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.Since Georgiawas the largest state east of the Mississippi, he needed the plane todo it.He was worried about Holmes.The banker was looking tired and drawn,and Billy wanted him to stay home and confine himself to telephonecalls, but Holmes had insisted on coming along."There's a favor owed me here and there," he had said."It's time Idid some collecting.But don't get your hopes up."At breakfast on Thursday morning Elizabeth put Tucker's eggs on thetable and said, "You've got some vacation time coming.I talked withmy brother, John, in New York; they want us to come trp and visit.Whydon't we do that? Maybe even see some shows? You need some timeoff."The idea appealed to Tucker.At the end of his rope with his Foxytheory, and in limbo until the business with Hoss Spence was settled,there was nothing important demanding his attention.He had thought,too, that !hy might not be in Delano much longer, the way things weregoing His credibility with the local people had been damaged by thenewspaper reports of his arrest, and there was a feeling that theincident had cost Billy the general election.If Billy lost in thehouse now, the burden on Tucker would be unbearable, even if he werecompletely vindicated in court.He wasn't sure where they would go,but they had always enjoyed New York on their visits there, and theanonymity of the place appealed to him.He might find some privatesecurity work there, and a few days in the city would give him anopportunity to feel out a new situation for them."Honey," he said, "if Mr.Holmes and the city manager don't object tomy taking some time on short notice, I could get squared away thismorning, and we could get a plane from Atlanta tonight." 'He went through hings with Bartlett at the station and could4o4 CmEFssee no problems.Holmes was out of town, but the city manager had noobjections.He booked a flight and began to look forward to the changeof scene."How about the missing-persons thing, Chief?" asked Bartlett."Anything come of that?""No, nothing," he said wearily.'hat one is over.""I'd like to know what you thought you had.""When I get back I'll lay it out for you.Maybe someday something willbreak on it."The phone rang, and Bartlett answered."It's for you, Chief.JohnHowell."Tucker picked up the phone."How you doing, John?""Not bad.Just wanted to see if anything was new with you.Is there atrial date set for either Spence or you yet?""No.I expect it'll get settled after the house vote next week.I'mjust about to take a week off.Elizabeth and I are going to visit herbrother and his wife in New York.I'm pretty beat, really.""Yeah, I can imagine.Anything ever come of your detective work n themissing boys?""Well, yes and no.Some more stuff turned up, but it's a dead end now.I'll loan you the file if you think you can really get a book out ofit.It'll have to be a novel, though.""I'd like to see it, What time is your flight to New York? Can I buyyou a drink at the airport?""Sure, why not? Why don't we meet at three o'clock in the upper-levelbar.Our plane's at four-thirty, so that'll give us time to talk.I'llbring the file; you can photocopy it and mail it back to me inDelano."Tucker and Elizabeth drove north, past the Spence place, through WarmSprings.At the Greenville city limits, ashe riff car pulled behindthem and followed closely.Tucker drove very slowly into the town,through the square, and out the other side.The car continued tofollow them.Tucker did not recognize the driver, but he could see himusing the radio.He said nothing to Elizabeth, who was dozing.At the Coweta County line the car turned around and was replaced by asheriff's car from that county.Tucker drove on at a steady forty-fivemiles an hour, a full ten miles an hour under the speed limit.At theFayette County line the scene was repeated,TREE: Tucker Watts 4o5 at the border to Clayton County, yet again.Bythe time they at Atlanta Airport, Tucker's shirt was sticking to him,in open car window.John Howell closed the file."Tucker, you've gotto take this the feds." Tucker set down his drink."What are youtalking about? This isn't a federal case." i "It might be.There'skidnapping.The Lindbergh Law." B Tucker looked at his watch.Theyhad been late arriving at the tiirport because of the surveillance, andElizabeth was downstairs lilt Waiting in a ticket line."I don't know,John.I don't have any II' experience with that, but I think the FBIwont get involved in Iti kidnapping unless there's a request from localauthorities [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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