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.Everyone’s attention was onNellie now.Everyone that is except Abel who had a sudden interest in reading his beer label.Gioalmost threw his balled up napkin at him so Abel could see that Gio knew what he was doing.Hewasn’t fooling anyone.But he had to remind himself they were all adults now and refrained.“It’s a Denali.” Nellie smiled.“Her divorce-is-final gift to herself,” Roni added with a big smile and a wink at Nellie.Now they had Abel’s attention.“That took a while didn’t it?” Gio said as he took a swig of his beer.“Yeah, it got a little messy.Court days kept getting rescheduled and what not.” Nellie shook herhead.“But finally it’s over and I couldn’t be happier.”“Time to move on.” Roni smiled.“And girl, as good as you look, you’re gonna enjoy yourfreedom.You better.”“Oh, I plan to.I’m already going on that weekend party cruise with the girls from work.”“I know,” Roni pouted.“If I wasn’t pregnant I would’ve gone with you.”Noah’s expression immediately soured.“No, you wouldn’t have.”Roni laughed and leaned into him.“I meant with you, silly.I’ve never been on one.It could’vebeen sort of a honeymoon.”“This was so last minute.Someone canceled and I took their place.But,” Nellie smiled liftingher eyebrow, “we can plan another time.You can still go if you’re pregnant.There’d still be lots todo or we could wait until after the baby is here.”“You know in all my years,” Jack spoke up, “I’ve never been on one of them damn cruiseseither.”Nellie turned to Jack her eyes even brighter.“We should plan a group thing.” She turned backto Roni.“If we all go after the baby is born, you can take the baby and we can all take turns watchingthe baby so you two can have fun, too.”Roni sat up with a very excited smile.“Oh my God, yes! That would be so fun!”“I’ll coordinate it.” Nellie shrugged.“It’s what I do for a living after all.Getting this togethershould be a breeze.” She turned back to the table at no one in particular.“When the time gets closerI’ll get with everyone to find out who’s in and we can decide what week is good for everyone.”Gio had glanced at Abel and was already smirking at his way too disinterested expressionwhen he caught the exchanged smiles between Felix and Bianca.It wiped the smirk clean off.Someone would have to stay home and run 5th Street while everyone was on vacation.Gio suddenlygot a good notion of who it would be—him and Abel.They finished dinner and said their goodbyes to everyone, congratulating Noah and Roni onceagain before they left.They dropped by Gio’s house so he could pick up a few things and say hello tohis mom and sisters before heading back up to Big Bear.Felix didn’t want to waste even a day oftraining, since this week he had a couple of gigs in Hollywood that would cut into his training time.Gio picked up a couple of jeans and a few more changes of underwear then grabbed what hereally wanted—his iPod and earbuds.He told Felix he wanted it for his runs but really he wascounting on it to keep his mind and eyes off Bianca on their drive back.The drive down had beenfairly painless for the most part.But he’d had to endure watching Felix run his hands up and down herthighs and even witness a few kisses.Not to mention hear Felix whisper things to her that made hergiggle softy.He’d listen to his iPod all the way back and pretend to sleep if he had to but he wasn’tgoing through two more hours of that crap.Almost as soon as they were back in the car, the whispering and giggling started.Gio put hisearbuds in, blasted it, and sat back in his seat with his eyes closed.The whole way he must’veopened his eyes no more than three times.The last time he opened them was at the very momentBianca kissed Felix and it had him slamming his fist into his seat.He squeezed his eyes shutimmediately not caring what they thought of his slamming fist.Maybe he was jamming to his music,maybe he was having a bad dream, but he wasn’t explaining shit.Gio’s phone buzzed in his pocket a couple of times on the way up but he dare not risk openinghis eyes to check it.It hadn’t seemed like a big deal to him before but he wondered now how he’dmake it through the next few weeks.What he felt for Bianca was beyond a doubt the most confusingthing he’d ever had to deal with.They were finally at the cabin.“Bed time,” Felix said, pointing at his watch.“We’re up bright and early tomorrow.”Gio agreed saying goodnight and headed to his room.Once there he checked his phone.He hada missed call from Noah but no voicemail and he had a text.The text was from Noah as well.I didn’t notice shit but please tell me what Roni and Nellie thought they picked up ontonight is not true.There’s nothing going on between you and… you know who.Right?Gio sat onto his bed lying down and texted him back.He should’ve known girls were more aptto pick up on shit like this and he didn’t even know what this was.So he responded the way he knewhe should [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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