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. She s out sick again, butshe s fine.My hand smacked down on the deskbefore I even realized that I was going todo it. If that was all, you wouldn t belooking at your phone every minute, andyou wouldn t be looking anywhere but atme right now.Why would you try to keep something like that a secret? Don't youthink we all have a right to know, to tryand help?"Looking damn uncomfortable, she shookher head."Everybody else knows.It'swhy family dinner got canceled last night."Jesus Christ! Damien had texted me lastnight to tell me that dinner was canceledbecause Sabrina had a migraine.It neveroccurred to me that he was lying to me.I couldn t help it, and I yelled atDominique before I could hold myself in."What the fuck?""Look Spence, I'm really sorry about this.She just really wasn't up for more peoplelooking at her.As it is, Dante forced her to spend the weekend at his house, and therest of us stayed there too.I think it wasjust too much for her, and she asked us notto burden you with it."Every ounce of control I had was beingput to the test as my heart felt like it wasshutting down."I m fucking 'people' now?I thought I was family.Delilah couldnever be a burden to me.You're tellingme the entire god damn family was thereand no one bothered to alert me? Do youhave any idea what it would do to me ifsomething were to happen to her if Iwasn't there? I'd fucking die Dominique.I'd literally just quit caring about life anddie.You know how I feel about her!"I felt terrible because I could clearly see that I was upsetting Dominique, but Icouldn't control my reaction."I know all of that Spencer, and I swear togod, if I thought it was life or death, Iwould have called you, no matter what shesaid.I really think she's fine.Mama Santhinks she probably has mono, and I'minclined to agree.She's at the doctor nowand I'm waiting to hear the verdict.I'll letyou know."It wasn't much, but I had to agree to thatand let her leave the office.I was wrong.Turns out it was possible tofeel worse.I felt more like shit than I didearlier. Chapter Twenty-One:DelilahAfter I threw up the chicken noodle soup,my stomach stayed settled for the rest ofthe night.I would have slept like the deadif I didn't wake up every time Mama San,Dante or Damien came into the room tocheck on me.I know they thought theywere being covert, but I knew each timeone of them was standing over the bedstaring at me.At one point, there was atraffic jam in my room when all three ofthem showed up right around the sametime.I felt bad that they were so upset,especially Dante, now that I know whyhe's so uptight about things like this. When I woke up in the morning, Brookewas sitting on my bed with a glass ofginger ale.It went down smooth and I feltperkier than I had in weeks.Not good, butnot like death warmed over.I hoped that Iwas starting to turn the corner.I got dressed and ready rather quickly,making it to breakfast in record time.Mystomach rolled when I smelled the coffee,but I was able to avoid vomiting.I evenmanaged to get down an entire piece ofdry toast.After breakfast, everyonehugged and kissed me goodbye as theymade their way out for the day.That left Tally and I alone, so we spent afew minutes talking about Damien'sengagement plans for Brooke.All of us are so excited about the fact that he wantsto do it with all of us there.Before I knew it, the time had come for usto head to my doctor's office.We gotthere a few minutes early, but their lastappointment finished early, so they tookme right away.I've had the same doctor ever since MamaSan took guardianship of us, and I like Dr.Reynolds very much.She's one of MamaSan's neighbors, and she's super nice.Iwent through the normal routine with thenurse who came and took my temperature,checked blood pressure, listened to myheart and looked in my ears.We spent afew minutes going over my symptoms andissues before she closed my chart and told me the doctor would be right in.After a few minutes passed, Dr.Reynoldswalked in."Hi Delilah, it's a pleasure tosee you.I'm sorry I wasn't around thisweekend, I was in Santa Barbara with mydaughter, or I would have stopped by tocheck on you.The notes from my nurse saythat you're exhausted, nauseous and feelinggenerally under the weather.Are thosethe only symptoms?"I nodded."Yes.""I see here that you told the nurse thatthere's no chance that you could bepregnant.When you say no chance do youmean you haven't had sexual relations atall, or do you mean that you don't thinkthat there's a chance?" Oh.My.GOD.My heart started beating double time rightthen and there as I silently prayed thatpregnancy wasn't what was wrong withme.Mono was suddenly looking very,very good."I've had sex, but I'm on the pill.And Ihad my period last week.It was lighterthan usual, just spotting really& but Ifigured that was because I was so sick.""You took every pill on time?"That pulled me up short when Iremembered that I hadn't taken it whenSpencer and I got back from Malibu or forthe two days after that."No& oh god. No, I didn't.I forgot to take it for threedays."Nodding her head, she pressed the buttonfor the nurse."Alright Delilah, here'swhat we're going to do.The nurse isgoing to come back, and you're going totake a pregnancy test.All of yoursymptoms align with that, so we re goingto have to rule that out first.Once we havethe result, we can go from there."I went through the rest of the process in adaze, continuing to pray that I wasn'tpregnant.I know damn well that Spencerwill flip out if I turn up pregnant.It's justnot something I could do to him.Waiting for Dr.Reynolds to come backseemed to take ages, but the clock indicated that it was really only about tenminutes.I knew before she even openedher mouth."I've got news.There's absolutely nothingwrong with you.You're pregnant."I stared at her in shock for a ridiculouslylong time.She broke the silence bysaying, "I take it by the look on your facethat this isn't good news?"I shook my head."No.This is the worstnews possible.I can't keep it."She looked sad for me, but she noddedunderstandingly."That choice is yours.I'dadvise you to sit on this for a few daysand see how you feel.Give it time tosettle." I hemmed and hawed before asking herhow I could conceal it from my family."My timing is terrible.Dante is gettingmarried in twelve days, and everyone isfreaking out about how sick I've been.Ican't handle telling them that I'm pregnantright now because they will go mental.SoI have to say something.Sandra thoughtthat maybe I had mono.Right now, monosounds like a dream."Squeezing my shoulder encouragingly, shesat down on her rolling chair."Foranyone else I wouldn't answer this.Foryou Delilah, I'm going to give you somehelp.Tell them we didn't find anythingwrong, and that I told you that a horribleflu has been going around, and that youmust be coming to the end of it.That will give you some time to make your decision [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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