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.14.""What is this crap! You've been threatening to shut off my lines for weeksover that bill!""I imagine so.""'Well, I'm still in arrears.So shut me off, Chuck!""Not without payment.""You can't do this! It's un-American!""Continued service is entirely an AT ," the infuriatingly unruffled voicesaid."In this case, we elect to continue to serve your telephonic needs.""I demand to be disconnected! Right now!"The line went click, and Randal Rumpp found himself listening to a dial tone.He hung up the telephone, with no life left in his eyes."I'm dead," he said dully."I'm sinking into the earth and I'm dead."A thought occurred to him."Where the heck am I going, anyway?"Rumpp went to a hand-carved globe and spun it.He picked out the longitude andlatitude of Manhattan, spun the globe, and found their counterparts on theother side.It was in a mountainous border region of what was once the SovietUnion."Great," he muttered."I'm heading for 'Kazakhstan.' I never even heard ofKazakhstan.They probably don't even speak English there.Maybe I'd betterjust surrender."But the pounding at the credit-control doors made him think again.It wasgetting louder.Louder than the insistently ringing office telephones.Theyreally wanted him.Wanted him bad."What the heck!" he told himself."Can't hurt to call those riceballs atNishitsu again.I haven't threatened to sue them yet.Maybe I can hose theminto building Rumpp Tower II."Grinning, Randal Rumpp reached for his portable cellular phone.Chapter 31Rair Brashnikov was attempting to induce the two American agents to let himremove his helmet."No," said the Caucasian."I am having trouble breathing.""Then die quietly."The Oriental was arguing with the Caucasian.They were arguing over his head.The Oriental wanted it removed from his shoulders, and the Caucasian was infavor of letting Brashnikov keep it.In the meantime, they were waiting for the telephone to ring.And then itdid.The Caucasian picked it up."Yeah, Smitty.What's the deal?" The Caucasian listened.He looked up and said to the Oriental, "Smitty says the Rumpp Tower is stillPage 97 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlsinking, and they can't get Rumpp out.""Offer to Smith our services to extricate the schemer, Rumpp.""Smitty.Chiun says we can get Rumpp out." He listened again."Okay.What dowith do about Ivan here? Gotcha."The Caucasian hung up."Smith says we grab Rumpp.""And this monstrosity?""Put him on ice until we get back."The old Oriental was still holding on to Rair Brashnikov's aching wrists,pinning them together as irremovably as shackles.Now he manipulated his longbony fingers, transferring both wrists to the unshakable grasp of one amberhand.All around him, the bodies of the many Russian agents sent to recaptureBrashnikov lay still and waxy as a Disco museum after an earthquake."What means 'on ice'?" Brashnikov asked.Silence."Does 'on ice' mean dead? I must know.Am I allowed a final prayer? I knowsome very short ones."The cold-eyed Oriental reached for his throat.Down the corridor the elevator doors rolled open.Remo called, "Shake a leg,Chiun!"Then came Cheeta Ching's voice."Grandfather Chiun! Where are you?"Chiun started."Cheeta?"But the corridor was suddenly filled with the tramping of heavy footsteps."We can't leave him now," Remo hissed."That's either the IRS or the cops."The Master of Sinanju stepped toward the open doorway.The helpless Russiancame with him, unable to free his pinioned arms.Then the tiny Korean lifted one foot.A simple gesture barely noticed.Remomoved to the edge of the door, hands high, ready to strike if need be.A clot of Manhattan's finest clopped up the corridor, guns drawn."Grandfather Chiun!" Cheeta shouted."It's all right! I brought the police!""Some one shut her up," a voice growled.And the Master of Sinanju pivoted on his one planted foot.The thick-soled white boots on Rair Brashnikov's feet buzzed the rug, assudden centrifugal force brought him around in a standing arc.Incredibly powerful fingers released his wrists.By that point, momentum had set his legs at right angles to the walls.Hisfeet flew through the bullet-gnashed doorway, taking the rest of him with it.The Russian bowled over four policemen before they could react or retreat.Remo and Chiun jumped out into the corridor, their feet busy.Their heelsstamped pistol muzzles flat and broke cylinders from their frames."Remo!" Chiun squeaked."See to the Krahseevah!""Right [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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