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.He thought about the stories he had heard about the Gypsies when he was growing up.He had believed them as a child, and still believed enough of them to recommend that Remo seek out the Gypsies for information on the loup-garou.Some of the stuff he'd heard was crazy, while some other parts made sense.Jean Cuvier had never really stopped to dwell on whether Gypsies could predict the future.Tell someone when they were going to die, for instance.Maybe tell them how.But what if this Aurelia babe could see his fate? Suppose that what she saw, just glancing at him from across the room, was so damn horrible it turned her stomach and she had to look away or lose her dinner right there on the coffee table.What if she was seeing him dissected and devoured by old loup-garou?The warmth that he had felt between his legs, watching Aurelia move around the room or simply sit there, paging through a magazine, was gone now.In its place there was tightness, as if his scrotal sack were shriveling to peanut size, attempting to retreat inside his body.Cuvier felt nauseous, dizzy, trying to imagine what the Gypsy's powers had revealed to her about the graphic details of his death.He crawled back into the bed, tried to sleep but couldn't.He pictured monsters rushing at him from the shadows, tearing into him with fangs and talons, eating him alive.That was the worst part, fearing that the damn thing wouldn't kill him outright, that he would be conscious when it started gobbling his flesh and gnawing on his bones.After a couple hours of that, he knew that he would have to face the Gypsy, find out what she knew.She might not want to tell him right off, but he had some money squirreled away.If that failed, or the price tag was beyond his reach.Well, he would simply make her tell him.Who was there to stop him?The old Chinaman?He took it easy getting out of bed, no noise to warn the Gypsy or disturb the old man on the sleeping mat on the floor.Aurelia had the folding cot, had taken it when Remo left.Jean hadn't understood much of their whispered conversation, but he meant to hear the details now and find out what was coming to him, one way or another.She seemed to be asleep as Cuvier crept to the cot on tiptoe.He stifled a curse as he collided with a corner of the coffee table and a bolt of pain shot from his shin up to his knee, and so on to his skull.He stood there, frozen like a statue, waiting for the pain to subside, afraid to breathe in case the sound had roused Aurelia from her sleep.But she was still unconscious, with the sheet pulled up across her shoulder, bare skin showing in the dim light from the curtained window.He knelt beside the bed and woke Aurelia with a hand pressed tight across her mouth.She was prepared to struggle, but the sheet got in the way, and he was leaning down to whisper in her ear by then."Relax," he said."It's only me.We need to have a talk."She glared at him, dark eyes above his hand, but then she nodded.He drew his hand away reluctantly, still feeling her soft lips against his palm."What do you want?""I seen you lookin' at me there, a while ago," said Cuvier."Gypsies can see things, sometime, like what's coming, yes?""Sometimes," she said."So, what I wanna know is this-what's comin' after me."Page 55ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"You know the answer," she informed him, "or you wouldn't ask the question."He felt bright anger flare inside of him."I don't need riddles from you, I guarantee," he told her, leaning close enough for her to smell the garlic on his breath.Aurelia tried to shrink from him, but there was nowhere for her to go.Her breasts made lumps beneath the sheet and set a faint alarm bell clanging in his head."You want to know if you're in trouble," the Gypsy said."Well, you are.You made this trouble for yourself, and now you can't escape it."Curiously, it aroused him, listening to her pronounce his death sentence.He couldn't help it.Even as he willed himself to concentrate on business, yet another part of him was thinking what did he have to lose?"I wanna know what's left," he told her, climbing awkwardly onto the yielding mattress."You're going to tell me how much time I got."His left hand settled on her breast, began to knead the pliant flesh through layers of fabric."How much time?" he said again."Not much," she answered, bringing up a knee between his meaty thighs.The impact stunned him, overwhelmed him with a blast of pain eclipsing anything he could remember from a lifetime of hard knocks.He barely noticed as her right arm freed itself and whipped a rock-hard fist into his face.The next thing Cuvier remembered, he was lying on the floor beside the bed.Aurelia was kneeling on the mattress, miles above him, cursing him in languages he didn't even recognize.The lights were on, and would have hurt his eyes if there had been a spare nerve left to carry more pain signals to his brain.Too late for that, though, with the piercing agony that clutched his groin.The little Asian stood over him, regarding Cuvier with an expression that may have been curiosity, amusement or disgust."Sleepwalking is very dangerous," Chiun informed him, grinning now."You could have helped," Aurelia said."You needed no help," the old Korean answered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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