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.) whomel/la cual, los/las cuales who/whom, whichcuyo/a, cuyos/as whosePronouns 154éste/ésta, ése/ésa, aquél/aquélla  this, that, etc.These are called demonstrative pronouns.Éste/estatranslates this and aquél/aquélla translates that, but there isan extra word (ése/ésa) for things that are not right nextto you and not a long way away (so they are quite near).singular pluralmasc fem masc feméste ésta éstos éstasése ésa ésos ésasaquél aquélla aquéllos aquéllasPronouns 4 ADJECTIVESWhat is an adjective?If you know what an adjective is, go on to 4.1.Adjectives are  describing words.You use them to say whatsomething or someone is like.I Highlight the adjectives in these sentences.a Peter is short and fat.b She has long, blond hair and green eyes.c He has just bought a new computer.d She likes to wear new clothes for parties and casualclothes for gardening.e Her car is large and old and has four-wheel drive.f Her boyfriend is tall and dark.g She manages a small insurance company.h He has an older sister and a younger brother.i Her favourite dish is paella.j He likes his beer very cold.4.1 Adjectival agreementIn Spanish, the adjective  agrees with the noun.Mostsingular adjectives end in -o when they are used with amasculine noun, and these change their ending to -a with afeminine noun.There are adjectives which don t work quite like this.If you know about adjectival agreement, go on to4.3 Fast track.singular pluralmasculine feminine masculine femininenew nuevo nueva nuevos nuevasold antiguo antigua antiguos antiguas I Fill in the right form of nuevo, nueva, nuevos, nuevas or156antiguo, antigua, antiguos, antiguas (your choice).a un coche ____b una casa ____c sombreros ____d sillas ____e un tren ____f una televisión ____g ordenadores ____h ciudades ____4.1.1 Adjectives ending in -oMost adjectives end in -o in the masculine singular andchange as follows:" If the noun is masculine singular, the adjective ends in -o:nuevo, antiguo." If the noun is feminine singular, the adjective ends in -a:nueva, antigua." If the noun is masculine plural, the adjective ends in -os.nuevos, antiguos." If the noun is feminine plural, the adjective ends in -as.nuevas, antiguas.singular pluralmeaning masculine feminine masculine femininenew nuevo nueva nuevos nuevaslittle pequeño pequeña pequeños pequeñasgood bueno buena buenos buenaswhite blanco blanca blancos blancas4.1.2 Adjectives ending in -eIf an adjective ends in -e, it doesn t change between themasculine and feminine singular.However, it does have an-s on the end in the masculine and feminine plural:singular pluralmeaning masculine feminine masculine femininegreen verde verde verdes verdesstrong fuerte fuerte fuertes fuertesAdjectives 1574.1.3 Adjectives ending in a consonantIf an adjective ends in a consonant, again it doesn t changein the singular, but it has -es on the end in the masculine andfeminine plural (this is to make it easier to say, because an safter a consonant would often be difficult to pronounce).singular pluralmeaning masculine feminine masculine feminineblue azul azul azules azulesweak débil débil débiles débiles4.1.4 Other patternsIf an adjective ends in -ete or -ote, the -e becomes -a in thefeminine singular, and -s is added to both of these to makethe plural forms.singular pluralmeaning masculine feminine masculine femininechubby regordete regordeta regordetes regordetasIf an adjective ends in -a, both singular forms are the same(because you obviously couldn t add another a in thefeminine!), and -s is added to make the plural.singular pluralmeaning masculine feminine masculine femininecycling ciclista ciclista ciclistas ciclistasCommunist comunista comunista comunistas comunistasIf an adjective ends in -án, -ín, -ón or -or, it has a separatefeminine form ending in -a, and different plural forms formasculine (-es) and feminine (-as) [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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