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.The whole Dominici trial * was enacted according to a certain ideaThis official visit of justice to the world of the accused is madeof psychology, which happens to be, as luck would have it, that ofpossible thanks to an intermediate myth which is always usedthe Literature of the bourgeois Establishment.Since materialabundantly by all official institutions, whether they are the Assizesevidence was uncertain or contradictory, one had to resort toor the periodicals of literary sects: the transparence andevidence of a mental kind; and where could one find it, except inuniversality of language.The Presiding judge of the Assizes, whothe very mentality of the accusers? The motives and sequence ofreads Le Figaro, has obviously no scruples in exchanging wordsactions were therefore reconstituted off-hand but without a shadowwith the old 'uneducated' goatherd.Do they not have in commonof a doubt; in the manner of those archaeologists who go andthe same language, and the clearest there is, French? O wonderfulgather old stones all over the excavation site and with their cement,self-assurance of classical education, in which shepherds, withoutmodern as it is, erect a delicate wayside altar of Sesostris, or else,embarrassment, converse with judges! But here again, behind thewho reconstitute a religion which has been dead for two thousandprestigious (and grotesque) morality of Latin translations andyears by drawing on the ancient fund of universal wisdom, whichessays in French, what is at stake is the head of a man.is in fact nothing but their own brand of wisdom, elaborated in theschools of the Third Republic.And yet the disparity of both languages, their impenetrability toeach other, have been stressed by a few journalists, and Giono hasThe same applies to the 'psychology' of old Dominici.Is it reallygiven numerous examples of this in his accounts of the trial.Theirhis? No one knows.But one can be sure that it is indeed that of theremarks show that there is no need to imagine mysterious barriers,Presiding Judge of the Assizes or the Public Prosecutor.Do theseKafka-like misunderstandings.No: syntax, vocabulary, most of thetwo mentalities, that of the old peasant from the Alps and that ofelementary, analytical materials of language grope blindly withoutthe judiciary, function in the same way? Nothing is less likely.Andever touching, but no one has any qualms about it ('Êtes-vous alléyet it is in the name of a 'universal' psychology that old Dominiciau pont? - Allée? il n'y a pas d'allée, je le sais, j'y suis été').*has been condemned: descending from the charming empyrean ofNaturally, everyone pretends to believe that it is the officialbourgeois novels and essentialist psychology, Literature has justlanguage which is common sense, that of Dominici being only onecondemned a man to the guillotine.Listen to the Public Prosecutor:of its ethnological varieties, picturesque in its poverty.And yet,'Sir Jack Drummond, I told you, was afraid.But he knows that inthis language of the president is just as peculiar, laden as it is withthe end the best may to defend oneself is to attack.So he throwsunreal cliches; it is a language for school essays, not for a concretehimself on this fierce-looking man and takes the old man by thepsychology (but perhaps it is unavoidable for most men, alas, tothroat.Not a word is spoken.But to Gaston Dominici, the simplehave the psychology of the language which they have been taught).fact that someone should want to hold him down by both shouldersThese are in actual fact two particular uses of language whichis unthinkable.It was physically impossible for him to bear thisconfront each other.But one of them has honours, law and force onstrength which was suddenly pitted against him.' This is credibleits side.like the temple of Sesostris, like the Literature of M.Genevoix.Only, to base archaeology or the novel on a 'Why not?' does not43 44 And this 'universal' language comes just at the right time to lend a of oratory, it is the whole of classical rhetoric which accuses thenew strength to the psychology of the masters: it allows it always old shepherd here.Justice took the mask of Realist literature, of theto take other men as objects, to describe and condemn at one country tale, while literature itself came to the court-room to gatherstroke.It is an adjectival psychology, it knows only how to endow new 'human' documents, and naively to seek from the face of theits victims with epithets, it is ignorant of everything about the accused and the suspects the reflection of a psychology which,actions themselves, save the guilty category into which they are however, it had been the first to impose on them by the arm of theforcibly made to fit.These categories are none other than those of law.classical comedy or treatises of graphology: boastful, irascible,selfish, cunning, lecherous, harsh, man exists in their eyes only Only, confronting the literature of repletion (which is alwaysthrough the 'character traits' which label him for society as the passed off as the literature of the 'real' and the 'human'), there is aobject of a more or less easy absorption, the subject of a more or literature of poignancy; the Dominici trial has also been this typeless respectful submission.Utilitarian, taking no account of any of literature.There have not been here only writers hungering forstate of consciousness, this psychology has nevertheless the reality and brilliant narrators whose 'dazzling' verve carries off apretension of giving as a basis for actions a preexisting inner man's head; whatever the degree of guilt of the accused, there wasperson, it postulates 'the soul': it judges man as a 'conscience' also the spectacle of a terror which threatens us all, that of beingwithout being embarrassed by having previously described him as judged by a power which wants to hear only the language it lendsan object.us.We are all potential Dominicis, not as murderers but asaccused, deprived of language, or worse, rigged out in that of ourNow that particular psychology, in the name of which you can very accusers, humiliated and condemned by it.To rob a man of hiswell today have your head cut off, comes straight from our language in the very name of language: this is the first step in alltraditional literature, that which one calls in bourgeois style legal murders.literature of the Human Document [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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