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.There had to be millions of things she d done forhim in the years they d been together. And I&  Yes, Muriel?She expelled her breath and scrunched up her face. I cooked&  she stoppedbecause actually she had intended to cook for him quite often, but had never actuallymanaged to get past the cookbook and the one time she had& well, the less said aboutthat, the better. I buy you wine. And drink it all yourself.She pouted. That s not true and what about the time I cut your hair for you? Sheknew that that was a bad example as soon as it was out of her mouth. Have you ever seen an elf with a fringe? I was the laughing stock of The Valley! Okay, okay, bad example.I bathe with you, I brush your hair, I let you use myshampoo and all of my moisturizers and things. Which I do not need.Shall I mention your hair in my comb?This was a silly game, a very silly game.The faerie hated games that she couldn twin. I m really not in the mood for these petty shots.I have a customer to deflower, soif you ll excuse me.She turned around, determined to leave the pools with her back straight and herpride intact, even if her hastily patched heart was breaking all over again.She wouldnot let him know how he affected her.She was therefore unprepared for the sudden pressure behind her knees.Before hernewly rejuvenated wings could respond, she fell into the pool, fully dressed and mouthwide open.She sank beneath the water, involuntarily drinking a lungful of water before a handclasped the front of her negligee and pulled her up.As her face reappeared above thesurface, the fabric gave way, revealing the white lacy nothing below.Elton caught herwith his other hand before she could return to her watery prison.She spluttered in hisarms, thrust the hair out of her eyes and glared at the face that was mere inches awayfrom her own.His lips were slightly parted, and if circumstances had been different, she wouldhave taken it as an invitation to kiss him.She applied pressure to his chest, a symbolicprotest rather than an effective measure, because everyone knew how strong elveswere, even if they had the look of saplings.He permitted her to set her feet upon themuddy, slimy and totally unhygienic bottom of the pool, but did not loosen the armaround her waist. How dare you! Muriel began. How dare you pull me into the water! Just look atmy outfit, it s my most expensive piece of nothing and you ruined it.You can t goaround ripping the bodices off females, you re not the hero of some paperbackromance, you know.85 Mary HausenCasually, Elton flung his long mane of hair over his shoulder in very much themanner of a pirate or a Scottish lord.In another time, in another dimension, he wouldindeed have made a fortune gracing the covers of numerous books.And he knew it, heknew the effect he had on females, he knew the effect he had on her. Are you wet yet, Muriel? It wasn t the water he was talking about.No, not thewater that warmed them, that rendered her wings, the one advantage she had over him,inoperative.He referred to the flood of liquid that oozed from her vagina in readyexpectation. You are not going to win me over with your voice and you will not use your magicon me.He pulled her closer so that she was flush against his body. I need no magic withyou, Muriel.I need only to touch you and you melt in my hands.It has always been thatway.Sure, it was true, but it made her as mad as hell to be reminded. You will not getaround me with sex.I have a right to be angry with you.He smiled, but did not answer, because they both knew he had every intention ofusing sex as a means of getting what he wanted.The two of them only needed to be inthe same room and sparks would fly.Her body was already sending off all the rightsignals; her clit was rubbing along his thigh and her nipples against his chest, her handswere entwined in his hair. This doesn t mean that I forgive you, she pouted.Raising his thumb, Elton wiped away the mascara that had maltreated her cheeks. I wouldn t dream of assuming you had, my dear.And by the way, I have not forgivenyou.This is just an exercise in tension release.It s just sex.Muriel smiled. Just sex? Well then, shall we agree on a truce for the duration of anorgasm? At least one, Elton agreed. Until both parties are sated or until midnight,whichever shall come first. Agreed. The faerie leaned forward and sealed their contract with a deep tongue-probing kiss that put her body on standby.Elton ripped off the remains of her negligee and flung it over their heads.It landedon the rock surface with a subdued plop that neither heard.Her bra went the same wayand the knickers vanished completely, probably to be found downstream at somefuture date and used by ignorant boys as a slingshot.Elton s fingers, familiar and firm,glided across her chest and enclosed her breasts, taunting them with practiced ease.Theelf damn well knew what buttons to push.He knew exactly how to move his thigh sothat the muscle would rub on her clit.Or maybe that was her. Do you remember the day we met?86 Even Sex Faeries Get the Blues As if I could forget. It had been winter and Muriel had been wearing an outfit inwhite, edged with the softest of feathers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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