marrying a stranger at the auction, or worsesomeone like Orin, and the money he was returning to her was her very own.It was aplan they hatched before the Working Woman s Auction Memo went in to effect.It waswhat Sophie had thought of to save herself and to solve her own problem.She certainlynever expected Matthew Westland to rescue her.106 The Executive s WifeWhy would she?Back to the footage, and the part where Paul told her he cared about her, and thathe regretted not being the one to marry her.Sophie asked if he would be good to hersister, but on the tape it looked like she was returning his affection [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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