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.The President appointed a commission of five to the UnitedNations to handle our atomic bomb.They are all internationalistsand most of them Jews, with Bernard Baruch as chairman.Baruchresigned and the President appointed the Jew, David Lillienthal,but the senate refused to confirm the appointment.Mr.Trumanappointed as delegates to the United Nations, Mrs.EleanorRoosevelt, a communist; Edward Stettinius, a member of theRothschild agency of Morgan & Co.; and Senators Connallyand Vandenburg.The President proposes to impart the atomicbomb secret and the security of the world to the commissionand the United Nations.Russia will get the secret and will useit, and there is nothing the United Nations can do about it.Who of us prefer the President's bomb commission or the UnitedNations to the American Congress?There is no remedy except the destruction of the bolshevikgovernment.It is not likely to abdicate nor to liberate conqueredcountries upon a mere threat.It must be destroyed, and thesooner the better.There can be no peace or world security untilthis is done.It is not conceivable that Mr.Stalin will wreckthe United Nations, for he and the communists want it; but theywant it on their own terms and will have it that way or not at all.ATOMIC BOMBWe have the power through the atomic bomb, to control theworld.It is our responsibility.We should not shirk it nor seekto evade or transfer it to any other agency or government.Theatomic bomb has made useless the United Nations and a hugenavy and standing army and the draft and military training,and it can prevent war and should be used only for that pur-pose; the mere threat of its use would ordinarily be sufficient.Nor do we need an army to police the crushed and defenselessand starving Germans, Italians and Japanese; but we may needone to occupy Russia and protect us from Russian aggression.The New Dealers, Socialists, One Worlders and Communistshave bankrupted our country for the purpose of accomplishingtheir reforms and they should be made to pay the damages. 116  This will of itself accomplish some of their reforms, for it willinvolve the government's taking over the railroads and monop-olies and huge financial institutions now controlled by J.P.Mor-gan and Company, and Kuhn, Loeb and Company.It will mean thecancellation of the bonds held by their financial institutions.Theremnant of the bonds should be cancelled by issuing currencyin payment of them.We have given under the pretense of lend-lease the huge sumof $50,596,698,000, substantially all of which has been givento the Russians and the British.We have already cancelled theBritish part of it and promised to give in the form of a loan theadditional sum of $3,350,000,000.RESTORE OUR SOLVENCYThis is only a fraction of the cost of this mad world enterpriseas compared with the loss of lives and the waste of our resources.It is not just that this huge burden be placed upon labor andindustry; it will absorb their earnings for generations to come.It should be placed on the men who brought this disaster uponus if they can be located; and that is not a difficult job.Fortun-ately they hold most of our bonds and railroads, industries andhuge financial institutions and can be made to pay.Let us havea real Nuernberg trial, collect our damages and punish the guilty.Our government was practically out of debt when the worldempire builders took it over.Make them restore its solvency.It isnot a case of innocent bad judgment but one of deliberate designto wreck the government, enslave the people and to subordinateit and them to a world super-government.It was a criminal con-spiracy for which they are justly and legally liable.They will ofcourse howl about their constitutional rights, but they are not en-titled to the protection of a constitution they seek to destroy.We have an admitted bonded debt of $262,000,000,000, theinterest on which, at 2%, is $5,000,000,000.I do not know theindebtedness of the RFC and other government bureaus, all ofwhich are unconstitutional, but it is probably 30 to 40 billiondollars.This is approximately our estimated wealth.There areonly two methods by which we can get relief from this huge debt,one is in the manner suggested and the other by such a high rateof taxation as to stifle enterprise and the employment of labor.The labor organizations seek to establish and maintain cheapprices and high wages.It can't be done.Prices and wages go to-gether and the two measure the value of the dollar.It is impos-sible to have inflated wages and deflated prices.If we have highprices and wages we have inflation; if we have cheap prices andwages, we have deflation.They are created by and based on thevolume of money in circulation.We can pay taxes and debts withinflation but not with deflation. 117  It is not just that this huge government debt be imposed onindustry and labor by excessive taxation.It will stifle industry andenslave labor.Moreover, these conspirators are responsible fordrafting our young men into the army and navy, for the deathand wounding of about one million of them, for the maintenanceof armies in foreign countries at an annual cost of about onebillion dollars, for the 50 billion dollars of lend-lease, and for thebankrupt loans made to England, France and other countries.We should create an impartial tribunal to try them and if foundguilty make them pay for their crimes.We have precedents in the Nuerenberg court and trial, thepenalty imposed by Judge Goldsborough against the MinersUnion and as authority the common law.Under the common lawanyone who seeks to overturn his government is a rebel and atraitor and is punishable by death with confiscation of propertyor banishment with such confiscation.Every communist is atraitor for he seeks to overturn the government by force if nec-essary.The strikes, to which we have recently been subjected,were as a rule instigated by communists for the purpose of pro-moting communism and injuring the people and the government.We will never have domestic peace so long as we permit theselazy, mischievous troublemakers to remain in our country.ENLARGE POWERS OF UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIESCOMMITTEEWe have such a committee that is hearing evidence againstthem, the Thomas-Rankin Committee, but it is without powerto act.It can only report to Congress and that is the endof it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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