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.What kind of world freedom is containedin the Balfour Declaration?Arnold Toynbee in  A Study of History , speaking of this tragicaffair, states:  While the direct responsibility for the calamitythat overtook the Palestinian Arabs in A.D.1948 was on theheads of the Zionist Jews who seized a lebensraum for themselvesin Palestine by force of arms in that year, a heavy load of indirect,yet irrepudiable, responsibility was on the heads of the people ofthe United Kingdom; for the Jews would not have had in A.D.1948 the opportunity to conquer an Arab country in which theyhad what amounted to no more than an inconsiderable minority inA.D.1918 if, during the intervening thirty years, the powerof the United Kingdom had not been exerted continuously to makepossible the entry of Jewish immigrants into Palestine contraryto the will, in despite of the the protests and without regardto the forebodings of Arab inhabitants of the country who in A.D.1948, were duly to become the victims of this long pursued BritishPolicy.* * * * * *The news from the Eastern front, confirmed by Jewish intel-ligence, convinced world Jewry that Russia must soon collapse.Lord Reading s trip to the Untied States as head of the Britishfinancial mission to obtain a loan, had made an impression onAmerican Jewry.But more important than these events, WorldJewry had made a deal with Great Britain, and this was thedetermining factor that finally seduced Wilson to abandon hisfight for peace and plunge America into its first world war!The Jewish population of the United States in January of 1917Was estimated by the Jews to be about three million.It was arecognized fact of life that the Jews would serve any cause that 316 BEASTS OF THE APOCALYPSEserved the Jews.With a British army marching on the HolyLand, Jewish prospects for Palestine at the hand of the Kaiserbegan to fade.If Great Britain would guarantee world Jewry afoothold in Palestine, world Jewry would work for Great Britain.Negotiations were opened with the British government in Februaryof 1917 with Sir Mark Sykes acting as the principal intermediary.On November 2, 1917, Lord Balfour reduced the results of thebargaining to writing in a letter addressed to Lionel Rothschild,the uncrowned King of Israel.This letter became known as the Balfour Declaration , and reads as follows: Dear Lord Rothschild I have much pleasure in conveyingto you on behalf of His Majesty s Government the followingdeclaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist asperations, whichhas been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet:  HisMajesty s Government views with favour the establishment inPalestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and willuse their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of thisobject, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be donewhich may prejudice the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and politicalstatus enjoyed by Jews in any other country. I should begrateful if you would bring this Declaration to the knowledgeof the Zionist Federation.* * * * * *The Jews labored diligently to make the Gentile public believethat Lord Balfour, seeing the  justice of their cause, wrote thedeclaration after  selling the idea to the British government.Inreporting the issuance of the letter, the Zionists said:  The BalfourDeclaration is justly so-called, not only because it fell to SirArthur Balfour, as Foreign Secretary, to write the historic letter,but also because he, more than any other single statesman, is res-ponsible for the policy embodied in the Declaration.And, of course, nothing could be further from the truth.Theoriginal draft was written by the Jews themselves.Justice Bran-deis edited it, President Wilson approved it, and it was then sub-mitted to Balfour for his signature.No event in the history ofthe United States is more humiliating.In his Biography of Justice Brandeis, Dr.Jacob de Haastells the behind-the-scenes story:  A considerable number of drafts(of the Balfour Declaration) were made in London and transmittedto the United States through War Office channels for the useof the American Zionist Political Committee.The Americanascendency in the war councils led the British to ask for Presi-dent Wilson s consent and approval of the terminology of thedeclaration before its issuance.The draft, cabled from govern-ment to government, was handed to the Brandeis regime for itsapproval.After a most necessary revision, President Wilson,acting through Colonel House, who was in full sympathy withthe Zionist aims, authorized cabling to the British Government BEASTS OF THE APOCALYPSE317the version that was published, and to which all the allied govern-ments in turn gave their approval. (The  Brandeis regimerefers to the Provisional Executive Committee of General ZionistAffairs of which Brandeis was chairman.)* * * * * *Most students of Jewish intrigue suspected both the British andJewish scheme and purpose behind the Balfour Declaration.Al-though the United States had been in the War for nearly sevenmonths when the Declaration was made public, its significance asthe factor that involved the United States was not unnoticed.There was considerable evidence available from which accurateinferences might be drawn.Governmental negotiations for dealsof this nature, however, are always secret, and it is usually verydifficult to obtain conclusive evidence at the time of the transaction.When the event is beyond repair and lost in the mists of thepast, men are apt to write their memoirs and boast of secretexploits that one time rocked the world.So it is with Mr.Land-man.He was Honorary Secretary of the Second Joint ZionistCouncil of the United Kingdom, editor of the Zionist, and Secretaryand Solicitor of the Zionist Organization.Later he was legaladvisor to the New Zionist Organization.Under the title  GreatBritain, the Jews and Palestine , published in the London JewishChronicle for February 7, 1936, Mr.Landman writes, in part, asfollows:During the critical days of the war, in 1916, when the defec-tion of Russia was imminent and Jewish opinion generallywas anti-Russian, and had hopes that Germany if victoriouswould in certain circumstances give them Palestine, severalattempts were made by the Allies to bring America into theWar on their side.These attempts were unsuccessful.Mr.Malcolm, who, at that time, was in close touch with the lateSir Mark Sykes (of the War Cabinet Secretariat) and Mr.George Picot (of the French Embassy in London) and M.Gout of the Quai d Orsay (Eastern Section), took the initiativein convincing these representatives of the British and FrenchGovernments that the best and perhaps the only way to inducethe American President to come into the War was to securethe co-operation of Zionist Jewry by promising them Palestine.By so doing the Allies would enlist and mobilize the hithertounsuspectedly powerful force of Zionist Jewry in America andelsewhere in favour of the Allies on a quid pro quo basis.Atthat time, President Wilson attached the greatest possibleimportance to the advice of Mr.Justice Brandeis.Sir MarkSykes obtained permission from the War Cabinet to authorizeMr.Malcolm to approach the Zionists on that basis.NeitherSir Mark Sykes nor Mr.Malcolm knew who were the Zionistsleaders and it was Mr.L.J.Greenberg to whom Mr.Malcolmapplied for information to whom he should address himself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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