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.He slowly nodded, closing his eyes suddenly as he shivered in shame.The morehe thought of it, the more he wanted it.The last thing in the world that Dmitri wanted was tohurt Maverick, but the budding thought of them making a three way relationship work in morethan a sexual way was now firmly imbedded in his brain.He finally gave in to the desire androde Carlo s hand harder. Ah, yes Carlo, I want to be fucked by two men. He looked deeply into Carlo s smiling eyesand knew that Carlo wanted the same. We should ask Maverick, Carlo.But, we can't hurt him.If he says no, then it s no, Dmitri said, knowing he sounded a little too stern.****The thought of sharing Dmitri with Maverick crossed Carlo s mind the minute he sank intothe hot kiss in the corral.But, being as emotionally fragile as Dmitri was, he would've neverbrought it up unless Dmitri had.He'd shared a man before, several times in fact.Being an aggressive top, Carlo loved the look on a lover s face as another man fucked him while Carlotook his mouth.He d even topped a man while the man fucked another.It was hotter than hell.Exploring this lovemaking with the big, gorgeous cowboy would be amazing.He also understood Dmitri had deep feelings for Maverick.Carlo knew this three way wouldbe more about a relationship than about sex to Dmitri.He knew it was possible Dmitri wouldwant a permanent arrangement.He thought about that for a moment and how that wouldchange his life.With Dmitri alone, they d be able to travel to Italy and back to the Texas whereDmitri s roots and family were.With Maverick, all of that would change.He knew that a manlike Mav would never be able to leave the land he loved, nor would he want to do that to anylover--make him choose.Carlo understood a man s need to keep his independence.He lookeddown at the beautiful lover in his arms and realized he'd do just about anything to keep his mannow that he d finally won the prize.If Dmitri wanted to try a relationship with them both thenCarlo would give his lover what he desired.Hid mind was easily made up.Carlo fisted Dmitri s cock hard and fast as he felt Dmitri take his own in hand.The thoughtof the two men together clearly worked Dmitri up.He bucked into Dmitri s hand, getting intothe well practiced rhythm as Dmitri made small whimpering noises. I fuck you, Dmitri, he whispered against Dmitri s panting mouth. Maverick fuck you,bello. Ah, ahh Carlo, Dmitri cried out as he was clearly into the fantasy.Carlo jacked himfuriously and heard Dmitri s rapid intake of breath a second before he felt the hot streams ofcome hit his abdomen as Dmitri s orgasm took over.Carlo grunted, crushed his mouth down onDmitri s and came just as he thrust his tongue inside, feeling the shudders of wet heat as Dmitristroked him fast and hard.His orgasm was long and deep and Carlo knew the lover s had justadded another layer to their play with the fantasy of the big Marlboro man.Now if they couldonly make it work in real life.Carlo was unsure but he'd do anything to make Dmitri happy.Here in Dmitri s arms, sated, their spent passion between them, he knew he d found the love ofhis life.He hugged the smaller man hard and knew for certain there was nothing he wantedmore than Dmitri Hernandez.**** Dylan and Connor weren't happy as they stood in the living room of their home the nextmorning wishing Dmitri a safe trip as he headed off with a man they barely knew.Dmitriblushed a little at the breakfast table that morning when their live-in housekeeper and motherfigure, Monica, set a steaming bowl of home-made tortillas before them.Monica s huevosrancheros were to die for and probably the only thing that roused Dmitri from his lover s armsthat morning.He was embarrassed he d spent the whole day, all night and the better part ofthe morning making loud, passionate love to Carlo.Hell, Carlo had barely come up for air longenough to get to know the men, Dylan s brother Jared or Monica.Connor quietly pulled Dmitri aside and asked him what the fuck he was doing.When Dmitritold him the men were deeply in love, Connor frowned, clearly not believing any of it but finallyrelenting as the look of love crossed Dmitri s face every time he gazed at Carlo.With a hug anda peck on the cheek, Connor gave his grudging support to their union, telling Carlo he hopedDmitri knew what he was doing because he didn't want to drive over to Jenny s ranch and kickthe big Italian s ass.Dmitri d smiled at that.Connor was at least eight inches shorter than Carloand much slighter in stature.Dmitri kissed Connor back and returned the loving hug, knowingthere was just about nothing that he could say or do that would change Dylan and Connor sminds.They both clearly loved Dmitri and fawned over him.They weren't friends, they werefamily.As they drove back to Jenny s after the touching goodbyes, Dmitri reflected on how blessedhe was.He reached across the seat and took Carlo s free hand in his own, turning it palm up ashe brought it to his mouth, kissing it softly as he let his lips linger.Carlo looked over at him fromthe driver s seat of the truck Jenny had let him borrow, smiled and then quickly checked therearview to assure that Dmitri s Bronco was still safely secured to the tow hitch.Dmitri insistedthey drive back to the ranch together.He didn t want Carlo any farther than a few feet.He wasenamored with the man he loved.Now, if they could only convince Maverick to join them intheir newly formed relationship, Dmitri knew everything would be perfect. EpilogueThe lovers pulled into the driveway at the Lazy E a little while later.While Carlo unhitchedthe Bronco and Dmitri made his way up to the main house to seek out Mav.They needed tohave a talk with the big cowboy as soon as possible.He smiled at Jenny when he walked intothe front room.She was sitting at the kitchen table with Maverick going over the day s doin swhile they drank mugs of coffee and Mav looked up when the screen door banged shut.Dmitriwas momentarily stunned by the hurt look in the cowboy s beautiful eyes.After greeting Jenny and apologizing for his uncharacteristic behavior running away the wayhe did, Dmitri asked if it would be okay if he took Maverick away from his ranch duties for alittle while.He made it clear the two men had unfinished business that couldn t wait.Sincethere were no trail rides scheduled until later in the afternoon, Jenny gave the gloweringcowboy the time he needed to get things settled with Dmitri. What s this all about, Dmitri? Mav asked as they stepped onto the porch where Mavstopped to light a hand rolled cigarette.As the smoke filtered upwards, Dmitri took him by thehand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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