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.S.Dollars.Payment must be made in U.S.dollars drawn on a U.S.bank.MAIL YOUR CD REPLACEMENT ORDER TO:Symantec CorporationAttention: Order Processing175 West BroadwayEugene, OR 97401-3003Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery within the U.S.42INDEXAcreating rules 18settings 17-21ActiveX 8, 19Firewall Rule Assistant 18, 32AOL 11firewall rulesassistantchanging 33Cookie Assistant 23default list of 34Firewall Rule Assistant 18order 34Java/ActiveX Assistant 20restoring default 35reviewing 33Bfirewall.dat 35blockingbrowser information 28Hconfidential information 22-23help 12-14cookies 23-24home networking 29domains or sites 21browser information 28ICicon 10inbound connections 29cdstart.exe 9information, confidential 9closing the program 26installation 9confidential information 9Internet connection sharing 29connections, inbound and outbound 29Cookie Assistant 23cookies 9, 23-24JcreatingJava applets 8, 19cookie rules 23Java/ActiveX Assistant 20firewall rules 18Java/ActiveX rules 20LDLiveUpdate 11domain 21NEnetwork, home 29Norton Personal Firewall 8, 17-21exiting the program 26Norton Privacy 9, 21-24FOfirewallonline help 12-14Search the Help index for more information.43options, setting 11Woutbound connections 29What’s This? help 13Pprivacy settings 21-24protecting personal information 22-23protection, updating 11proxy server 31Qquitting the program 26Rrequirements 9restoring default firewall rules 35resubscribing 11SsecurityActiveX 19Java applets 19security settings 16-21Service and Support 37settingsfirewall 17-21privacy 21-24security 16-21setup 9Start menu 10starting the program 10stoping the program 26subscription 11system requirements 9TTechnical Support 37Uupdating protection 1144 Search the Help index for more information.Document OutlineGetting Started What does Norton Personal Firewall do? Norton PrivacyStatistics and LoggingInstalling Norton Personal Firewall System requirementsInstallation procedureNavigating Norton Personal FirewallSetting Norton Personal Firewall optionsUpdating Norton Personal Firewall with LiveUpdate About your subscriptionUsing help to learn more about Norton Personal FirewallPersonalizing Norton Personal Firewall Customizing security features Customizing Norton Personal FirewallSetting Java and ActiveX security levelsSafeguarding your privacy Blocking confidential informationBlocking cookiesEnabling or disabling secure Web connectionsTroubleshooting Frequently Asked Questions How do I turn off Norton Personal Firewall?Why can’t I post information online?What is wrong with this Web site?Why doesn’t FTP work on older browsers?How can a Web site get my browser information?What are inbound and outbound connections?Questions about home networking How does the firewall work with Internet connection sharing?How does the firewall work with file and printer sharing?How do I use Norton Personal Firewall with a proxy server?Questions about the firewall Why doesn’t the Firewall Rule Assistant appear?How do I review or change firewall rules?If two firewall rules cover the same issue, which one runs?What is the purpose of the default firewall rules?If I delete the default firewall rules, can I get them back?Can I create settings for specific Web sites?Service and Support Solutions [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.S.Dollars.Payment must be made in U.S.dollars drawn on a U.S.bank.MAIL YOUR CD REPLACEMENT ORDER TO:Symantec CorporationAttention: Order Processing175 West BroadwayEugene, OR 97401-3003Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery within the U.S.42INDEXAcreating rules 18settings 17-21ActiveX 8, 19Firewall Rule Assistant 18, 32AOL 11firewall rulesassistantchanging 33Cookie Assistant 23default list of 34Firewall Rule Assistant 18order 34Java/ActiveX Assistant 20restoring default 35reviewing 33Bfirewall.dat 35blockingbrowser information 28Hconfidential information 22-23help 12-14cookies 23-24home networking 29domains or sites 21browser information 28ICicon 10inbound connections 29cdstart.exe 9information, confidential 9closing the program 26installation 9confidential information 9Internet connection sharing 29connections, inbound and outbound 29Cookie Assistant 23cookies 9, 23-24JcreatingJava applets 8, 19cookie rules 23Java/ActiveX Assistant 20firewall rules 18Java/ActiveX rules 20LDLiveUpdate 11domain 21NEnetwork, home 29Norton Personal Firewall 8, 17-21exiting the program 26Norton Privacy 9, 21-24FOfirewallonline help 12-14Search the Help index for more information.43options, setting 11Woutbound connections 29What’s This? help 13Pprivacy settings 21-24protecting personal information 22-23protection, updating 11proxy server 31Qquitting the program 26Rrequirements 9restoring default firewall rules 35resubscribing 11SsecurityActiveX 19Java applets 19security settings 16-21Service and Support 37settingsfirewall 17-21privacy 21-24security 16-21setup 9Start menu 10starting the program 10stoping the program 26subscription 11system requirements 9TTechnical Support 37Uupdating protection 1144 Search the Help index for more information.Document OutlineGetting Started What does Norton Personal Firewall do? Norton PrivacyStatistics and LoggingInstalling Norton Personal Firewall System requirementsInstallation procedureNavigating Norton Personal FirewallSetting Norton Personal Firewall optionsUpdating Norton Personal Firewall with LiveUpdate About your subscriptionUsing help to learn more about Norton Personal FirewallPersonalizing Norton Personal Firewall Customizing security features Customizing Norton Personal FirewallSetting Java and ActiveX security levelsSafeguarding your privacy Blocking confidential informationBlocking cookiesEnabling or disabling secure Web connectionsTroubleshooting Frequently Asked Questions How do I turn off Norton Personal Firewall?Why can’t I post information online?What is wrong with this Web site?Why doesn’t FTP work on older browsers?How can a Web site get my browser information?What are inbound and outbound connections?Questions about home networking How does the firewall work with Internet connection sharing?How does the firewall work with file and printer sharing?How do I use Norton Personal Firewall with a proxy server?Questions about the firewall Why doesn’t the Firewall Rule Assistant appear?How do I review or change firewall rules?If two firewall rules cover the same issue, which one runs?What is the purpose of the default firewall rules?If I delete the default firewall rules, can I get them back?Can I create settings for specific Web sites?Service and Support Solutions [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]