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.”Kyli took one look up and down his impressive physique, his dark skin, so smooth and perfect.Her eyes lingered on his short, curly hair, as black as the night.The thought of turning him gray almost made her laugh aloud again.With his gleaming dark eyes and pearly white teeth, Kylie knew she would age well before he began to show the effects of age upon his body.She couldn’t help but snort in amusement.“Yeah, right! I think a bit of healthy fear on your part would be a welcome addition to this budding relationship.”The hand that cupped her face started to stroke down her neck, it sent tiny shots of feeling to her breasts and pussy.She bit her lip to stop a moan from escaping.“You don’t need to try, baby,” he reassured her, “you keep me excited and entertained enough just by being with me.Whatever little surprise you’re cooking up can just wait until we return home.”Kyli laughed as the console started to beep at him.Swearing, Max returned his attention, and unfortunately for her, his hands, to the ship and the flickering switches as he prepared to land at Randor Major.Chapter TwelveRandor Major—the newly conquered City Main.“You tired of your hometown lifestyle already, my girl?”Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlKyli turned as she and Max finished paying the young-looking cadet to watch over their starship, to greet the large, crinkled brow of one of her most loved friends.“Sandar!” she cried out, rushing to hug the elderly man.He returned the embrace just as tightly.She grinned to think how they must look.Less than forty-eight hours had passed since they had seen each other last, yet when they had parted, they hadn’t been sure when they would next meet up.Seeing her again so soon was obviously a shock to the man, but a good one.“Sandar, this is a friend of mine, Max,” she started to introduce as she pulled away.“Got eyes, don’t I, girl? Nice to see you took my advice and found a decent man to fuck.You deserve it.”“Umm,” she felt her face heat slightly at her old friend’s blunt words.She didn’t mind her friend had been telling her for most of her last campaign to get herself laid, but she felt strange having him say so right here in front of Max and half the Port.Despite his earthy words, the men seemed to like each other on sight.Max took a step forward with a grin and his hand outstretched.He thankfully waited while Sandar looked him over approvingly and also reached out to shake the proffered hand.Kyli smiled and shook her head.She was used to the man’s rough, blunt ways, but it still came as a surprise when he voiced his earthy opinions in front of strangers, and even more of a surprise Max didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.In fact, he seemed rather approving of the old man and his thoughts.“What you bringing my girl back here for? Job’s over.Llelo stormed what remained of the old regime’s castles early yesterday morning, finished with them and their supporters.He’s been working on the cleaning up since then.We’ll all be right as rain in a few weeks and can all get back to business.”Kyli hugged the old man again, pleased everything had worked for him and their friends.“Do you know where Am’ah and Im’an Remington are?”The old man pushed his hat back and stared at her.She resisted the impulse to fidget.It seemed as if Sandar knew of the two Remington brothers and didn’t want her involved.“Am’ah and Im’an Remington,” he repeated carefully.Kyli looked him in his pale blue eyes and held her ground.Sandar had been her friend all these long months she had been working and consulting on her last job.They had spent so much time together they knew each other better than they would their own family.Sandar had become like a father, grandfather and overprotective brother to her, all rolled up into the one feisty, crusty old man.When he turned to Max, she winced, knowing what was to come [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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