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.Broken bone had poked right through the materialand was exposed to the raging elements.She snapped her head back and took a better look at Drake. Oh man, she said. Damn.Okay, your first aid kit& where s your first aid kit? Melissa, I want you to shift and get out of here.This guy isn t after me, he s afteryou. I can t leave you like this! Yes, you can. Well, I won t. She stepped closer, getting up in his face. Don t even try to makeme go away right now, Drake Wheeler.Just shut the hell up and help me fix this.He chuckled. You can t fix this, Melissa.You re not a doctor. Okay.Fix it was the wrong term.But I can do something about it, she muttered asshe reached past him into the truck, searching for the first aid kit he d had at the hotel. You need to shift and go get help. Would you stop with that? She stepped back into the wind and threw her hands inthe air. Who the fuck am I going to go and get? We re out in the middle of nowhere,down the side of the mountain. Melissa. He gripped her arm, and she noticed the way his lips were compressed. You said you d listen to me.You agreed that, when I told you to shift and get thefuck out, you d go. I lied! They glared at each other for a minute before Melissa gave in, sort of. Okay.Let s besmart, she said. Yes, let sShe glared. Let s get you away from the truck, to a safe spot, then I ll go for help.How s that? Do I have a choice?She didn t even think about it. No. Then let s do it.She put up a hand, halting his jerky movements. Before we move you, I need to fixthat.He glared.She glared.Finally he reached behind the seat of the truck awkwardly andpulled out the first aid kit.He also pulled out a long black case.He lifted it up andbalanced it on the side of the truck. Hold this steady a minute.She moved beside him.Before she could ask what he was doing he unsnapped thecase and lifted the lid. Is that a gun? It s more than a gun, baby. He pulled the huge thing from the case and ran his handover it lovingly. It s Prairie Gun-works Timberwolf. It s a rifle. The best there is, he said.He braced the thing on the edge of the truck and startingattaching pieces from the case.She had to admit, the sight of him all macho andmanly, the strong snap as he slid the pieces into place, it had a bit of an erotic feel to it.She shifted closer to him, using him and the open case as a windbreak. You lookvery sexy right now, she said.He froze.He shut the case with a slow, precise movement and turned to her, the desirein his gaze promising long hours of pleasure. Remind me of that when we get out ofhere.  It s a promise. Okay, he said after another moment of wordless communication. Let s get moving. Not so fast, she said. Your leg first.He glared, then scanned the surrounding area quickly. Hand me the sleeping bag.She reached into the back of the king cab and pulled out a rolled-up sleeping bag.With a quick snap he had it unfurled and laid out on the ground next to the tire.Hehanded her the rifle and she automatically pointed the muzzle at the ground while shewatched him lowering himself to the snow-covered gravel where the truck hadstopped.He propped his back against the tire and held out his hands. Rifle, please.He bent his right leg and propped the gun on his knee before looking up at her. Ifyou re gonna do this, do it quick.27D rake steadied the Timberwolf against his right shoulder and scanned themountainside through the night scope, making adjustments until the vision was asclear as it could get.He d been unable to brace himself when the truck had gone overthe ledge, and his left shoulder had taken a beating against the steering wheel.Notonly had shoulder had taken a beating, but he d smacked his head good, and his visionwas all blurry.Concussion, he thought to himself as he struggled to stay focused.Melissa muttered as she pulled stuff out of the first aid kit and he prayed.He couldn t remember the last time he prayed.He d grown up not believing in God,but he d met true evil in his line of work, and he believed in Hell.He figured hecouldn t believe in Hell if he didn t believe in the counterpart.That didn t mean he prayed, though.But for Melissa, he prayed.It was dark, he washurt, and they were stuck.He could protect himself with a bullet, but he wasn t sosure he could protect her.He d certainly done a piss-poor job of it so far. A hard lump formed in his throat as he watched the woman beside him.The snow wasfalling more gently now, but the wind kept blowing her hair into her face and she justkept pushing it back.No hesitation.That was her.She didn t whine or complain about the hand she was dealt, she didn tblame anyone, she just did what needed to be done. Hurry up. He d had to work to push the words past his tight, dry throat, and theycame out as a growl.She glared at him, but he didn t care.All he cared about wasmaking her happy enough with his situation that she would shift and get the hell out ofthere.Ignoring the demands of her patient Melissa looked at all the crap she d pulled out ofthe first aid kit.How could so much stuff fit in such a small kit? The kit was smallerthan the one he d had in the hotel room, yet it seemed to have more things.It was allstarting to blur in front of her.Focus, she told herself.You can do this.A deep breath in, and blow it out.She studied the stuff again.A pressure bandage!Closing her eyes she thought back to the mountain survival first aid class Erin s dadhad made them take when they started going got for early morning hikes.Brace it.She needed to brace the break before bandaging it.Finding some more gauze pads, she stopped and looked at Drake.He d been silent,sitting back against the tire, watching her. Any advice? Maybe cut the pant leg open, so you don t work the fabric deeper into the wound,he said. But other than that, you look like you know what you re doing. The pants, she muttered, digging through the first aid kit for a pair of scissors. Iknow I saw you in here back at the hotel. Melissa.Her head snapped up and she saw the very large, very sharp knife Drake held out toher.She bit her lip and grabbed his pants leg, slicing it neatly to the hem and exposing hisugly wound. For the second time in less than twenty-four hours, she was doctoring him.Thatscared her.Taking another deep breath, she ignored the chill that crept into her lungs and leanedover his leg. I wish I had rubber gloves, she muttered.Rolling the gauze pads into tight little sausages she prepared to wiggle them into place. Ready? she glanced at Drake.He nodded, his eyes on the mountainside behind her.She went to work, doing her best to touch as little as possible as she set the gauzesausages under the break and let them slowly expand to fill the space, stabilizing thebroken bone.She peeked at Drake from under her lashes, but he wasn t watching her.His eyes wereroaming, scanning their surroundings for any sign that their assailant had decide tofollow them down the mountain. You think he ll follow? she asked as she laid some more gauze pads over andaround the exposed bone. Yes. Even in this snow?Drake looked at her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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