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.Hastening to catch upwith her, the Ox, too, gave an involuntary exclamation of wonder andastonishment.The silver corridor had brought them into a second cavern, smaller than theentrance cave but so light and lacy, so bright and beautiful, for onceHandy Mandy stood perfectly speechless.The silver sides of the dome-shapedgrotto had been carved to show all the historical figures and characters ofancient Oz.Wizards, giants, knights, witches, huntsmen, robbers, kings,queens and their patient subjects marched in a splendid procession roundthe walls.Sparkling lavender sand covered the floor, and a lake ofshimmering quicksilver took up the entire center, lapping the shore withits swift soundless waves.On a small island of purest amethyst in themiddle of this lake, the King of the Silver Mountain reclined at ease.Hisback was toward the newcomers, and he seemed lost in some deep and entirelysatisfactory contemplation."A king if I ever saw one," breathed Nox moistly in Handy's ear.With awordless nod, the Goat Girl agreed, for in this long, indolent yet majesticfigure Handy felt she was seeing royalty for the first time.The unusualheight of the silver monarch was at once apparent, and his tight-fittingsuit of deepest purple, without ornament save for his jeweled belt andsword, set off his handsome figure to the best advantage.His hair, of anastonishing thickness, was as silver as his cavern.When he turned his head, as he presently did at a little cough from Snorpus,Page 49 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlHandy saw that his eyes were of a clear and piercing violet.Quietly andwithout hurry, the Silver King rose and, picking up his filigreed crown,set it firmly on his head.Then, retrieving a long-stemmed pipe from acrevice in the rock, he established himself in a seat carved from theamethyst and looked inquiringly across at his visitors."So," he whistled, his eyes sparkling with lively interest as they restedfor a long moment on the Goat Girl, "two very, VERY clever travelers.""Why do you say that?" blurted out Handy, and was instantly overcome at herown boldness in speaking to so grand a person."The fact that you are here in this cavern proves you are clever," answeredthe King, leaning over to fill his pipe in the quicksilver lake."You haveopened the door in the mountain that does not open; passed the impassableguardian and keeper of that door C4 SNORPUS!" The King's pleasant voicechanged so quickly and cruelly, Handy almost lost her balance."What haveyou to say for yourself, you lazy Bozwokel?" roared His Majesty, his eyesflashing flinty sparks of purple."I'll have you potted for this, pottedand reduced to a smithering smith, do you hear?"Poor Snorpus, who could not have helped hearing the King's booming sentence,dropped to his knees and began pleading, explaining and blubbering all inthe same breath.Even Nox, startled as he was, tried to put in a good wordfor him.But the muttering monarch, paying no attention to any of them, hadlifted his silver pipe to his lips, and an enormous bubble was rising fromthe bowl.Handy, with chattering teeth, watched the bubble grow larger andlarger, float off the pipe, and hover over the unlucky head of the Giant.As Snorpus tried in vain to dodge, the bubble broke with the sound like adoomsday bell, enveloping him in a cloudy mist.When it cleared away, theGiant was indeed reduced, coming now scarcely to Handy's shoulder."Howabout it, shall we run?" whispered the Goat Girl as the King began to blowanother bubble."Boy, do $$I&& feel a draft!""But he's not mad at us!" answered the Ox, ducking nervously as the secondPage 50 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlbubble soared over their heads."Wait! Be patient; remember the littleKing." As Nox finished speaking, the bubble sailed off and away down one ofthe silver corridors leading away from the royal cavern.Presently theyheard a bell ringing in the distance as the bubble broke, and before youcould say Pop Robinson, seventy silver-jacketed little bellboys cametrotting into the cave."Take this poor failure to Nifflepok and see that he is potted," directedthe King sternly, setting down his bubble pipe."Have Timano guard themountain door and see that I am not disturbed.Important matters have comeup this morning, important matters!""Yes! Yes! Your Highness! It shall be done, Your Excellency!" mumbled thebellboys, pushing poor Snorpus ahead of them."Watch yourselves! Watch yourselves!" warned the little Giant as he wasrudely hustled out of the royal presence [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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