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." added support for SSL to the builtin development server." Response objects are no longer modified in place when they are evaluated asWSGI applications.For backwards compatibility the fix_headers function is stillcalled in case it was overridden.You should however change your application touse get_wsgi_headers if you need header modifications before responses are sentas the backwards compatibility support will go away in future versions." append_slash_redirect()no longer requires the QUERY_STRING to be in theWSGI environment." addedDynamicCharsetResponseMixin" addedDynamicCharsetRequestMixin" addedBaseRequest.url_charset" request and response objects have a default __repr__ now." builtin data structures can be pickled now." the form data parser will now look at the filename instead the content type tofigure out if it should treat the upload as regular form data or file upload.Thisfixes a bug with Google Chrome." improved performance of make_line_iter and the multipart parser for binary up-loads." fixedis_streamed" fixed a path quoting bug in EnvironBuilder that caused PATH_INFO andSCRIPT_NAME to end up in the environ unquoted." werkzeug.BaseResponse.freeze()now sets the content length." for unknown HTTP methods the request stream is now always limited insteadof being empty.This makes it easier to implement DAV and other protocols ontop of Werkzeug." addedwerkzeug.MIMEAccept.best_match()" multi-value test-client posts from a standard dictionary are now supported.Pre-viously you had to use a multi dict." rule templates properly work with submounts, subdomains and other rule fac-tories now." deprecated non-silent usage of thewerkzeug.LimitedStream." added support for IRI handling to many parts of Werkzeug." development server properly logs to the werkzeug logger now.215 " addedwerkzeug.extract_path_info()" fixed a querystring quoting bug inurl_fix()" added fallback_mimetype towerkzeug.SharedDataMiddleware." deprecatedBaseResponse.iter_encoded() s charset parameter." added BaseResponse.make_sequence(), BaseResponse.is_sequence andBaseResponse._ensure_sequence()." added better __repr__ ofwerkzeug.Map" import_string accepts unicode strings as well now." development server doesn t break on double slashes after the host name." better __repr__ and __str__ ofwerkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException" test client works correctly with multiple cookies now." thewerkzeug.routing.Mapnow has a class attribute with the default convertermapping.This helps subclasses to override the converters without passing themto the constructor." implementedOrderedMultiDict" improved the session support for more efficient session storing on the filesys-tem.Also added support for listing of sessions currently stored in the filesystemsession store." werkzeug no longer utilizes the Python time module for parsing which meansthat dates in a broader range can be parsed." the wrappers have no class attributes that make it possible to swap out the dictand list types it uses." werkzeug debugger should work on the appengine dev server now." the URL builder supports dropping of unexpected arguments now.Previouslythey were always appended to the URL as query string." profiler now writes to the correct stream.24.1.18 Version 0.5.1(bugfix release for 0.5, released on July 9th 2009)" fixed boolean check ofFileStorage" url routing system properly supports unicode URL rules now." file upload streams no longer have to provide a truncate() method." implementedBaseRequest._form_parsing_failed()." fixed #394216 " ImmutableDict.copy(), ImmutableMultiDict.copy() andImmutableTypeConversionDict.copy()return mutable shallow copies." fixed a bug with the make_runserver script action." MultiDict.items()andMutiDict.iteritems()now accept an argument to re-turn a pair for each value of each key." the multipart parser works better with hand-crafted multipart requests now thathave extra newlines added.This fixes a bug with setuptools uploades not han-dled properly (#390)" fixed some minor bugs in the atom feed generator." fixed a bug with client cookie header parsing being case sensitive." fixed a not-working deprecation warning." fixed package loading forSharedDataMiddleware." fixed a bug in the secure cookie that made server-side expiration on servers witha local time that was not set to UTC impossible." fixed console of the interactive debugger.24.1.19 Version 0.5Released on April 24th, codename Schlagbohrer." requires Python 2.4 now" fixed a bug inIterIO" addedMIMEAcceptandCharsetAcceptthat work like the regularAcceptbut haveextra special normalization for mimetypes and charsets and extra conveniencemethods." switched the serving system from wsgiref to something homebrew." theClientnow supports cookies." added thefixersmodule with various fixes for webserver bugs and hostingsetup side-effects." addedwerkzeug.contrib.wrappers" addedis_hop_by_hop_header()" addedis_entity_header()" addedremove_hop_by_hop_headers()" addedpop_path_info()" addedpeek_path_info()" addedwrap_file()andFileWrapper217 " moved LimitedStream from the contrib package into the regular werkzeug oneand changed the default behavior to raise exceptions rather than stopping with-out warning [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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