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. No, Set said, waving his hand in dismissal. Then how about handing over your wallet instead? The man pulled an objectfrom his coat and held it steady before Set, his tone clearly conveying a threat.Usually Set felt no fear of others, but in a mortal body, he figured he should besomewhat cautious even if he could strike this fat, smelly lowlife into oblivion with a59 Marianne LaCroixsimple wave of his hand.Set raised a brow and looked down at the man.What was thisone human life to him anyway? Many would die before his plans were through.The man began to sputter, clutching his chest as he fell to his knees, gasping for airto fill his lungs.A crowd formed around the fallen man but none moved to help.Noone seemed to feel anything beyond curiosity at watching a fellow human die beforetheir eyes.Grappling with his mortality, the would-be thief slumped to the dirty, gritty street,dying with no one to care.The man s life slipped away and they all just watched insilence.A man in some sort of uniform had broken through the crowd, pushing forward toget to the dead man.He stopped and stared, then crouched next to the man and felt fora pulse.Looking up at Set, he asked,  What happened here?Another person piped in. He just grabbed his chest and fell down dead.The uniformed man stood up, watching Set closely. Is that what happened, sir?Set cocked a brow and, pulling from his host s memories and mannerisms, saidwith a cool British air,  You heard him.The man just died before our eyes. The mandidn t need to know Set had helped the process along slightly.Once the man asked a few last questions, Set felt sure of his purpose.Humansdeserve to suffer.How could Horus love them so much, over him, his own brother? Theywere no better than animals wallowing in mud and slop, content to watch each otherdie.Set despised them all.Well, maybe one had better qualities than most.But then, she hadn t been entirelyhuman.* * * * *Hours later, Kat was no closer to finding the inventory list or any object remotelypossible of carrying Set s spirit.60 Lady ShebaGiving up for the night, she left Seth s office.Set must ve hidden the object.But where?Duh! At Seth s apartment, of course.But how could she go back there after slamming a lamp over his head? Yet sheknew Set gained power with each passing hour, and her time was growing short.Shehad to find that object fast, before Set attacked the city again.She needed to help Sethregain his soul for his own sake.And hers.As she exited the museum, cars sped along Fifth Avenue as usual.Stepping outonto the sidewalk, Kat contemplated her next move.Suddenly, loud crashes exploded around her, rumbling with the sound ofcrunching metal.The smell of blood pierced her nostrils.She tasted the tangy sweetnessin her mouth.Glancing about, she could see several cars piled up at the corner.No, notjust one accident more cars had crashed at another intersection.And another.She sawthe reason why immediately.All the lights were green.By the grace of Bast, Set had struck again.He was controlling the city s traffic lights!Kat slipped down an alley and transformed into a white Bengal tiger, needing theextra strength and power to confront Set.Although she knew force would never defeathim, it would at least help her somewhat against a physical attack.Several bums,hookers and winos just stared as she padded down the alleyways, probably thinkingshe was an alcohol-induced hallucination.If they only knew the truth.She had to find Set.Sniffing the air as she padded through the back alleys of thecity, she tried to sense his presence over the stench of the streets.Where would Set have a nice view of havoc in the streets?Could be anywhere.Then a faint essence of Seth reached her nostrils his unique masculine scent thatshe recognized immediately.She followed the tantalizing scent as it led her to the heart of the city Central Park.61 Marianne LaCroixShe loped over to the park, scanning the area for any sign of Seth.Moments later,she caught his fragrance again, stronger this time.Why did he have to be so damn alluring?Images of her surrender to him only hours before flooded her mind as she followed thescent.Smelling him, filling her senses, only made her want him again.The few timesthey d mated would never be enough.Now that she had experienced pleasure in hisarms, she wanted more.Much more.She approached him as he sat comfortably on a park bench watching the hysteria inthe streets. I knew you would show up sooner or later, he said without looking at her.Well, at least I didn t disappoint.She stood in front of him in her large feline form.Heralabaster coat glowed against the dark contrast of her chocolate stripes.You must stophurting the people of this city.He gazed at her, red eyes glowing in the evening darkness, and smiled. Whatwould you do to stop me?Everything within my power.It was difficult to threaten him, smelling and looking like he did.He was sexpersonified.Her tongue licked her furry lips at the thought of him between her legs,yielding his power to her with the shift of her hips.Sex was her weapon, just like the night before.That was the key to diverting Set spowers.She could work on Seth s attraction in an effort to thwart Set s plans.It was herbest bet until she could entrap him once again. It won t work, Katina.I will not allow the human s feelings to get in the way of mywork.The moments shared with him earlier will never reoccur. His voice didn t soundconvincing.Oh? Stepping closer, she rubbed her body against his legs.She heard a quick intakeof breath as his hands rested upon her thick fur, lightly stroking its downy softness.Placing her paws on his lap, she shifted into her human form, now wearing her familiar62 Lady Shebacatsuit. Seth, she whispered, running her hands along his strong thighs.On her knees,she leaned closer and nuzzled the now-enlarging bulge in his pants with her mouth.His hands grasped her head, holding her steady as she teased the sensitive fleshwith her mouth through the fabric of his pants.He moaned when she playfully nippedat his erection [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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