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.And eventhen.I closed my eyes, running sight-blind, relying only on the wind in my whiskers, the smells, the sounds.and then a hand closed around the scruffof my neck and I was jerked up into the air. Well, hello there.Running away from home?A man held me by my scruff in full sunlight, a man with Winter s features and Winter s voice, but.In.Full.Sunlight.And alive.He sat at asidewalk table at a coffee shop and opposite him, applying cream cheese to a French toast flavored bagel, was Father Ike. Winter? Leave him be, John, Father Ike said with a disapproving tut. He s one of God s creatures.Winter dropped me on the plastic surface of the tabletop. There we are.No harm done.Can I pour you some cream? He gestured to a cow-shaped cream pitcher sitting between Father Ike and himself. How? I meowed. It s rather easy. Winter picked up his coffee cup and set it to the side, then poured cream into the saucer. The milk comes out of the cow smouth. But you re in full sun and you aren t burning. That s rich. Winter winked at me. I m sitting here not bursting into flame.Most people don t, you know.Billions of people sit around every daynot bursting into flames. He reached out and skritched the fur under my chin.When he did, his spirit touched mine and I didn t breathe for threeseconds.His spirit felt like.Eric s does each time he plays and sings  Stardust.  But it s the talking cat who asks,  How do you do that?  hecontinued. That s rich.It really is. Maybe you shouldn t pet him, John. As much as Eric dislikes Winter, he likes Father Ike.Me, I find conversing with a soulless priest to bedisconcerting.The edges of where his soul was torn free gaped like wounds in the center of his aura.The bright white edges brought the missingcenter into sharp and unignorable contrast.At some point, he d sold his soul.for a noble cause, I m sure, but still. Why? Because he could eat me? C mon, Ike.That s exactly why I should pet him. His hands moved over my ears and he scratched behind theleft one.I leaned into it. Besides, I think he likes me.  You re wearing blue jeans. He was! He was wearing blue jeans normal ones and a decades-old Void City Music Festival T-shirt, white, withthe whole phrase  Welcome to the Void City Music Festival on the front.I peered over the edge to check his shoes.Crocs with socks! So you re not.Winter? I think that s a question better fit for a team of doctors, all with the word psycho in their title. He held out a hand. John Hawkes.Nice to meetyou. But. He wore glasses instead of contacts and behind them, his eyes were a startling shade of blue that Winter s colored contacts onlyapproximated.His blond hair seemed more golden brown in full sun, and his skin showed a light but noticeable tan. But. I held a paw in the airand he shook it lightly. Surprised? John released my hand. Winter is pretty upfront about Ebon Winter being a stage name. But you re human.Truly human.How? Again. He chuckled, and the laugh was the same as Winter s but warmer, a living thing that could snare a person.People tell me I have a greatlaugh, but I don t.Winter has a great laugh. Billions of people walk around being human.every day. What time did you say the movie started, John? Father Ike checked his watch. Eleven. Then we d best be going if we re going to finish our run and get cleaned up before we have to leave. Okay. John stood up and tucked a five-dollar bill under the edge of his coffee cup. You want to come? What s the movie? I asked dumbly. It s a funny western with James Garner.Which one is it again, Ike? Support Your Local Sheriff, he answered. One of my favorites. Wait.Wait. I trod in the saucer of cream by accident. You two have coffee here every morning? No. John shook his head. We usually have coffee at the rectory, but Winter insisted we come here today. Why? He said to stop the Mouser and shake its paw. John held out his hand to help Father Ike out of the white plastic chair in which he sat, but Ikewaved him away. And then? That s it.I ve given up arguing with him if his requests don t seem too unreasonable.Father Ike cleared his throat [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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