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.At the mere sight of him her, breathquickened and her heart sped up.He looked up and met her gaze.But this Neil didn t look like the confident man she hadhad meant over a year ago.He didn t have his larger-than-life attitude she had becomeaccustomed to.Nor did he have that brilliant smile that never failed to make her weak inthe knees.He looked& scared.They stood staring at each other. You re supposed to be at a party right now. I know.She straightened her robe on her torso. So you left the party? To come here?He nodded. Why? I have something to say.Her breath caught in her throat.Was here to tell her he d moved on? Despite herbroken heart, she hoped he was moving in the right direction.He might not love her, butsomeone, someday, would be lucky enough to have Neil Harrison all to themselves.Andshe would be the luckiest girl in the world. Don t marry that jerk, he whispered. You can t marry that jerk.Not exactly the declaration she was hoping for. He s no good. He squeezed his grip tighter on his helmet. I don t have all the proof Ineed yet but he just wants to  I know.His eyes widened and he looked into hers. You do.She nodded. I know all about him leaking the video.I know all about his proposal. Thank Christ. He stalked inside without an invitation and threw his helmet on hercouch. Come on in, she mumbled as she closed her front door.This was not the happyending she had imagined. Look&  He turned to face her. I know things are tough working for your dad.Youcould start your own business.I ll back you.I ll give you all the capital you need to start up.Annoyance bubbled up inside her. I don t need your help.How dare you think that Ican t survive on my own? I ll have you know that She jumped when he rushed forward, his hands reaching up to cup her face and hepushed her.Her feet scurried to keep up with his force and next thing she knew her backwas against the door, his lips were on hers and it was the most wonderful feeling in theworld.Water soaked through her robe.Despite the coolness of his body, his lips were hot,scorching as they melted against her, leaving heated kisses along her jaw and cheeks.And there was no mistaking the hardness that rubbed against her stomach every time hepulled her closer.And she couldn t get close enough.When he pulled back, he panted, resting his forehead against hers.It took a few beats for her to get her bearings.That kiss had blurred her vision and justthe feel of his lips on hers made everything right in the world. I know a good investment when I see one, he whispered against her lips.And then he spoke, and she remembered every reason why they would never work. Isthat the only reason?When he didn t answer, she knew.It was all about the money.It was all about makinga name.And this time it wasn t even his name.His obsession was worse than she hadthought.She jerked away from his grip. Those are the words you have to say? Start your ownbusiness, Carson.Make a name for yourself, Carson.You re as bad as my father. I m sorry. His body went rigid. I did it again.Too strong. You can t just show up and pretend as if nothing has happened.I need&  She had noidea what she needed but a declaration of love would be a good start.What a fool tothink she would get one. The truth is, I don t need your help.I finally stood up to myfather and I am going to start up my own firm.He shook his head and laughed.He laughed.Arrogant, obnoxious, son of bitch! Always calling me out on my shit. He continued to laugh, his face actually lit up, hishappiness extending all the way to his eyes.The nerve of this man. What is so funny? You re right.I took the easy way out.I found a loophole and ran with it thinking thatyou d automatically forgive me and everything would go back to the way it was. Hechuckled. I should have remembered who I was dealing with. The easy way out? This isn t why I came here tonight.I came to tell you&  His hands fisted at his sides and his gaze travelled down to the floor.He blew out a long breath and shook his head.He trembled, his body wavered from side to side. Neil, I  I love you.The words hit her like a tornado, knocking her back against the wall.She forced her smile to remain a frown.She wasn t going to give in so easily. You think that saying I love you is going to fix He leaned in and kissed her.He knew exactly what to do to keep her off balance.Tomake her forget her own words. I just said I love you, he whispered against her lips. I know.He stared back at her with nervous anticipation.She guessed she d made him sufferlong enough. I love you, too.Lord in Heaven.He loved her.It was plain as day on his face.He loved her that nightwhen he showed up here, and she had told him to take a flying leap.But none of that mattered anymore.Neil loved her.She fisted his hair and pulled his head back. If we do this, work stays separate.I don tneed you to pave the way for me.Are we clear? What if I want to hire you?She cocked her hip to the side. You need an architect?He shrugged. Someone s going to have to design our new home.Her stomach danced with excitement.A house meant commitment.Long-term.But washe willing to go all the way?She looked up into his eyes. Is that all you need? An architect? Architect.Lover. He trailed his finger down the hollow of her neck then locked hiseyes on hers. Wife.She lunged forward and smashed her lips to his.It was a few moments before shecame up for air. I want to be all those things.He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Carson Kelly, you re everythingI never thought I could have.And he was everything she ever wanted. You have me.You ll have it all, forever. About the AuthorWhen her dream of becoming a mafia princess didn t pan out, Gina Gordon went after hersecond dream& becoming a writer.And she hasn t looked back.Gina, a self-proclaimed happily-ever-after junkie and cupcake connoisseuse, lovesspinning contemporary tales of knee-bending first kisses, unconditional love, and super-hot sex.She broke out onto the romance scene with her number one Amazon best-sellingerotic short story  Her Five Favorite Words, which has been called a  deliciously naughtytale by Joyfully Reviewed.When not chained to her computer, you can find Gina sipping Starbucks, makingcupcakes or feeding her addiction to celebrity gossip.She lives in Milton, Ontario, with herhusband and lovable dog. Find out where it all began in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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