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."Whynot? You may have never lied about it, but you never told me about it in a way you expected me tobelieve and so I didn't know, not really.But you fed from me.You didn't ask, you didn't give me achance to say no.And now that I'm here, now that I'm offering it freely and knowing what I'moffering, you don't want it?" His voice had gone shrill and he was shaking, and he fell silent with acurse; he'd told himself he wouldn't do this, that he wouldn't accuse or beg or fight, he'd just come andstate his case and be cool.Oh, yeah, Trick, you're being real cool."I want you, more than I've wanted anyone in three hundred years, maybe even longer." Bast wanderedover to the windows, looked down at the lights of the city.He looked strange, distant and lost."I'msorry.I should have walked away that first night.Should have just turned and run.Should never havetasted your lips.""Yeah, well, you don't get do-overs, baby-boy.Not even you.You want me, I want you.What's theproblem? Yes, I was nasty and mean when I found out, but what did you expect -- me to go 'oh, cool,let's get busy?' Six weeks ago, I didn't even know vampires were real.But now I know you are and I'mstill here, willing." He could feel the stupid tears trying to come back as he stared at Bast's stiff back,and he wiped angrily at his eyes."Give me one good reason why you're running away."Bast looked up at him and suddenly the boy was gone, replaced by old, tired eyes that couldn'tremember what truth or satisfaction felt like."Because I am falling for you, Trick.Because I could getused to needing you.Somehow I don't think you're a long-term relationship kind of guy."Need - 68 Trick's jaw tightened and somehow he managed not to let the tears fall, though they burned like flamesin his eyes."Yeah, that's right.I'm more the one-night-stand fuck-for-a-buck kind of guy." He noddedand shrugged, pulling on his street face like a cloak."You'd think I'd be better at knowing when to takemy money and run.I won't bother you again, Mr.Sebastian." He turned on his heel and headed forthe door.It was so far away.He hadn't come in that far -- just across the threshold, he'd thought."It was never about money, Sweets." Bast's voice was broken and quiet, deadly serious."Not with me.Ineed you.I want you.Fuck, I care so much for you.That's what it was about.I never wanted to ownyour time.Never."He couldn't turn back around, but he didn't walk out either."I didn't come back here for the money,Bast.""Why did you come back?""Because the thought of spending the rest of my fucking life without you made me want to step infront of a car.""You'd be better off just throwing me in front of one." A long, slender hand slid into his."I'm too fondof your smile to see it mangled."He couldn't turn, couldn't lean back, couldn't even breathe, but his hand closed around Bast's, thecool skin warming at his touch."I'm scared." It was little more than a whisper and he could remembersaying it once before, telling Bast his innermost secrets all in those two little words.Oh, but it hurt to flay himself open like that, hurt more than any punch, hurt more than a brokenbone or harsh words, hurt more than knowing he was nothing.It wasn't much.Two words.They wereprobably the bravest thing he'd ever done and he knew he would never lay himself open to anyone likethis ever again."So am I." Bast's hand squeezed his."I didn't want to hurt you.I just."He felt Bast move, was suddenly presented with ageless, black eyes."You scare me.What you make mefeel scares me."A shudder went through him, and he couldn't tell if he was relieved or more terrified than ever."Iwon't tell anyone if you don't.""My lips are sealed." A trembling hand stroked over his cheek."I've missed you, Sweets."He nuzzled into the soft hand."I know.I thought I'd be fine, thought you were just a deliciousdistraction from my life.But it got worse, every day it got worse instead of better.""Yeah.I ache inside." Bast caressed him, fingers sliding over his skin."Can I.will you.kiss me,Sweets? Please? Just once?"Trick shook his head."No.Not if it's only going to be once."Need - 69 "Oh." Bast smiled softly, a stunned look in his eyes as if he couldn't help his pleasure."I can live withthat.How do you feel about every day until you're tired of me?""I thought you weren't really alive." Trick's eyes were closing, his head tilting to the side and down."I'm alive.I'm just not dying." He could hear the husky tone to Bast's voice, could almost feel thesharp edge of need.Trick's eyes closed fully as his mouth met Bast's and suddenly it didn't matter, none of it matteredexcept for the pure pleasure that poured through him, clinging to every nerve.Bast was liquid in hisarms, heat and hunger and the hint of tears.Hands slid into his hair, holding him close as they tastedeach others' desire."Stay, Trick.Please.I want you to stay.""Yes." It was funny how one little word could taste like forever.Bast nuzzled against him, nibbling softly on his lips."Oh, God, I thought I'd never taste your mouthagain."He raised his hands, sliding them through the shorn hair."You cut your hair.""Yeah." Bast shrugged."I needed to be someone less noticeable, I guess.Someone no one would see."Trick drew back and tried to look at the vampire with objective eyes.He shook his head."I don't thinkthat's possible.""No?" Bast reached up and stroked the underside of Trick's jaw."You think you would still find me atthe club?""I could find you with a blindfold on, in a dark room full of people.""How?" Soft kisses began to fall on his cheek, his chin, his lips."How would you find me, Sweets?""I don't know." He shrugged again, pressing into the kisses."It's like.I can feel you.The room canlook empty but my heart starts pounding and I feel hot and I know you're there.""Oh, Trick." Bast kissed him, tongue pressing deep into his mouth, tasting him, devouring him.Trickcould feel Bast, hard and shuddering, pressed tight against him.He pulled on Bast's tongue, sucking vigorously, Bast's hips picking up the rhythm.Finally he broke thekiss with a gasp, hands fluttering over Bast's shoulders and back."You want me, don't you? You wantto.feed from me, take me inside you.Fucking shit, that's like.you need me to live.""Yes.God, yes." The dark eyes flashed again, bright and sharp."It's like an ache that won't stopwithout you.Nothing makes it ease but you.But I won't.not if you don't want me to.I can controlit, really [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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