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.Nikki had plans of her own, to travel the world anonymously, unlikewhen her mother had dragged her around the globe with her entourage.No amount ofmeddling from this floozy with a degree was going to change that.Demetria s gaze tracked to Nikki. Did you do something different with your hair? Nikki absently patted her dishwater-blond strands.Like every day, she d pulled itback into a tight bun.Complicated hairdos took too much time, and that was somethingshe had little of. No.This is how I wear it every day. Yeah. Demetria crossed her arms over her chest. That s the problem.I ll give youthe number to my hairdresser. She looks fine. Tor glanced up from the file. Did you need something, Demi?With a graceful turn, the attorney eased one toned butt cheek onto the edge of hisdesk.How the woman could move in her skintight pencil skirt was a mystery. I wantedto remind you about our meeting at ten o clock.It should only take about twenty minutes.He returned his attention to the papers. Right, ten.Her voice lowered an octave, taking on a sexy hum. My office.Nikki rolled her eyes.Was this woman ever not in heat? Yep, your office, ten o clock. He waved the papers toward Nikki again. Don t worry,Nikki won t let me forget. Absolutely. Nikki gave the bitch a bright smile. I keep him on track.Demetria eased off the desk.If both women were barefoot, Nikki would stand severalinches taller, but the heels the attorney constantly wore had her peering down her nose at others all the better to intimidate the weaker employees.Not one to be so easily dismissed, she continued,  Perhaps you should have Nikki setup a dinner meeting for Creed.Something intimate where you can discuss expectationsand such. That s not a bad idea. He glanced up. Wednesday? No problem. Nikki typed a reminder into the office management app in her phone. Seven o clock? Works for me, Demetria said.Nikki glanced up. Oh, you re coming?A delicately sculpted brow arched with perfect execution. Of course I ll be there.I m Kythera s lead attorney. Right, but it s not like they ll be signing anything at a friendly meet and greet. I will be there. Demetria leaned across the desk. But you feel free to stay home andscrapbook,or whatever it is you do when not working.Oh, she did not just disrespect the scrapbooking.  Scrapbooking is hugely underrated. Nikki couldn t actually claim to be a scrapbooker.It was more like a paper addiction, namely buying copious amounts of decorative paperand pretty embellishments.Never in the five years of collecting scrapbooking accoutrementshad she created a single tribute to a vacation, dead grandmother, or favorite pet.All the supplies were neatly stored in a convenient wheelie carrier in case the urgeto generate a paper masterpiece ever overcame her. You should try it sometime.It svery relaxing and might help get that stick out of your A rap on the door interrupted Nikki s expletive. Knock, knock. Bella Stephanos, Tor s mother, glided into the office. Am I intruding?Tor didn t bother to glance up from the file he was reading intently far too intentlyfor a document he d gone over a hundred times already.Of course, Nikki would studyboring legal documents any day over spending another minute with Demetria. Morning,Mother. Ms.Stephanos, you look absolutely stunning, Demetria gushed.Nikki rolled her eyes, but she did have to admit, the woman was truly a freak of nature.With Tor being thirty-two, she had to be pushing fifty but looked nearly the sameage as her son.Today she wore a low-cut patterned dress in varying shades of violetand knee-high black boots.The color of the dress seemed to darken her pale blue eyesto lavender.Jet-black hair, so like Tor s, framed her face in a riot of curls thathad been cut into a stylish bob.If her flawless skin was a tribute to Kythera Cosmetics,it was easy to see why she was the beauty behind the business. Thank you, Demetria. Bella s gaze scanned the other woman as one would contemplatewhether a piece of furniture fit the space. All red today.Very daring. The statementwas neither a compliment nor an insult.She sidled past Demetria and leaned in togive Nikki a kiss on her cheek. Good morning, sweetie.I hope my son didn t haveyou working all night. Nikki smiled, loving the slight to Demetria. Morning, Ms.Stephanos.No, he gaveme time off for good behavior.Over the years, she and Tor s mother had developed a mutual respect.Both wanted thebest for him, and even if she didn t say it outright, Nikki suspected Ms.Stephanosunderstood how much Nikki sacrificed for her boss.His mother fingered the small bird on Nikki s necklace. What a beautiful pendant.A sparrow? Yes, thank you.I saw it in an antique store in Connecticut and couldn t resist. Did you know  Ms.Stephanos released the necklace  that the sparrow is one ofAphrodite ssymbols?Nikki did know that, but also knew Tor s mother enjoyed sharing tidbits of informationshe thought no one else knew. Really? She caressed the bird. That must have beenwhy I was drawn to it. The dolphin, rose, scalloped shell, swan, and dove are also symbols of Aphrodite,Demetria said, as if answering a question in a trivia contest.All three looked at her, saying nothing.She shifted uncomfortably under their stare,and Nikki had to suppress the urge to cough,  Kiss-ass. Ms.Stephanos turned to her son. Would it be possible to get a few moments alonewith my son? He has nothing until ten, Nikki said.Tor scowled at her.Though he d never fully explained the tension between him andhis mother, Nikki surmised that it stemmed from control issues over the business.Both wanted to be in charge and neither gave an inch when it came to making decisions.Tor worked harder than any person she knew, but oftentimes his mother didn t appreciateit.In Nikki s opinion, Bella Stephanos had made Tor what he was today a gorgeousworkaholic, with no room in his life for anything but Kythera Cosmetics.Nikki held up her hands in silent defense and mouthed,  Sorry.Tor's eyes twinkled with pay back. I'd like you to attend the dinner meeting withCreed as well, Nikki.I'm sure I'll have need of my assistant at some point duringthe evening. If I must. Nikki narrowed her eyes on Tor, promising her own pay back then turned to Ms.Stephanos. Now that I think of it, Ms.Stephanos, Tor is free for at least the next two hours.Please feel free to take your time as you two catch up.Tor coughed, barely hiding a choking laugh.Touche. Oh, I won t make him suffer for more than a few minutes. With grace that was born,not learned, Tor s mother lowered herself onto the tan leather bucket chair. I justwant to have a quick chat about the business.  I ll be at my desk if you need me. Nikki turned to Demetria and made a shooing motion.A sneer curled Demetria's pouty red lips.Clearly, she was as excited as Nikki tosit at the same dinner table together. Are there any legal matters you need me toassist with, Ms.Stephanos? Why, yes, dear, there is, Tor s mom said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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