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.htmlLogan was taking a bunch of them with him, and I guess Jess was going to meetup with them later.He took that girl and went off to find you.There wasanother group who wanted to go hunt down more of the Pilgrims and rescuetheir slaves.They were theones who were coming back for me with a doctor& I was going to go withthem, to remove implants, he said. I guess that s not going to happen now. I guess not, Calla whispered. I don t know what to tell you.Even if I hada way to get you out of here, I can t do anything about the implant.The two sat in silence for a while.Sarai watched over them, still holding thegun.Finally, the woman spoke, startling both of them. You aren t very good at keeping your voices down, she said. I heard whatyou said.I had no idea you were a slave, Devora.Or should I call you Calla? Devora, Calla said tightly.She squeezed her eyes closed, willing hersituation to change.She didn t think Sarai would intentionally harm her, butthe woman was weak.Eventually Calvin would find out, and then she d be caught. Devora, Sarai spoke softly, reassuringly. I know what it s like to beafraid.I ve been afraid my whole life, but I ve come to realize something.She set the gun down carefully on the table, then came across the room to sitwith them on the floor. I ve realized that I don t like living in fear, and I don t want my childrento live in fear any more, either, she continued. Until now, I never saw howI could change that.Isee now, though. What do you see? Calla asked dully.Jess was gone.They d each found achance at freedom in their own way, but they had no way to find each other.Itwas a big quadrant. I see that we don t have to stay here, Sarai replied.She looked moreanimated thanCalla had ever seen her. Those slaves revolted, and they left.We could haveour own little revolt. You want to kill Seth and Calvin? Calla asked, horrified. No, of course not, Sarai said. But we could leave them here.I listen toall of you talk; I know this ship is capable of flying without a pilot.All wehave to do is leave.Once we re gone we could send help for Seth and Calvin.But bythe time they re rescued we ll be long gone.Don t you see? This could beour only chance.We ll sell the ship and make new lives for ourselves! I can t do that to Seth, Calla said. He doesn t deserve to be treated thatway. I don t deserve to be treated this way, either, Sarai replied fervently. Neither do my children.Seth hasn t done anything to help us. Think about what she s saying, Missy, Bragan added, watching herclosely. Idon t know this Seth very well, but I do know that life isn t easy for a slaveon the run.If he ever finds out, he could return you to your master for areward, or even take you himself.You don t have any rights, you know.Calla could see their logic, but leaving Seth seemed so wrong.She loved him.Of course, he didn t love her, she reminded herself.When their contract wasup, she might never see him again.She d have enough money to get herself setup somewhere, but that wouldn t help Sarai and her children.Just the thoughtof leaving them with Calvin made her blood run cold. I ll have to think about it, she said finally. What about you, Bragan? Whatwould happen to you if we did it? You can just leave me here, he said earnestly. It won t change anything.I m stuck on this rock no matter what.While you re thinking, though, I wouldreally appreciate something to eat.Page 70 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Of course, Sarai said, startled into giving a out a little laugh.Shesounded happy, Calla realized.She d never heard Sarai sound happy before. I ll get you something.Calla sat thinking as Sarai fed the man.Maybe she should take the ship.Ifshe did, they could go somewhere and sell it.They d get enough to start over,and if they went far enough away, Seth would never find them.Calla had nodoubt his anger would be terrible.If she did do it, she didn t want to takeany chances he d find her& A whirring noise from the airlock caught herattention.The men were back.Sarai leapt away fromBragan, busying herself in the kitchen area. Think about it, Bragan softly, his eyes locking with hers.Then theairlock door opened, and Seth and Calvin walked were there.Seth s gaze flewto his prisoner, noting the gag had been removed. I told you not to talk to him, Seth said angrily to Calla. He s dangerous.Chapter 9Devora stared up at him with guilt written all over her lovely face.Why wasshe talking to Bragan? Sarai was scuttling around like a mad woman, refusingto look at any of them.The children were nowhere to be seen.Something wasdefinitely going on, Seth thought. Why were you talking to him? He repeated his question. Um, Devora said, casting her eyes about.Then she gestured toward a smallbowl of water and a rag. I was worried about him.He wasn t moving, so Idecided to clean off his face and make sure he was all right.When he woke uphe wanted some water.We I mean, I gave him a drink and some food.That s all.No one said anything, and silence fell over the room.Calvin glaredat her, then muttered,  Stupid women, before turning to pull offhis suit.A new stench that of vomit followed him.Seth tensed atCalvin s tone; he had long since realized the man was a fool as well as amenace, but he learned a great deal about the Pilgrims from him.In fact, he was pretty sure Calvin thought Seth was considering joining thecult.It was probably the only reason the man hadn t turned on him yet, Sethreasoned.As for Devora, he would keep a close eye on her.She seemed to be up tosomething, but he had no idea what interest she would have in Bragan.Maybeshe was just trying to help the man; he did look pathetic slumped there on thefloor. Well, don t talk to him any more, Seth finally said. I ll make sure he sfed from now on. What are you planning to do with him? Devora asked bluntly. We ll kill the bastard, Calvin blustered. He s a murderer, he deserves todie. Not so fast, Seth broke in quickly. Bragan, if you give us the informationwe re looking for we may spare you.Bragan s eyes grew wild at Seth s words.He tensed his entire body, then spatat Seth like a snake. I ll take that as a sign you don t want to talk right now, Seth said,sighing.Hismission had grown far more complex than he d ever anticipated.He d come tothe belt to collect information on a dangerous cult [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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